learning another language....
By HelScream
@HelScream (2822)
July 3, 2009 8:01pm CST
how many language can you speak and was it easy to learn a new language aside from your own.... what are the simple steps to learn to speak another language is it get familiarize with the meaning of each word or make a sentence then memorize it.... I am only self studying now and try to learn another language what would be your advice to me....thanks in advance.
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17 responses
@mylesnarvaez (5450)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
it's difficult to learn a foreign language without a guide and it's easier if you really have an interest in it. hehe what language are you studying?
aside from the usual mother tongue, the obvious english and the helpful cebuano... i had a crash course in spanish and korean a looong time ago. spanish coz i just fancy it; korean because it was quite handy when i was teaching english to korean students back in university days. i haven't brushed up with these two for quite some time though but i still have my notes. and i can still remember a handful of words and phrases whenever i encounter them. it was exciting to be able to speak a little korean when i actually made a visit there and speak in a conference attended by 90% korean.
i'm also self-studying (little by very little) bahasa indonesia (indonesian language) because of my trips in indonesia before and i lived there for 5 months.
when i started learning bahasa, i started with basic everyday words to help me get by, then the basic questions when i go out, then about numbers, food, money, days and directions. i started with the words and phrases that are useful for me (those that i will actually use). i have a dictionary on hand and i wrote down whatever i learn for the day. i practice it with another local person just to see if i will be understood and that my pronunciation is comprehensible. whenever i go to indonesia, i made use of whatever i learn. that way i remember better.
it's pretty handy to know the local language of the foreign land you visit. the local people appreciate the effort and they warm to you because of it. in some areas i've been to where the local people don't speak any english at all... learning a handful bahasa was the best thing i did to get my work done there.
learning another language is very exciting. especially if you have a thirst for knowledge and a passion to learn different cultures and eagerness to travel and meet people. i hope you're having lots of fun learning...

@mylesnarvaez (5450)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
i love to learn french or at least another european language (perhaps italian) in preparation of a european tour in the future. but not yet a priority for now since it may not happen by next year.
yes, bahasa indonesia can be useful not only in indonesia but also in malaysia and some parts of singapore. some words are quite similar actually.
hmmnn more and more i'm thinking we could really be friends. 

@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
well for now I am into learning Bengla and we are already friend myles one of this daya who knows our roads will cross while we travel
By the way why do you travel a lot is that part of your job or just for pleasure 

@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
I know a little in spanish and korean as well but I am learning french or bengla now well so far I have friends there in that country thats why I am interested to learn there language and some Indonesian language would be good I think you and I have almost the same interest my friend and yes I am too eager to learn almost all the language but for now I want to focus one language each year that I could also use as well coz it would still be no use learning them if you wont be able to use them... Like last year I was learning Japanese then I just forget about it coz I have not practiced it daily.

@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
4 Jul 09
I can speak a little Spanish besides English...but what I found helped me out the most, was to learn the vowels FIRST! Once you do that, then the consonants become relatively easy.
That's what I do when I want to learn another language. Why not give that a try and see how you make out?
Good luck my friend.

@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
I will try that one and see how it works learning it by alone could be hard but with the help of a native speaker would be very much easier task I am glad I have a friend who can speak one but still need to learn it by myself for now my friend... thanks for the advice.

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@soulgurl (153)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 09
Hi there HelScream, I speak 3 languages that would be English, Bahasa Melayu and Hokkien. English would be my main language, Bahasa Melayu my national language and Hokkien is my mother tongue. I am currently learning Mandarin and its a whole new world of language for me. I find that the best way to learn a language is to get a good book which comes with an audio guide as well. And from where I come, there are many mandarin dramas and music to help me really get into the language and of course having buddies that speak the language is a great way to learn as well. Good Luck in learning Bengla!
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
Oh thanks my friend I have a friend who could teach me just that and for the reference I just search it on net and at night i let my friend practice bengla with me just to get familiarize with the words then he would teach me the simple words then I construct them into sentence ...wew this one is hard lol well practice , patience and more practice lol thats what I need for now...

@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
4 Jul 09
I speak two languages, one is Cambodian(khmer) and one is English. Im learning Spanish as well, but only a little with speak. I could understand spanish about 50%
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
hmmm I dont know any Cambodian words well i find Spanish a little easy for me to understand since some of our words are Spanish as well...

@aikhong (661)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 09
Hi, i'm from Malaysia and i actually know and can speak five languages. Three of the basic languages we learn since young are chinese, malay and english. The other two are Hokkien and Cantonese. Hokkien is the dialect i learn from my parents and grandparents, whereas Cantonese is learnt from drama and movies in television shows. Indeed, i have to agree that learning a new language is not easy, especially the language is completely new to me. Take Japanese or French as example. I can only hardly remember a few words of it. Perhaps, the way to learn a new language would be just that three things: read more, listen, apply more. These are jsut my piece of thought. Have a nice day, and happy learning!

@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
5 Jul 09
our country have lots of languages and I know how to speak some of them but for now I want to focus on learning new language and for now I am doing it everyday
patience and practice lol I hope I wont give up on this one 

@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
thanks my friend yes a lot of things needed like what you say I need those channels or any thing that could actually help me with this language that I am learning.

@lrglara (1334)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
i can only speak 2 languages. Tagalog and English. That's it!
studying another language is easy if you are really willing to learn. unfortunately, most of us wants to learn another language but fail to practice it. in the end, we will forget all that we have learned. Just keep practicing.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
aside from Tagalog and English I can speak Cebuano as well but I am very much eager to learning bangla and would like to be very fluent in it one of this days not like the other languages that I have learned that i didnt even bother continue ....practice practice
@footprints55 (254)
• India
4 Jul 09
Well I was always fascinated by languages. I speak two languages fluently and two I can manage to converse. I've always had the desire to learn different languages. I think the best way to learn a language is to converse with a person who knows that language.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
same here I always crave to speak at least 4 different languages fluently aside from the 3 languages that I already know by heart. but it seems too hard specially if you dont have anyone to converse it with frequently.
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
Hi, i speak english and the Filipino because these are the two official languages of the Philippines. but i speak the local dialect more the cebuano and I can understand some other local visayan dialects as well.
back in college, I studied spanish because it was required. well, i passed the subject but I can't speak it really. I can only understand some words and phrases. then i studied french for 1 semester but I don't know how to really converse except that i can sing the french national anthem until now.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
same goes for me my friend I also speak our local dialect which is Cebuano can speak Tagalog and English as well and a little bit of everything but cant actually speak them that much....like Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian , Spanish , bengla well as you can see I have lots of friends all over thats why they have teaches me how to speak there language but for now I would like to focus on bengla and hopefully I would be able to learn the language by heart....
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
4 Jul 09
why not start with learning the pronunciation of that particular language you want to learn. Knowing the pronunciation of it would be the good start. Then you can get the dictionary of that language, and start to learn from the vocabularies. Listening to that language from television, and radio, to get familiarize with it.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
Well yes my friend that is what I am doing now and it is quite easy for me in a way coz its not that difficult to pronounce thats why I am to my next step which is the listening got to search some stuff regarding that thanks for the advice my friend.
@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Hey hey what's up mister!
Learning another language huh? Cool! Good for you! Hmmm... I know 2 languages. Though I'm not fluent in tagalog, I think I can try to carry a conversation. I can't read it though. =/
Though I know a little bit of spanish, I wouldn't claim to know it. I can carry a conversation in spanish too - as long as it's not using any complicated words and both parties are speaking slowly and clearly. Hehehehehe....
My advice: immerse yourself in it. Listen to songs, watch movies/tv, etc. - in that language. Get used to hearing it -so when you say the words, you'll be able to say them correctly. Another one is USE it - practice, practice, practice.
Last piece of advice - have fun! I think I lost the "fun factor" when I was learning spanish. So I abandoned it in college. I wish I stayed though. It would be really cool to be multi-lingual. Maybe I'll pick it up again - who knows. =)
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
hmmm where do you learn tagalog my friend? I can understand a little of Spanish as
well but not fluent in it but a little easy compared to learning french I guess. yes that is what I am doing as of now and got me a friend as well who could actually teach me how to speak online but I really love learning it alone then talk to my friend when I already know a bit of the language. Yeah you should continue too my friend...

@AndrewBoi (369)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
Wow! this is a difficult task. I love to learn another language, but I think this is hard for me. Maybe if I would put my heart to it, I can learn and speak another language properly. Just put your heart to it by studying hard and practicing. Enjoy talking to people who can spaek other languages. They can help you learn. And be patient.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
patients is a virtue they say and yes this is so hard but would be easier for me since a friend of mine from online is willing to help me out at least spend 1 hour each day for this one
practice , practice and more I am very patient I just dont know if my friend is patient on teach me lol 

@mreducator (93)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
The best way for you to study a language is to immerse yourself into it. Books won't help much, except in learning the alphabets (if it has another alphabet use besides latin). Audio clips are the most helpful, as it can help you study the pronunciation. I am using Pimsleur right now, and it helped me a lot. Pimsleur is an audio trainer, albeit its quite expensive.
My native language is Filipino. I am fluent in English, as I have been learning it since Childhood. I am learning Chinese and Japanese right now. Between the two, Chinese is easier, because each character is pronounced only using one word. For example, the chinese character ? means person, and it is only pronounced as "ren" in mandarin. In japanese, however, that same character may be pronounced as "hito", "jin", and many other pronunciation. But pronunciation wise, Japanese is easier, as it does not use any tone, unlike Mandarin which has four, or Cantonese which has nine. Saying "ma" in chinese could mean you're asking a question, you're calling your mom, or you mean a horse. It really depends on the tone.
If your native language is English, German would be easy for you, then Spanish. Spanish shares some mutual intelligibility with Portuguese. It's all about interconnections.
Of course learning a new language takes time.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
yes my friend I too know a bit of japanese and mandarin before the thing is if you dont do to much practice of it , it will eventually be forgotten,,, I have lots of books here on Japanese Chinese Korean language as well as Spanish but I am more into learning Bangla now or Indonesian since I have lots of friends in that country and one of this days I will want to visit them in there place.
It takes time I know but learning each day would be worth my while.

@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
well that my fiend is a good asset and you can only focus on one thing ...but just cant help the crave I have on learning other language beside my own...

@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
5 Jul 09
i of course know english and a smattering of french but i would like to learn more french to become fluent. i would also like to learn spanish and maybe yiddish. i tried to learn mandarin but had no one to practice on. my back ground is hungarian but it seems to be a very difficult language.
@baldypriest (337)
• United States
5 Jul 09
Learning a new language is hard and only that much more difficult when you're self-teaching it. I started in Spanish when I was in third grade, so I got a grasp for languages pretty early. I worked my way through that as well as some French, German, Chinese, and three years of Japanese. All you can do is start out with the basics, in the most introductory levels. Repetition and usage are key. Even with Japanese, I drill myself during summer and winter breaks. I slack a bit sometimes, but I try to study, or else I'll lose some of my vocabulary and grammar skills. I make lists of kanji with furigana and English translations to keep myself learning and remembering things in Japanese. I occasionally check Japanese books out of the library just for extra practice.
What language are you trying to learn right now?
@kyle_xy (10)
• Philippines
5 Jul 09
Hi! I know 5 different types of languages. English,Tagalog,Cebuano,Japanese (a little
) and Chinese (a little only). Their are lots of ways so you can learn to speak any language you wish to learn. Based on my own experience, it is more fast if you have a foreign friend who knows a little of your language. Normal conversation will do. Other ways like, search via internet. Intonation and pronunciation is also very important. You can also buy a book with corresponding cd/dvd, do some self study. Lastly, you can enroll at any institution of offers those language that you want to learn. In that way somebody can thoroughly teach and guide you on the course of learning that language. Good Luck!!!