Do you read other people's response before responding????

July 8, 2009 2:42pm CST
I don't read other user's response before responding cause i think that it may change my response. If someone has already said what i am about to say in my response.e.. then i try to think of something new....... sometimes ending up not giving any response to the discussion. After giving my response i don't eel like reading other people's response... unless the discussion is a fact of some kind.... What about you??
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22 responses
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 Jul 09
For the most part, I do not read the responses until after I have posted my response either. I usually just go directly to the response box and post. A lot of times, I don't look at what other people say even after I have responded unless something catches my eye so I am a lot like you. Thanks for bringing this up.
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• India
8 Jul 09
YEa...i know..... thanks or the reply and acknowledgement...
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I usually do read most of the response because I don't want to just repeat what someone else has already said. If there is over 4 pages then I don't always read all of them.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
8 Jul 09
As long as I've been here I haven't figured out how to do that, the only time I see the other responses is after mine is posted. Clue me in if you can. Thanks
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@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
Good day, harshrosicky! Well, I do that sometimes when a discussion has a few responses to see if someone had already posted the same thought or idea with what I am going to post. If it is, I still post my own then add some details. If a discussion has a lot of responses, I just read them after posting my response then post comments on it. It is nice to read the responses of others especially when it is interesting and/or informative. We can learn from reading and we can also earn by posting comments. Happy mylotting!
• India
9 Jul 09
Are you sure about the fact that commenting also pays..... i had a discussion on it.... most of mylotters said that commenting doesn't pays........
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
You can earn from posting comments but take note that one line or short posts will be paid by a little or nothing. Same on posting a discussion or response, if you put quality in it, you can earn more. if you post a short comment, you can say that you cannot earn from it.
• China
9 Jul 09
Some times I read when I want to know others' views.
• India
9 Jul 09
• Philippines
8 Jul 09
I actually do read them because first, it allows me to create more insights about the topic. Second, it also give me ideas about the topic even I'm not gonna respond to that thread. Third, opinions of other people broadens your knowledge. This is why forums are created because we value the opinion of others.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
9 Jul 09
I used to do it before. No matter how many pages would discussion have, I'd always read every reply. But now I don't read others replies every time. It depends really on a type of discussion...If there's a specific question, of course I'll read the replies first cause it may be already answered or if the discussion is really interesting I want to know what other people replied...
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 09
Hello harshrosicky, I don't read other people responses too as I always respond through my e-mail notification. I agree with you that if I read the responses, it might effect my own response. I don't really read all the responses too after I posted mine unless the topic really, really attracts me.
@xenna1986 (228)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
of course, how would I respond, if i don't know what I am responding about?
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
9 Jul 09
hi harshrosicky, i will give responses in my own way, one by one
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
sometimes I do read some mylotters response before I make mine but most of the time I dont... I am more into reading though than commenting ... I just got to kick of this habit sometimes it would take me all my time here and have not responded even to one discussion but have read many discussions lol well anyways I think that too if I am panning to respond to a discussion I would respond first before reading others comments on the discussion...
@submerryn (1304)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 09
No, I dont read them, I'll respond first. Then after submitting the respond do I check out other's respond and if I have something to say, I'll comment in there. That way, my response will be originally from my brain and not influenced by others. :)
@Dinny20 (69)
• Portugal
9 Jul 09
Hi harshrosicky, I don't read other people's response because when I go to response is like a talk between me and the person who started this discussion and I don't read the other people's response too because for me it's my opinion and if someone already said what I'm about to write that means that person has a similar opinion as mine opinion and I like that. Well happy mylotting my friends
@loshyali (23)
• Germany
9 Jul 09
i always read what the person who started the disscution say then read the first comment but if i didn't like it i will continue reading the rest
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 09
I can't see other people responses when I respond to a discussion from the notification I get from my email. Only after responding that I get to see what the others say. No, I don't read other responses before responding cos it might influence my views.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
9 Jul 09
I just respond to what the person posted. They tell you to read thru but most times I don't. Sure sometimes you can get more info and better insight by doing so but seriously....the poster should learn to be more clear when they post. Id I read thru each post before responding, I'd have very few posts. I do read thru but not until after.
• China
9 Jul 09
I won't read others' respond first, just as you say, if someone has already said what I want, I need to think of something new, it's hard to think a new one, so I will write mine first, and then I will read the others', most of the time, I will read the top one, and see what his opinion is.
• United States
9 Jul 09
Harsh- If I am responding directly from email to friend's posts I don't read the other posts until I'm done posting. It doesn't give me the option to go to the thread before responding, it only at this point in time gives the link that pulls up the response box. I feel that since that is how Mylot has it set up, that it is ok to post my thoughts first and then read. If something has already been said that I've said, I generally then make a comment to that effect to their post. I find that many of us have similar views so it is not unlikely that people will see several of the same responses in any given thread. Yet, there is always enough of a variety to see diverse responses. Happy mylotting. Namaste-Anora
• India
9 Jul 09
Well i do read the all the response of the discusion .. after that only i reply my reposne to that discusion.. Sometime we can get the good ideas for our reponse.. so some time we changed the mind about our response.. So it is always good to reach the reposnse before posting our reponse..
• Philippines
9 Jul 09
hey, we both feel the same!Ü