When did you say "I love you"?
By CanadaGal
@CanadaGal (4304)
July 9, 2009 4:11pm CST
I'm wondering if there's an average time frame when a person "knows" that they're "in love" with someone. What do you think? Are you or have you ever been in love? Do you remember how long it was before you knew you truly loved your romantic partner? Was it in a matter of minutes, days, weeks, months or years?
I fell head over heels in love with a man a few years ago, and we both started telling each other "I love you" after what I think was a fairly short time... by the 2 months mark. Another 2 months passed, and he discovered that he really wasn't in love with me, and our relationship ended. I'm nearing the first 2 months mark in my current relationship, and although I've pegged him as "the one", I'm not ready to say "I love you" to him, even though he's casually said it to me a couple of times now. My best friend says that you don't really know if you truly love someone until at least 6 months into a relationship.
When do you think you know you're truly in love? What are your experiences?
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20 responses
@loshyali (23)
• Germany
10 Jul 09
The first time i said "I love you" was when my ex-girlfriend started hinting to me that she loved me.
But i think you will know that you found the one b certain feelings like:
1. you can't wait for the next time that you are going to meet or talk to that person
2. Always thinking about that person
3. every time you see,meet,talk or even think about that person you just get a weird feeling that i can't explain.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
Oh, I'm doing all 3 things you've mentioned. No doubt, I'm crazy about him, but I'm not sure when I'll be ready to actually tell him the "ILY".
And I LOVE that "weird" feeling. It's pure elation and contentment. It's fabulous!!!
@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I know exactly what you mean! I lived and breathed my husband when we met (and still do). We are best friends AND lovers, and I still get that weird feeling in my gut when we kiss. For some reason, when we met, my hands would shake the entire time we were together. It finally stopped after a month or so, but it was the weirdest reaction! :)
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
10 Jul 09
My boyfriend and I were together about 2 months and we got into a fight and I said that he didn't care because he didn't love me yet......and his response was "well how do you know that I don't love you yet?", and he said it in such a sweet and quiet tone, it was the most romantic thing I have ever heard....and THAT was what really made me fall in love with him....and two weeks later we exchanged "I Love You's" 

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@sophie_dfuss (2365)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
With my current bf, I think I said I love you to him after like two months of our relationship as its the time that I realized that he is the one for me and I truly love him for what he is. Our relationship is on-going for about a year now but my bf hasn't make decisions whether he wants to get serious and be on a long term relationship. I know that I really love him as I want to live and work in his country since we are in a long distance relationship but he blew off everything lately. Its a long complicated sad love story and I am hoping that he will be able to realize what he has done.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
I am so sorry you are hurting.
I had that sort of thing in my last relationship. Although it wasn't a long distance one, "he just wasn't that into [me]".. and that hurt... a LOT.

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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
That's sweet... but how much time did you need before you felt you could sing "I love you" to that certain someone?
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@reanaclaire (101)
• Malaysia
10 Jul 09
These 3 little words might be simple but they are BIG words to me! I do not simply say them at all times unless I really meant it and it is only once a blue moon that I will declare it. In fact, it has been a long while ever since I use those words.... I guess I have to use them more often now, huh? But I believe that make sure we mean what we say and not because it is a routinal kind of thing... my 2 cents of thought :)
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
I agree, they are VERY big words indeed!
I was talking to a neighbour about those 3 words last night, and she thinks women tend to mean them more when we say them, and in general, we take longer to get to saying to them too.
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@priciusro (6)
• Romania
10 Jul 09
i think certain people need more time to realize that they love someone than others...i can tell you that i don't know if i love my girlfriend even if we have a relashionship of 7 months now but she tells me that she loves me....time will tell...
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
And sometimes too, it takes not having the person around us to make us truly feel how much we love them. I've had that experience too.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I think the only relationship where I loved and was in love with my partner is the one that just broke up. I knew I felt an instant attraction to him the moment I saw him, although it took us over four years before our relationship was consummated. I wasn't sure how things were going in the beginning--I knew I was attracted to him but I didn't know his feelings so I just kept my mind open. I guess four or so months into it I began to care for him, and I began quizzing everyone I knew (including him) what was the difference between loving someone and being in love. I think it was about five and a half months before I was ready to admit it but because of my saying (and not understanding the full ramifications of) saying I Love You first, I decided that the next guy would have to say it first. I realized after more than five and a half years together that my partner was NEVER going to say it to me, and I began the difficult task of not loving him. He made the first move the weekend after Father's Day, told me to return the gift I had purchased him and then he hung up on me without further explanation. I was angry but now am resigned to realizing my gut instincts were right all along. He will only get to live half of a life where he is instead getting the opportunity to get into something new and exciting with me--the woman who loved him without reserve.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Everyone tells me it's SO much better the second time around (marriage), so I'm optimistic. I just wish I hadn't waited so long to see the writing on the wall...he was the first guy I could REALLY see myself with long term, but I guess I was wrong. I'm glad I know what it feels like on my side, so that when BOTH of us are on the same wavelength, it'll be amazing! Thanks!
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
I know your hurt from first hand experience. But trust me when I tell you, it's MUCH better this way... to wait for the one who will reciprocate that love you are full of. It's so much better... much MUCH better. And as frustrating as it sounds, it's also true that it will appear unexpectedly. At least NOW it can... because as long as you kept that other man in your life that way, it couldn't.

@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
9 Jul 09
My husband and I were saying "I love you" about two weeks after we met, but I knew he was the one about 3 days after we met when we had our first kiss. It sounds silly and mushy (and it is!) but I was absolutely sure about it. I was casually dating at the time, and after our first kiss I called and canceled other dates that I had lined up with other guys.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
Awww... that's so sweet (and silly and mushy lol)!!
I hope I'm right about this guy being "the one" as well. Time will tell.
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
16 Jul 09
First, congratulations on finding love. Love is beautiful... and it makes life brighter.
Second, apologies in advance, if this turns into a dissertation-- when there are "stories to share," I tend to get wordy!
I don't think love has a "schedule." I can only speak to my personal experience, though... but I think we can get ourselves into a heap of trouble by getting too deeply involved in "the THINK of it," as opposed to "the FEEL of it."
A friend of mine-- just turned 60-- is a lifetime student of love, human connections and how we form relationships. He would no doubt say "It all depends on what's important to you!"
When I was little/young (I'm 48 now) I had the inevitable discussions with family members and friends about love and marriage and so on. I guess we all do. Naturally, there were many "versions" served up, about what "in love" meant, and what a "good marriage" was. One older aunt said very little... no "formula," no "advice." She simply "when it's is TRULY Love, you will just know." Those words have stuck with, all my life.
Relationships take a great many shapes, as do marriages. I believe (sadly) that TRUE Love marriages are incredibly rare. And I distinguish here, between a capitalized "Love" (the feeling) vs. "love" (a learned action and a choice).
But getting back to "what's important to you." It's my belief-- from personal experience, and from observing life-- that 99% of GOOD marriages/relationships (let's forget the messed up, dysfunctional, doomed ones-- just look at the ones that last and work) are "functional" and largely revolve around "functional love." The couple "makes sense" and there's a large component of compromise and "learning to love" each other. And frankly? This is as it should be. Most people lack the patience and fortitude to spend their lives looking-- perhaps unsuccessfully-- for that ONE person who totally "rings their bell" (AND it's reciprocal) 24/7.
I was married for 13 years, to someone I "learned to love." We were definitely "in like," and me also "made sense" from a practical perspective. I think we said "I love you" after about 3-4 months. I was in a long-term "marriage like" relationship, for about 10 years. Again, it was 3-4 months, actually... maybe a little longer. I remember I was the first one to say "it," and I CLEARLY remember her reponse being "No you don't. You just THINK you do." That should have been a warning, right there. Again, we were a "functional union" that made sense, but this particular situation had an "unbalanced" element... of one person (me) being more "invested" than the other. Non-reciprocity ultimately does NOT work (unless you have masochistic tendencies!)... the notion of "winning love" from an initially unwilling person (this is just MY opinion, mind you) is a Hollywood fairy tale that does NOT lead to "happily ever after." I've also been in several shorter (but over three months) relationships... and can recognize them as more being "in lust" or "in infatuation" than anything.
I was 43, when I "got" what my aunt had said, about "just knowing." The woman I will live out my days with, and I,(independently) found each other's blogs within minutes of each other... and after reading for some hours, we (independently) wrote each other very SHORT emails to the effect of "I think I have been looking for you all my life, and I think I may be in Love with you" which essentially CROSSED each other in the same minute. My point here being that 5 years and change later, there has never been "a question" about whether we were/are "in Love." No "schedule." That we were "in Love" and would tell each other immediately was more or less "a given, on contact." People look at us and go "Awww... how sweet! New Love-- newlyweds!" But no... actually, very very OLD Love. And yet? "On paper," we probably make less "functional sense" than BOTH our previous long term relationships.
But my point wasn't to tell "an amazing story," but to suggest that love doesn't have a schedule. And that it all depends on what's important to you. I'm not much for "giving advice" (although I do so, for part of my living), but something struck me, on reading your discussion. You say you've pegged this man as "the one," yet you feel this hesitation. Why? Take a moment to ask yourself if your hesitation has ANYthing to do with HIM... or whether it's because you're "projecting" your PAST relationships onto him? It's easy to do-- we ALL do it, to some degree or other. But think about this: Your "history" begins at the moment you connect... anything that happened (or failed to happen) in your past is NOT "about him." We ALL have various kinds of "baggage" we carry around... this is simply a FACT. I have it, you have it, he has it. What we sometimes have to do... when we feel conflicted... is take a step backwards and ask ourselves "OK, is this ME responding, in this moment? Or am I reacting to an old memory?"
When it's "right," honesty always works. When it's right, you CAN feel safe to say "Honey, I've been wanting to tell you how much I Love you, but I've been scared to, because last time I told someone that, it ended badly." If that thought scares you... then there may be some more soul-searching to do... on yourself, AND on the relationship.
Good luck to you!
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
24 Jul 09
I apologize for the late reply to your post... but I wanted to take the time to read it properly, and haven't been to the lot in quite a few days.
"When it's right, you CAN feel safe to say "Honey, I've been wanting to tell you how much I Love you, but I've been scared to, because last time I told someone that, it ended badly." If that thought scares you... then there may be some more soul-searching to do... on yourself, AND on the relationship."
I DO feel safe talking to him about anything, and I very much like your wording. Mind if I steal it?
I overthink things... always have. It can be a good thing, but not at times like this, because as I can interpret from some of what you wrote, it can interfere with the "feel" element.
My best friend said to me the other week, "You can't say the wrong thing to the right person"... it's true. My boyfriend and I had the talk about slowing things down a bit b/c we were both feeling a bit scared, oddly enough, at how well and easy things are going. lol. In past relationships, that may have turned into a big to-do, but in this case, it was a simple conversation to ease our minds a bit. Nothing has changed since then, as far as how much time we spend together and talk, etc.
And yes, my fear and anxiety has absolutely ZILCH to do with him, and all to do with me and my baggage from previous relationships.

• Brisbane, Australia
10 Jul 09
I knew that I love my husband the moment I saw him. I dont know why but I just do. But I wasnt sure if he felt the same way about me that time so I didnt say I love him. He was the first one to say I love you.... when I was sure enough of his feelings towards me then I became comfortable saying I love him back. We may not say I love you all the time but I know actions speak louder than words. We are now married for almost 5 years and we occassionally say I love you to each other but not really everyday.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
I'm not one to say "ILY" casually either. I too, believe it is shown in actions, not just those 3 words.
I think that's so great how you just "knew" you loved your hubby the first moment you saw him! 

@sennawork (88)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I dont think I have ever truly been inlove with someone. Infact, just a few days ago the person that I thought I had feelings for told me that they loved me and it tore me apart. I never thought that hearing the words "I love you" would make me feel so horrible, but it did and it made me realize that that was not the person I could spend the rest of my life with. I still care about that person deeply but not as my significant other, and I did not want our relationship to be awkward and I did not want to hurt them but I needed to tell them the truth so I did.
I want to be able to genuinely tell someone that I love them, but that person just has not come along yet and it does take quiet a while to realize that you actually love them.
You need to know the person almost inside out before you can truly feel that in your heart, because the people who I have had feelings for turned out to be very different from what I thought they were!
You have to feel that you want to be with them for the rest of your life and you would give anything just to see a smile on their face, when they say I love you, it should tickle you inside and make you want to say I love you back to them without even thinking about it. When that feeling comes to you, that is when you tell them that you love them. If you dont feel it, dont lead them on..get out of it so you save both him and yourself from major heart break!
Good luck ;)
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
Oh, I have that feeling alright... where many times I want to tell him "ILY", but I'm just too scared, and opt not to.
I'm sorry of your recent experience. :( But you did the right thing in not leading the person on and telling them the truth. They may be hurting now, but soon enough, they will realize that love is only really great when it's reciprocated.
@jgbe4245 (56)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Started talking to my now husband in December of 2006, we actually met online but we only lived a block from one another. I refused to meet him at first because I met him online and didn't trust anything to do with it.
We talked on the phone and online until March of 2007 and I finally gave in and had him come to my job at the time just incase I didn't like him or he was a creep I could call security on him. I saw him and it was hard to catch my breath. It is funny because I was never the type to get close to anyone and I didn't believe in telling someone I loved them until I really felt it and made it past the learning about them stage and still I wouldn't say it first.
We dated for a couple of months and then he got to close and I got scared...
We spoke a little for a couple of months and one night I just missed him and called him. We set up a time to get together and hung out.
I didn't want him to leave... This was in August the same year. By the end of August I bought him a ring.. Never been the girly girl...
We were on the phone and he was saying that he didn't really ever want to get married and it broke my heart. I felt myself crumble because I knew I wanted this man in my life forever and I didn't know what do say to him to let him know I wanted to be married at some point.
He came to my house later and we had a small fight about something that was stupid and I went for a walk and he came out to me and we still were arguing a little and I told him that he was an idiot and that I loved him and tossed the ring on the ground in front of him.
I said it first, I asked him to marry me in an odd way.
He couldn't speak he just kept staring at the ring on the ground. I told him that if he wanted to get married he should pick up the ring and if not leave it for someone else. I got up to leave and he said yes.
He actually had that teary look... I will never forget that moment.
I wouldn't trade it for him asking me to marry him for anything.
We were married on October 29, 2007.
I have never been happier...
Good luck to you....
The only advice I have is if you can't imagine your life without him and the thought of him walking out of your life and not turning back makes you sick to your stomach then maybe you do love him.
To me it is not about when to tell someone you love them I don't really think it has to do with timing. I don't put a lot of faith I guess in words, I believe that I love you has gotten to where people use it in different ways that don't always mean the forever love. I had a guy say that he loved me and if I did too then I would sleep with him...
Look at him, really look at him and think of all of the things that you can't live with out and all of the things that you can and honestly think to yourself and ask "can I live with this forever?" because that is what love is. If it is true love you don't think about getting out or if there is someone better.
Sorry I am really tired and I don't really make a lot of sense when I am like this.
@jgbe4245 (56)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Okay since I didn't actually tell you what I think it is and a whole lot of what I don't think it is I will finish...
I believe love is with the way he touches you just to touch you. Like he can't go with out even a pat on the leg or a soft kiss on the cheek.
When you are in a room full of people and so many things are going on but you still have time for that one moment to look across the room and you can see in his eyes forever..
I use to say that my forever person I would know because I could see my life in his eyes and I did... I saw my forever when I looked at him...
Now I think I am done
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
What a great story! Thank you for sharing something so personal from your life. I love the way you asked him to marry you. I'm not sure if I'd have it in me to be the one to do the asking.
Even though it's only been about 1 1/2 months since I met this man, I already have a hard time remembering what my life was like without talking to him every day. On the flipside, I also can't picture him NOT in the future. It's all so relaxed and right and good.
I have had the strength to tell him how much I'm enjoying falling in love with him... that wasn't so hard, and it felt right to say. I'm sure the full "ILY" will come along in the same fashion.
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@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I believe in love at first sight because my husband and I have been through it. Our beginning stages were rushed because our hearts made the decision for us as soon as we met. We didn't even know each other yet, but there was no denying we had to get to know one another. Within the first week I told him through a note, because I knew I had been in love as soon as I saw him, but I didn't know if he felt the same way and I was a little shy to open up about it because it was SO soon! He admitted as soon as he got my note that he'd been in love with me since the first sight as well...we sat and talked about how weird and rare it was to happen so quick.
I had an ex-boyfriend who told me he loved me, but I never told him back...because I never felt it. My husband and I were talking marriage within a week, planning the wedding within a month. I was young at the time, though, so we didn't get married until our four year anniversary when I was 20 and he was 25.
I still feel the same way about my husband as I felt when I realized I was in love. I truly love him as a person, I love everything he stands for, everything he's willing to change for us. We filled voids with each other--I needed someone to respect, admire, and listen to me--he needed the security of a lasting relationship with someone who was as dedicated to him as he is to them. Our beliefs have always been very similar but we have enough differences to make it interesting. We have missed two days of seeing each other in over four years because we still can't get enough of being around one another. I cannot imagine growing old without him, and I couldn't when I met him. It was instant to the point where we had a relationship without ever laying out the terms. We just knew. :)
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
That is so beautiful!!! It makes me want to tell my man "ILY" right now. LOL!!! I'm thinking that since I've known he's "the one" within the first few weeks, that must mean I just "know" too.
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@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Thank you! You know, someone mentioned in another post that when you look at someone and see forever you know that you are in love and they are the one...I saw that when I first met my husband. It was the weirdest feeling...I knew I'd spend forever with him before I knew his name. I felt like I didn't have a choice in the matter, though, and that our future was laid out for us whether we liked it or not. :)
I think there are other types of love out there, though, also. My mother hated my dad before she truly knew him. It wasn't love at first sight at all...she couldn't stand him! And even though they don't have the close relationship that my husband and I share, they have been married for over 25 years and it works.
Love comes in different packages for different people. Find a moment where you can quietly tell your boyfriend or do something cute with a message of some sort...write it in a love note or do something creative. :)
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@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Thanks for the additional comment...I still am waiting to wake up and find out that he really isn't a part of my life because it's too good to be true. :) You're right, it is magic!
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
whoa! That's pretty dangerous. I hope you can find some help to protect yourself from relationships like that.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
12 Jul 09
I can't remember that many years back either.... not for something like this anyways.
@airakumar (1553)
• India
10 Jul 09
My husband said "I love you and I want to marry you!" first which made me thinking what to do. He said he can't live without me and this word filled my eyes with tears. He was in love with me deeply and that made me decide and realize that he is one who loves me so much and he is one, the man, of my life. And then I accepted his proposal and we got married. After marriage I said 'I love you, too!'. My life is full of love and happiness now. As we all know where there is happiness there is little sorrow too and we accept everything happily. We are the best couple as I heard by many of my neighbors.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
Yes, sometimes it takes hearing it from someone first, to make us realize that we love them back. I am so very happy for you... you DO sound very happy and content. 

@lisharenee8806 (11)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years now and we started saying i love u after about 2 months of actuall dating but i actually new him since we were in 7th grade and we started hanging out and talking right after we graduated in 2006 so we took our time but thats only because we both had really serious relationships before and they both ended badly so we wanted to take our time. with my boyfriend before that i said i love you after only a couple weeks.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
That's really great that you have known your man for many years already. That really helps to propel the relationship trust levels... because you already know so much about each others' backgrounds and such. :)
@surveygeeek (189)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I've been with my girlfriend for about a year and a half and we just got engaged. I knew I loved her within a week or two of meeting her, but things were complicated (I was with someone else when I met her). I think we ended up saying it to each other within 2 months. I think the right time to say something like that is when you feel it. Even if you're not sure that you'll be with them for the rest of your life, even if you're not sure he'll say it back, if you truly love someone, they should know. It can only make them feel better.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
Congratulations on your engagement!
I can't say I know for sure I'm "there" yet, and so I am not ready to tell him yet. I'm just too chicken. lol.