Would u be poor and beautiful or rich and ugly?

@AAnshu (115)
July 4, 2009 12:21am CST
Research was done in this question and the result was more than 60% on rich and ugly. I was thinking what the result would be in mylot. So what do u think. Would u be poor but beautiful or ugly but rich? Handsome for boys. *_*
5 responses
• India
4 Jul 09
I have an different opinion. I would like to be rich and handsome. Both. How about that?
• India
6 Jul 09
Who said? There are lots of people who are fortunate enough to have it.
@AAnshu (115)
6 Jul 09
NO no no u don't understand. Of course there are rich and beautiful as well as poor and ugly ones. But this is the choosing one. People are trying to see what decision u would make in this condition. Will u go for money or for beauty? Suppose the god gives u to choose one of them. You know when wishes are given to u u need to make one sacrifice for another? Similar like. SO what would u choose? *_*
@AAnshu (115)
6 Jul 09
u can't have ladoos on both u hands.*_*
4 Jul 09
it would be rich and ugly for me because if i had been a poor then i would not have gotten such attention nobody would have cared about me. in our country u can see that poor people are not given any importance they are left to die somewhere... who cares about their beauty... no one gives a damn... if a rich guy sees a beautiful poor girl then he would sure admire her beauty but wont give her his love... after all thats the rich who wins everything and in every field... only some poor beauties get lucky and might get a rich family in law.. but not every one.. i know that poor have the power of mass but these mass are swept away by the power of money so its rich.. so in this era i would surely like to be a rich but ugly.. but later if there is right for the poor ones made then i surely will change my decision!!!...lolzz.. i only chose rich and ugly because of the current state of the country...
@AAnshu (115)
6 Jul 09
I know what u mean. It is really sad that poor people are ignored just because they are poor and rich people are given much attention just because they are rich. People should be treated for how they are as a person. When it comes to middle group u have to be beautiful or ull be ignored very badly.
@babs6219 (153)
• United States
4 Jul 09
I would rather be ugly and rich. Because when you are rich, you can afford the best clothing, makeup, vitamins, weightloss plans, etc. And not to mention...PLASTIC SURGERY! Just because you start out ugly, doesn't mean you'll end up that way. But if you're poor, it's very hard to become rich. What does everyone else think?
@AAnshu (115)
4 Jul 09
Well what others think will be known but let me tell u that i am with u. This is exactly what i think too. Being rich and ugly is no more different than being rich and beautiful. But beauty does not bring u money. When i was asked this by my friend I gave the same logic as yours.
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
I would rather be rich and ugly.with money,I can do anything to be beautiful.I can opt for plastic surgery,shop for nice designer clothes,and go to spa everyday for relaxation.with money,being pretty is really possible.I would rather have lots of money than die from hunger or deprivation,even if I'm pretty.
@AAnshu (115)
4 Jul 09
I am with u. *_-
@shnsun (196)
4 Jul 09
I have a way to be handsome and rich. First i would prefer to be handsome and poor. And then i will marry to a girl with lots of money. Then i can share her's money and i can be rich. Any girls would marry handsome boy like me...lol
@AAnshu (115)
4 Jul 09
Hmmmmmm.... not a bad idea. People do fall for the looks. And when i was commenting on babs6219's response i thought beauty cannot bring money like money can bring beauty. But if u are the beauty with the brains then, well, anything can happen.*_*