deleting discussions

@eliezl (610)
July 7, 2009 12:00am CST
this juz came up to me suddenly.. while reading some of my posts..i realized there are some that i want to delete...these are posts that i dont like at all.. is there some way to delete it or once we post it its there forever? how about deleting replies or comments? its not possible right?
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1 response
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
7 Jul 09
Unfortunately, you can't delete any of your posts or discussions. The only ones that can do that is the admin. It would be nice if we could delete our own, but we can't.There are some posts that I wish I could have deleted too, but I can't. It seems they will be there until the admin decides to delete them or they will be there permanently. I have posted to discussions that I shouldn't have posted to, as I was trying to help new members and the discussions were deleted because of violations of the TOS. I knew it would be deleted, but I was trying to help the new member and let them know that they were in violation of the TOS. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@eliezl (610)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
thanks for the comment rosekiss.. i already contacted the admin.i was lucky because they gave is a valid involves some confidential info which i stupidly posted on one of my discussions goes to say that i have to learn from this one because it gave me lots of trouble in doing so... ill be careful in the future. thanks again :)