did god answer your prayer?

@char06 (106)
July 8, 2009 10:16am CST
For me yes many times. some of them were to give me strength to face my problems. even when i surprised by it and not looking for it. I have asked direct questions in great sincerity, and found that when I am very sincere. I received an answer. I found also to be good to other people and accept the forgiveness, you'll be bless. you mylot members? did god answer your prayer?
3 responses
• India
8 Jul 09
Too many times for me too. I everytime found that once I was in problem It is GOD who carried me.
@char06 (106)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
Our prayer will be granted because he is listening to our prayer. The blessings of god is not ended! thank you for your response nitish.
• India
9 Jun 10
hello sometimes it is yes god does answers me he is always there
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
God always answers me and I thank HIM for always being there,for all the joys and problems that He gives.But I never loose hope because I know He will always be there.....