Can India be rank 1 in the coming few years? ( cricket)

July 4, 2009 7:13am CST
I believe that Indians are in great form and are winning series in a row. They have not lost a series since a long time (except the world cup). Whats your say?
5 responses
• India
11 Jul 09
nothing is imposible... if our indians work hard to will the fourth coming serieses it is possible for us to climb to the number one spot..
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@sajujohn (1005)
• India
4 Jul 09
Definitely this Indian Team can do miracles.This team is a good mixture of senior and junior players and the most of all they are lead by a powerful and hopeful captain Dhoni.Surely I can say this Indian team is the best and would be in number 1 position with in a few weeks....
• India
4 Jul 09
By winning this series by 3-1 they can have a good chance.
@gvaisakh (421)
• India
4 Jul 09
Hi to all......... Definitely India can become the number one team in the world......... I am expecting them to reach that 'numero uno'(No.1) position by the end of 2011........ HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY MYLOTTING!!!!!!!!!!
• India
4 Jul 09
I hope so, by winning the cup they can be the number 1
@panjababu (226)
• India
15 Aug 09
yes,india can.
@panjababu (226)
• India
13 Aug 09
i think that india can be rank 1 in a few years as they are winning series of matches in a row.