Against making-money-online schemes

@calyxus (825)
July 8, 2009 6:59am CST
There's the given fact: we all want to earn from the internet. We maximize our efforts, double the time spent, invest a little here, and sign-up on every free opportunity. Sometimes, when we come over a new site that offers money making strategies, we get so overwhelmed that we start investing right on the spot. However, if we are smart enough, we try to analyze things and choose otherwise, but the nagging desire to earn is still there. Unfortunately, not all of those sites that offer money-making strategies are legitimate. Some of them don't even care if we learn from their books (if there is really something to learn), but only look after the money that we invest. Now, let me ask you this: are you tired of being scammed? If your answer is yes, then it is time for you to make a move. Let us make difference: help unveil the make-money-online industry's dirty little secret!
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7 responses
• United States
9 Jul 09
you have to be careful not to get a scam site but if you weed through them and find about 20 or 30 food sites then you will start to really enjoy the income. I started out with anything I could find and have weeded some out so now I am proud to work for the ones that I do. It can be very rewarding if you work with the right ones.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
It is really difficult for the newbies to differentiate the scam sites to the good ones. Both of them offer the same promises of incomes, right. Maybe it will be better if people like you with experience will help the newbies find the right sites that really pay.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
11 Jul 09
Is it really true? That if the payout is $50, it's a rip off? I just joined a site with that minimum payout, and I'm quite active there. Shall I terminate my account? Your opinion is highly appreciated. I'll check out those links...
• United States
11 Jul 09
I have a website that lists all the legitimate sites that I belong to and use. You can find the link in my profile. As a general rule of thumb if they ask for money then it's going to be a scam, or if the minimum payout is high ( like $50.00 or ) then you can figure it's a rip off also. To start out with try a couple that you know are legitimate and go from there. A few of my favorites are: Quick Rewards Lighthouse Dooyoo Send Earnings Dollar Surveys Opinion Place and AER Tech online These are good sites for starters and if you need the links feel free to get them from my website. If you need any help then pm me and I will answer any questions the best I can.
@flaredust (728)
• Indonesia
9 Jul 09
You right pal, we're not supposed to be the object of abusing. We are human, not a guinea pig they just want to abuse our effort, taking our money and wasting our time. How about we circled around as a team, and make a strategy to scamming them back I mean we can found out the admin email address by whois, and we also can back floaded their email as they do to us. It's fair to punished them for what have they done to us.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
Haha! I like the idea... Hmmm, like online cops. Cool, we can do that. Know what, I'll add you up as friend then we can exchange messages and brainstorm about it.
@gyramary (152)
• Italy
8 Jul 09
Hello friend. Well I guess scammers are everywhere, but we should keep our brain on, also if we are in the "virtual world". If you meet someone on the street, saying you "ehy, give me $100, I will use your money to do investment I know, and I will get you $140 tomorrow".... would you like to give him your money? Or if you have a job interview, and the interviewer finish it saying you: "Congratulation! You're hired! So, now, to start your new $6000 per month job, just need to pay a fee of $30".... would you pay the fee? Or if you meet a stranger saying "ehy, I know how to make $10000 per month doing nothing. I will tell you for $19,99"......
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
Hi there gyramary. That's a nice perspective towards scamming. I mean, yeah, that's how scammers do their thing. So, the first rule should be: If it ain't free, stay away. LOL
@raj_gupta (311)
• India
9 Jul 09
Hi. I guess you have a valid point. We all are victims of those "get rich soon" sites. Do you have a plan to work on? If you do, Count me in.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
Yeah, a lot of people falls prey to these scammers everyday. That is why when I join a new site, I look for how much is the minimum payout and when will they pay you. I found some, fortunately: no minimum payouts, pays every week. Sites like that. What plan do you mean? Add me up so we can exchange messages.
• China
9 Jul 09
I want to earn from the internet,so I sign up on many sites.And finally,I find all the sites are scam,not only waste my time but beat my dream of making money online.But I trust mylot,I think I can earn more if I post more.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
Well at least there's mylot. I also kinda like this site. I haven't yet reached payout yet but I enjoy it here so the earning would be just an added bonus. Don't despair my friend, if a site failed you, there's a lot more out there! We may not make it big, but at least we can earn something and that's what matters.
• United States
9 Jul 09
I have fallen victim to quite a few of these sites, but I am also a risk taker. I am the type who will take my chances to see how legit it is, but if I find otherwise in the next day or so it's a chargeback on the credit card. There are several legitimate ways to make money online and I am currently working on a few myself that I know for certain are legit. I'm not here to brag about that I'm just here to say that they do exist. Sometimes making money on the net is alot easier than we think. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. Break away from what everyone else is already doing and try something new and original. Things can get saturated real fast if too many people are all doing the same thing. I am hoping to compose an ebook about all this at some point which I'm sure I will charge a small fee for the time invested in writing it, but I can assure you it will contain real content that you can use and learn from. It will definitely not be in the big red font with colorful persuading graphics...just pure original and real content that works. Twitter - ezclix4cash
• India
8 Jul 09
Its best to research on tat website before joining or making an investment. Yeah there are sites which does pay you.Before you join a site which pays you try to think how they are earning to pay US?If the answer is convincing then you can proceed without any doubt.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
The problem with researching a website is the false reviews about that website. I think the owners of that scam site will try to put good reviews about them to lure people to join them... Yeah, it's also an added point if we know how the site earns their money to pay us. Happy mylotting!