Do you think that both men and women are equal?

July 7, 2009 12:32pm CST
Women may be slightly inferior in terms of physical strength. But otherwise there can be no reason for a woman to be inferior to a man.In fact women seem to shine well better than men in many countries in many fields. women have more responsibility than men. In the present days do you think they are equal? Do you really want them to be equal?
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20 responses
@Dinu024 (315)
• India
8 Jul 09
After thousands of years of male dominance, we now stand at the beginning of the feminine era, when women will rise to their appropriate prominence, and the entire world will recognize the harmony between man and woman -- The Rebbe _______________________________________________________________________________________ Contemporary society is just beginning to delve into the true distinctions between men and women. Besides the obvious physiological differences, there are also differences in the way men and women think, speak, and behave. In order to understand the essential nature of man and woman, we must do away with human subjectivity and look through G-d’s eyes. Every human being, man and woman, was created for the same purpose -- to fuse body and soul in order to make themselves and their world a better and holier place. In their service of G-d, there is absolutely no difference between a man and a woman; the only difference is in the way that service manifests itself.
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@nigarish (70)
• India
7 Jul 09
"no i don't consider men and women are equal in any perspective of life......there are many things in which either men are dominating women or womens are dominating men....they cant be compared in respect of any aspects...they have difference in their living senses..their mental IQ is not same,their physical strength is not same,they are different in their attitude..they have difference phases of life..they have difference in the of sensing things...." Therefore they can't be compared.....
@Riptide (2758)
• United States
8 Jul 09
..their mental IQ is not same What??? You know, every human being on these planet is different, therefore you could say that we are not all equal. It seems that you have the term equal and same confused. Equal means, being on the same level, being treated the same as everybody else and having the same rights as everybody else. it has nothing to do with IQ, preference or anything else. So yes, men and women are equals. [i]equal well matched; having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law" [/i]
• India
7 Jul 09
Yes, you are fully right.I wish you told me where each dominated the other? nice response from you.
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
7 Jul 09
men and women are not equal, they are simply different. women are better at some things while men are better at others. there are some exceptions of course
• India
7 Jul 09
yes, you are right. In which department women are superior and inferior?
• United States
7 Jul 09
research showed that women are better at languages while man are better at mathematics. women in my opinion are better at expressing their feeling, which is important for children as they should feel loved. men are generally stronger. women and men differ physically too, men don't have to work out as much to have larger muscles. a woman that is just as strong as a man will have less muscles. men are also better at concentrating at one thing while women are good at multi functioning however multi functioning can also get in a way because often women who multi function don't do as good of a job as a man who concentrates on only one thing at a time...
• United States
7 Jul 09
I think they are "equal" but not the same! We all have the same importance in the world even though we play separate roles. Physical strenght is overrated! A mind is stronger than the body... we just can't see it working!
• India
7 Jul 09
Of course mind is stronger than body. Nowadays physical strength does not play a vital role when men does not depend on physical strength to earn in many jobs.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
7 Jul 09
I think they're equal. It's been proven that women can do everything that men can do and men can do everything that women can do (besides giving birth, obviously), so why still question whether or not they're equal? Obviously not all women can do what men can do and not all men can do what women can do, but why would you expect something like that? Both men and women have strengths and weaknesses, but both are assets in many different fields. My hubby and I recognized this early on into our marriage and we learned to adjust, but we have a very equal marriage. For example, when we renovated our apartment, he did all the handyman work because I am very bad with powertools, but I did the painting, decorating, made the curtains, got (and fixed up) the furniture, etc, so it was very much a joint effort. On the other hand, neither of us are particularly good at cooking, so we take turns making dinners because he's good at cooking certain things and I'm good at cooking others. ^_^ I think it's just a matter of how you look at it. Lots of people like to say that men and women aren't equal because they can't do exactly the same things, but that's the wrong perspective to have. Heck, some men can bench press me and others can't, but people don't seem to say that certain men aren't equal to others. It's about acknowledging and accepting the differences to the point of using them as advantages.
• India
7 Jul 09
my question may bring some awareness among others. I really loved your response, it is simply top class.
• India
7 Jul 09
its definitely complex so i am going to explain this with complex numbers k heres the first rule menwomen(meaningful) and the second rule menwomen(absolutely meaningless) womenmen(absolutely meaning less) let me explain in terms of biology now men cannot give birth to babies(not considering transgenders) women cannot beat men in physical strength (if you dont believe me you should go through books regarding human anatomy) hope you get it
• India
7 Jul 09
I agree with you they should be considered equal in rights and other aspects of life.
@Riptide (2758)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Of course men and women are equals! We are all human beings and being a different gender doesn't make us women less human or worth less. Your last question bothers me. Do you really want them to be equal? It's not a matter if anybody wanta us to be equal, we are. And I am sure you will get some men to answer you they wish we weren't.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
8 Jul 09
I believe that men and women are equal. They have differences in appearance, strength and emotion. I am a teacher and girls aged 4 are ready to work whilst boys of that age want to play. Girls become good at reading and writing before boys of the same age. The boys catch up by the time they are between 9 and 11 years old. Girls might be better at some subjects than boys and vice versa. Many boys have a good brain for Maths and girls have an excellent mind for Literacy. In some countries like England, France, Germany, the USA and Canada men and women are equal. In some countries in the Middle East men are thought to be superior to women. In some countries a pregnant ladies hope to have a son and not a daughter. So men and ladies are not equal there.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
21 Jul 09
I think women have more physical and mental ability, if they do all the house-hold work and also try to earn something then it becomes double responsibility, i think if men are told to do all these things, they will go mad and fire whole family, but women do it effectively and have lot of i think they are no less than men, and i want them to shine more and more...
• Brisbane, Australia
8 Jul 09
There are some aspects that men are superior to women and in some women are better than men. They are completely different in many ways and I dont think they really are equal.
@pxm204192 (160)
• China
8 Jul 09
oh, let me have see what side do you want to point to,the feature of the physical side or inside-feature, there are a lot of the different side between the man and woman. there are individual advantages and shortcomings between them, but from the character of the man and woman, there are no different in them, they are equal and in the democratical society, these right of men and woman should be equal in the law right and especial on the personal development chances and right to make for the educational chance not because of these different between the man and woman.
@candy2306 (576)
• India
7 Jul 09
In my opinion, both have equal right in metro locations. However, you take the rural places, male domination is still being praticed. I hope these places will soon change and both men and ladies would have equal rights.
• India
7 Jul 09
I fully agree with you. But i want to know whether they are equal in many aspects? not only in rights?
@toonvk (267)
• Belgium
8 Jul 09
Yes they are equal in value in this world, but they both are different. Men are usually stronger while women are more caring. You can't compare them to each other, they are just different.
• China
8 Jul 09
An interesting and serious topic.I am chinese.The concept that man is better than womon has influenced me deeply.But I can not deny that women are becoming more and more important in society.
@Sutler (10)
• Canada
7 Jul 09
Speaking in terms of rights, I believe that (in today's First World countries), women have more rights than men. I completely support equal rights, but it seems that women have kept certain rights they had that men didn't before everything was equal. For example, in Canadian high schools all students have to do fitness testing every year. For a senior boy the amount of pushups required for 20 out of 20 is around 80. For a girl, the same mark takes only 30! If we go back to grade 9, the amount required for a boy is 55 for an A, whereas for a girl it is only 37. You'll notice that the amount of pushups for girls goes DOWN as they get older. Some of you may argue that women are not typically as strong/physically fit as men. This may be true, however, what about academics? I know this is true in Canada, and I believe it is also true in the United States -- educational programs are created for the female mind. All lessons & everything related to them are meant to be easier for women. On top of this, studies show that women, on average, are smarter than men (aww). If all of this is true, which it is, then why do males not have lower expectations for academics? Maybe an A grade for them should be 80% instead of 86%? Or they should only have to do half as much homework as their female counterparts. I know some of this may sound a bit strange, but it's just my opinion. If things are going to be EQUAL, it should *all* be equal, not just that women want to be equal (no offence intended here). I'd love to hear all of your responses to this.
@CMTS_87 (1339)
• Philippines
8 Jul 09
I thing the truth is men and women are equal, but men usually can't accept that veracity because of the so called "superiority complex" that they have inside their body. Happy MyLotting!
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
7 Jul 09
some qualities they maybe equal,but on the other hand they're are weaker emotionally,but they are stronger physically.lots of women shines in different fields whom men were holding before,but on the other side of it,there is still a little girl inside a woman even if she rules a continent.
@thebox2 (15)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Are men and women equal??????????? Well most guys are a few inches taller than most women.. So no I guess they would not be coincider equal......But lay us all down and we all look about the same , equal yeah.. Hey it really depends on who is measuring.Some people really pay attention to human tags, I figure Its much ado about nothing.I don't need anyone to tell me I"m equal, nor do I walk around thinking about it..To tell you the truth I can hold my own. I take care of business and I pull my fair share.....Equal! what does that mean really! Is it some sort of a human tag for I have a fragile ego and have to make a big deal out of what I get or what I'm? Isn't it a fact that the question of equal really boils down to "I want what I want?" Lol is it not true that the question amounts to more out of less. It would also hold true that it was more an individual Equal, and not a man, woman equal. And is it not also true that some of us are shorter than others? Thus falling short of what we need to be. Or are we in for the long haul? The sume of equal would be the percentage of all. Kind of all balances out in the end
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
8 Jul 09
they are definitely not equal.. GOD made men first, and after the women from its abdomen (not sure).. so men are much more higher than women..!!
• United States
7 Jul 09
i think that men and women are very different in their nature because of the different pressures in this world for each. i believe that all our souls are equal yet we are different in our anatomy and struggles we need to get past in life. since it has became socially acceptable for woman to be equal in the workplace and in life; i believe they have excelled in certain fields as do men in others. i want this because it allows humanity to become more intelligent on a grand scale.