if you had a special gadget that could mute someone, who would you use it on?

mute - remote control mute
@voldrox (7191)
July 3, 2009 5:51pm CST
if from somewhere you get a small remote control with only one button on it, the mute button and it works on people! Then who would be the first person you would really want to use it on?
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6 responses
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
3 Jul 09
well let me see I guess it would have to be my mom or my aunt both of them are nagger so most probably it would be better to have at least mute them in that way peace would have a space in my life
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
haha mute mute mute there you just got muted your drums in your avatar is just noisy too lol kidding my friend...no problem
@voldrox (7191)
• India
4 Jul 09
@voldrox (7191)
• India
4 Jul 09
men hate nagging, it can get so annoying... boy you definitely need that mute control... just be careful with that thanks for the response.
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
Wohooo, this one i like. How I wish this would be true. We have a neighbor as in the apartment is really very near like less than five meters from the side of the house. Now this neighbor is so annoying and so irritating to the max coz everyday as in daily she is at her worst. She nags, she gets angry, she shouts, she scolds, she bangs pots and pans, she bangs the door and she quarrels with the next door neighbor. We are immune to her daily habits but really she needs to shut up especially in the early morning, you don't need an alarm clock really and every night when you feel really sleepy you just can't sleep. Once I SHOUTED shut up and it was quiet.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
4 Jul 09
oh man! you sure do have some neighbourhood there!... m sure you really need the gadget... probably a more polite way to keep it down thanks for sharing your views
@OConnell87 (1042)
3 Jul 09
i think i would mute my dog when he starts to bark when i'm trying to watch tv and hes just seen a cat or another dog walk past the drive
@voldrox (7191)
• India
4 Jul 09
pets can be very troubling when they disturb you when watching tv! thanks for the response.
• India
4 Jul 09
Wow.That is a great thought.It would be so nice if scientists did come up with such an invention.But the funny part then would be that each one would try and mute someone else and soon the entire world might become mute!But if you were to ask me then I would use this special gadget on one particular salesman who comes with his products and travels by the train I catch to office everydy.He justs shouts at the top of his voice and tries to sell his wares to people.He is just doing his job but it is very irritating to many of us travellers.I would like to mute him with this gadget!
@voldrox (7191)
• India
4 Jul 09
haha... yeah some salespersons are so annoying sometimes, you just wish he/she couldn't come up to you to start the bla bla... thanks for sharing your views
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
3 Jul 09
I'd use it on Katie Price, aka Jordan. She has a dreadful voice anyway, and I'm fed up of hearing her complain about how the break up of her marriage has upset her - while going on the lash in Ibiza, leaving her kids at home. This woman has delusions of adequacy.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
4 Jul 09
oh..hmm sometimes it really gets weird when someone keeps complaining about their lives. thanks for the response.
@AAnshu (115)
4 Jul 09
I think i'll use it on my sister who just can't keep quite. She is always making some noise. Either singing or talking or screaming or humming but never stops, like a radio forgoton to be turned off. Along with her lips moves her busy hand and legs, here and there picking up things, throwing them around. A little busy body. But sisters will be sisters.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
4 Jul 09
haha.. your sister probably doesn't realize that she is disturbing you... m sure you both love each other thanks for sharing your views