a public market experience
By ckyera
@ckyera (17331)
July 5, 2009 9:45am CST
i am a full time housewife and is responsible in most house hold chores...i do the budgeting at home, paying bills, cleaning the house, cooking, laundry and all...and one of my responsibility is buying our necessary needs for the whole week...like the grocery supplies and of course our foods supply.
most of the time i buy our foods in a public market, because it is just near in my place...just 1 ride. everything that i need is there, prices are lower than that in the supermarket and you can still ask for a discount for it...what i just don't like is that, public markets usually are dirty, specially when it rains...there are mud in the way specially on the fish section...and sometimes smell is not so good, its very noisy and there are also some vendors who cheats by using an inaccurate scale...
and even if its cheaper there than in supermarket, there's still some items that are expensive like the grocery items and so i just buy grocery items in the supermarket...
shopping in the public market is quite difficult for first timers for you may get lost specially if the market is big and might not enjoy the noise and smell, but for me that's used to doing it, i enjoy shopping there...just sometimes i get really tired and when i go home i also smells like the market! hehehe
how about you? have you experienced buying in a public market? how was it?
or do you always buy your stuffs in the supermarket?
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18 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
6 Jul 09
When i was a kid, my mom will always pull me to the wet market with her on weekends, so that i'm able to help her carry some stuffs.. lol =D I dun quite like that place either because it's smelly, dirty and wet.. hehe ^_^ Maybe due to my age at the time, i find them very fierce instead as they are always shouting to atttract customers, like some kind of price war.. lol =D
BUt as i grow older, i no longer go to such markets, only occasionally.. BUt my mom stil goes there and not super market because things there are not as fresh as public market ^_^

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
7 Jul 09
lol =D Maybe it's up til my generation before those public wet markets started disappearing with supermarkets coming in to replace them.. hehe ^_^
Well, actually wet market is a nice and fun place to be it, if one knows how to appreciate the joy of being in it.. hehe ^_^ If one wants the frshest and cheapest fish or veg, they can always be at the market by 5am or even earlier.. haha =D Because that's the time whereby all their supplies came in, and that one can buy directly from suppliers instead.. haha =D That's one thing whereby one can never do it in the supermart. hehe ^_^

@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
7 Jul 09
yes its true...that time is the best time to get great deals on public markets and this is one thing that public market have and supermarket don't have...
but that time is too early for me, and so i just go to the market at noon...about 4 in the afternoon...in our place there's also plenty of fresh fishes and meat at that time...coz some fisherman delivers their fishes at that time and there's also fresh veggies...

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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
haha...now i know, someone understands the market i am describing above! hehehe
you are right and those are also the things that i observed in the market and hate it sometimes! but i still go there coz i can get better buys there...and as what you have said, there's always a price war! and from that we can get the bigger discount! hehehe its like a bidding!
well you are also right that some stuffs are really fresher on public market than those of the supermarket...coz usually especially the veggies are coming straight from the farm or i mean they sell their veggies on the same day that they harvest it...

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@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
5 Jul 09
I used to go to the market all the time, but that's when i lived i other countries (I lived in 6 countries all together) In most countries market is the only way you can get good quality food for a good price. there would usually be a few markets around the city, a few small once and one huge in the center of the city. i'd go to the closest to where i lived to get most things, sometimes i'd have to go to the market in the centre to get certain things. small markets are very easy to shop at, it's usually just about 20-30 people selling there, so it wasn't bad at all. Now i live in new york, no markets here :( have to go to health food stores to buy good veggies and fruits.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
5 Jul 09
wow...you have lived in 6 countries? great!
ah i see, but where you buy your fish and meats there in New York?
here in my place aside from that big public market i am talking about, there is also some small markets here like what you said , it just have about 20 or lower stalls...but i don't usually buy there coz there's a limited choice...
thanks for sharing...

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@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
5 Jul 09
I don't eat meat and fish, i'm vegan, but i do buy it for my cats. I usually go to a supper market to get those. there is one not to far from my house that sells organic meat and wild fish, they work for me. i don't need mch of it, so i don't worry about prise so much. $15 worth of meat and fish provide my 3 cats with enough food of almost 2 weeks...
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@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
5 Jul 09
I prefer to go on supermarket rather than public market. One reason is that supermarket is nearest to our home. Another thing is that supermarket was already in the mall so its more convenient for me and my daughter was also enjoying when we go to supermarket at the same time enjoying while malling. Plus the fact that its aircon there unlike in the public market so much heat and sometimes its dirty especially when it is raining. But ofcourse sometimes i also go to public market its nice because you can get discounts and thats one thing that i like in public market. Anyway, keep on mylotting I hope i can make sense here 

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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
5 Jul 09
hi kmaram...
well we live in the same country and i understand you coz i also feel that way sometimes...i also like going in supermarkets because its more relaxed and comfortable there...and yes if you have a kid you can go malling at the same time...
and kids really enjoys it coz there's a lot of things and stuffs that they can see there...
one thing i don't like in supermarket is that, when you buy veggies, you can't buy in small amount...all are in its fixed price and weights...unlike in public markets, we can buy a 5 peso worth of squash if we just need a small part...hehehe
thanks for sharing...of course you make sense...i am not just sure if i do? hehehe
good evening!

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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
Yes, I use to go to market for daily consumption of kitchen stocks.
Everyday we buy fresh fish, fruits, and vegetables, only once or twice in a month for meat such as beef and chicken.
Some of our needs are bought in groceries few steps from the public market.
Here our public market everybody observe cleanliness but due to mix smell of various foods and things, there is still foul experience you could find.
Especially in the meat and fish area, ooows smell like out of nowhere.
But it's a great advantage to buy things here in our public market 'coz almost all is fresh.
Also the benefit of saving cost, generally prices here are comparably lower than retailer in other outlet as in some groceries and cold stores.

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@Mermaid016 (31)
• United States
5 Jul 09
I do not know which state you live in but in my state there are a couple of international markets (one is chinese owned and the other one is mexican owned)...both of those markets are extremely clean because of strict hygiene regulations and I often go there because not only the food is fresh and appealing the prices are way cheaper than going to your local grocery store...I usually make it a monthly trip and store a lot of things in the freezer... In this economy every penny counts!
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
yes...in this time, every penny really counts!
well i am from the Philippines and sad to say that there are still some markets here like what i described above...
monthly/ isn't it difficult to store foods in the freezer for such a time? me i do my marketing once a week and ye i also store foods on the freezer...
how about veggies? you also buy them in monthly basis?
thanks for sharing...
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
7 Jul 09
ah..okay! i see.
veggies can really preserved its freshness by proper storage...
did you cover your veggies with a paper before storing on fridge? i saw some who cover their veggies with a newspaper before putting it on fridge but i think its not good because of the ink use on newspaper might transfer to the veggies and might contaminate it, and harm us...
@Mermaid016 (31)
• United States
6 Jul 09
No I buy veggies every other week,,,I store them in the refrigerator and they stay fresh longer.

@tonythetigerx (13)
• Puerto Rico
6 Jul 09
My wife and I we always go to the supermarket together so we can check prices together and pick between different products, public market is good for buying fresh fruits and vegetables
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
wow! that's nice that you accompany your wife in going to supermarket! i miss my husband doing that...he's busy now that's why i just go alone in the market...
i think its nice and healthy that husbands help their wives in buying stuffs so that they will also know how the money was spent and how much really is the cost of everything that we're using in the house...
thanks for sharing!

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@vijayanths (7877)
• India
5 Jul 09
We buy all the goods from super market. It is convenient to inspect, study and buy things at reasonable rates.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
hi yugasini!
well i don't usually go to market when its raining to avoid those mud and hassles...but there are times that we can't really avoid it, like when we are already in the market before it rains...
and usually on the fish section, even if its not raining there's still some mud on the way...because of the water that came from the fish containers...

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@timelord50 (170)
• United States
5 Jul 09
Supermarkets are best option for me. Generally Air conditioned, cleaner and prices are much better than any open air markets and you can usually be sure the food is safer than what you find in open air markets.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
hi timelord!
yes i agree that it is more convenient and comfortable buying in supermarkets but in public markets we can still find fresh meats, fish and veggies...and meats are being inspected by the bureau before selling it to market...
and what i just don't really like in supermarket is that i can't buy in smaller quantity, unlike in public markets...
thanks for sharing...

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
10 Jul 09
Hi ckyera,
I have the experience or public market. Its really a fun. I go on bargaining and bargaining. And interestingly I derive pleasure from this. Now what is important is that you really get upper hand on such market and it is true.

@songfu (37)
• China
6 Jul 09
There are a public market and a big supermarket near my home. haha. i'd like to buy vegetables in public market.Because the vegetables there is very fresh and the most are planted by the sellers. They are green foods. i prefer to supermarket when i need oil,salt,sauce and vinegar. I think they are better in the supermarket.
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@simonelee (2715)
• China
31 Jul 09
I rather go to grocery stores than in market.lol I just don't like the odor and the place, it is so slippery and really hate when dirty water stick to my pants or shoes. And I do't know how to ask for a discount and sometimes they over price me. Oh, and I was not also allowed to go to market alone.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
hehehe...to some markets overpricing and inaccurate scales are quite common! hehehe that's why you need to be alert...well i am also not good in asking for discount, but good thing is that if you are already their regular customer, then sometimes they give discount even if you don't ask...
i also don't like all the dirt and odor there...but i have no choice but to go there or else...we will be hungry! hehehe
and may i ask why you are not allowed to go there alone?
@simonelee (2715)
• China
31 Jul 09
wherever I go I always get in to trouble, I don't know why. Sometimes i love to go out alone but i have to be home before dark....

@nehaagra (848)
• Singapore
29 Jul 09
I am in the same situation as you, a housewife, doing all the house hold chores, and browsing in my free time...
In our place, there are WET markets, for fresh fruits, veggies, and non veg stuff(which we don't eat, so not much idea). They open early in the morning and close by 12 or 1 o'clock.., and have about 10 - 15 shops...I do go and shop there, as some veggies, and fruits are available there only and not in supermarkets, though these wet markets are a bit expensive only, than the supermarket. But its fine, as we get all the stuff and variety at one place.
. For rest all stuff, i go to the supermarket only..
But yep it do gets messy at times, and i feel like running out fast, due to the smell, and all the water from everywhere...

@crippledcrossface (53)
• United States
11 Jul 09
im not used to go to the public market/wet market. But i do sometimes just to get some stuff like fruits or watever. but there's this one day that i was with my cuzin and my aunt and we went there about 8 in the morning to get some fresh fish and fresh meats. Omg, i went to that wet market place and they're freakin taking their time to go look around..it smells like ugh! i dont even know how to explain it but the smell is terrible, i haven't had breakfast that time,it's too hot inside of the meat place,wet stuff evrywhere,and i saw this one lady how they scrape the fish's scale and the scales flew and stick on my arms....eeeeeew!!!! now they keep on walking around with their baskets...and then suddenly i felt nausated... Omg! not in this place. not in the wet stuff or in meat side or even the fishy smelly side....i felt dizzy afterwards and i told my cuzin i couldn't help it anymore that i need to get some fresh air.... i went out and whew.good thing i didnt passed out thats going to be so embarrasing. From that experienced I never went back to that wet market place...Its so embarrasing. hahahah
@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
25 Jul 09

@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
15 Jul 09
When I was young I used to go with my mother when she goes to the market. Well at the time there was no supermarket that are as great with what we have now. So the best option would be to go to the market and buy. But now, there are a lot of supermarkets in our area. Its much cleaner and usually you have different choices. When my wife buys for some groceries, she goes directly to the supermarket rather than in the market.

@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
20 Jul 09
Hi there,
This is a fact that for some it is really difficult to be at home with public market. But to be frank I love to be there. Its fantastic.
@haiershen (1080)
• China
2 Sep 09
yes, as same as you said that the public maket is dirty and noisy and some vendors who cheats by using an inaccurate scale,but no dobut the public fruits and vergetable more fresh than supermaket, so when the weekend coming we will go to the public maket in the morning to grab some for the follow days, but on the working days, we sometimes go to the supermaket to buy some, because it is very convenient and no need to spend more times.though the price is expensive and the meet or vegetable isn't very fresh,so that there are both important for me.good luck and have a nice day!