Stop Bashin' Palin! (another double standard)

United States
July 9, 2009 5:12pm CST
Okay, so people tell me to stop Bashin Obama, but what about the bashing of Palin? How come it's okay to bash her and not Obama? another double standard? totally! Now, just so people know, I don't care about Obama's family and who's doing what. Their not the ones making decision's for the country, Obama is, so when I go and bash him, I am bashing how he runs the country and how he's putting it down the toilet. Now, if you are going to bash Palin, you should do it on the politcal decisions/stance she takes, not because her kid got pregnant, or other crap like that. I don't hear about Obama's kids in the news, and he'd be angry if anyuthing derogatory were said about them, so leave Palin ALONE! She has the right to step down from office if she wants, she's doing what is right for her and her family and should be supported, not bashed. And quit it with the kids all ready. Judge her compentancy for the Presidency on her politcal votes.
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10 responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Wow what a discussion. i read through the responses and I went from laughing to anger, to sadness, back to anger.... well you get the point. I am a registered Republican woman. I have been voting for 20 years. This last election was almost the first time I did not vote Republican for President. I do not vote party, I vote for the candidate. Sarah Palin is the only reason I voted Republican. I felt McCain was more liberal than half of the Democrat candidates. Obama just scares the bejesus out of me and is clearly proving me right every time he gets near a pen or camera!. Some of the comments you received showed alot of why people do not like her. Someone even quoted Tina Fey for cryin out loud! If you watched any of the poll interviews on election day, they said it all. The people that voted for and supported Obama, had no idea who Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or Barney Frank are. These same people blame Bush for the economy. they need to look at their 9th grade civics books. The President can not spend a penny. It is Congress. The last two years of Bush's Administration was predominantly Democrat. They take a wild guess, like the movie star quality, drink the kool-aid and vote the way the main stream media tells them.
• United States
11 Jul 09
At first I thought Obama was cool. His speaches inspired me. But when the Democratic media started to tell me what to do and what to think, which is against my nature, I have to figure things out for myself and gather facts and stuff about things I am interested in first...well, I went to see who's tax plan was better, and though I didn't understand half the terms used, McCain's from what I could garner (and that was a lot of searching) I found that McCains was better. And he was agaisnt Abortion and most of what he said was what I agreed with in the first place. The second thing was the the DM was telling me that people my age wantd someone 'Fresh' - well, I didn't. We were/are in the middle of a war and McCain was a pow. I think, and still do, that he understood it better than Obama who never has fought for our country. So, there is the second reason. And, I go to the beat of my own drum. What my vote boiled down too was snubbing the media. Those other decisions were made after I got pissed and started to do my own research. So, all in all, I was trying to go against society. Like I usually try to do. *lol* I also wanted to say that I think you are right on all your points. I don't need a freaking quote to prove my point even though there are loads I could choose from! *lol*
• United States
10 Jul 09
I agree that her family should never be bashed, but the fact is that she ran for Vice President of the USA and was ill prepared and made many stupid statements that is just asking for her to be extremely criticized. She bombed on interview after interview during the campaign and just could not give a direct answer on simple things such as "what do you think of the Bush Doctrine?" or"What magazines do you read?" and the best of all, her response to whats her take on foreign policy was that she could "see Russia from her back yard" or something like that,,,,the point is that as a politician, she should do research and have sounded a lot more intelligent than she did, and not winked over and over during debates that decided something that her party had spent millions of dollars campaigning for Mccain.
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• United States
10 Jul 09
She seriously, running for Vice President of the United States, could not name ONE SINGLE magazine???? And her exact response to Charlie Gibson asking her take on Russia was that "you can actually see Russia from Alaska", instead of going into actual issues, she just wanted to once again remind EVERYONE that she is from Alaska, same difference to me...and people say that Gibson was so hard on her and it was so unfair,..... if she had been a man, would people be saying the same?
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
10 Jul 09
The Charlie Gibson interview was totally biased and he asked questions she answered. When he didn't like the answer he harped on her. It was totally opposite of the questions Obama answered. There is no Bush Doctrine so how do you expect an answer for something that doesn't exist? And for God sake, learn the difference between Sarah Palin and Tina Fey. Why did Katie Couric even pushed the magazine issue? Sarah Palin has been criticized for everything and was probably thinking she'd be criticized for whatever she read. Maybe she drew a blank. We all do that at times.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Jul 09
And let's not forget those ugly campaign rallies that generated hatred and fear instead of focusing on what she and her party could do for this country.
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
9 Jul 09
Yep, just think what would have happened if Letterman had said what he said about Palin's 14 year daughter about one of Obama's daughters. There would be no Letterman show now.
• United States
9 Jul 09
Too true. I don't watch Letterman but I think the world would be a better place without him! *lol*
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Letterman didn't say anything about Palin's 14 year old daughter, it was about her 18 year old daughter, Bristol. I thought that had been cleared up by now, not that any misunderstanding there ever made sense to begin with. Anyway, if anyone said one of Obama's 11 and 7 year old daughters had gotten "knocked up", you're darn right there would have been an outcry as well there should be, don't you think? Annie
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Jul 09
When someone who is *supposed* to know something about government and who just ran for the second highest office in the country makes a totally stupid comment in an interview about the "Department of Law" in the White House...which does not exist...that in and of itself leads rational people to have serious concerns about her intelligence.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I don't know spall. So far Obama and Biden seem to be proving their bulbs aren't that bright when it comes to government or running the country. I'm not quite sure why anyone rational would vote for them either. What interview was this?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Jul 09
You didn't see/read about the interviews she gave on the 7th while wearing all that fishing gear? "As to whether another pursuit for national office, as when she joined Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the race for the White House less than a year ago, would result in the same political blood sport, Palin said there was a difference between the White House and what she had experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House, she said, the "department of law" would protect her from baseless ethical allegations. "I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out," she said. There is no "Department of Law" at the White House."
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• United States
10 Jul 09
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Jul 09
I will bash Palin because she is giving the female gender a bad name. She is by far not smart as far as I'm concerned at least not smart enough to run a country. Where as Obama is a very intelligent man trying to do the best job that he can after the republicans and Bush drove this country to the ground. Palin is all about power and usually when a woman gets into power they let it go too their heads. We don't need someone like that in office. It would be horrible. However, I believe there are enough people in this country who can't stand her so I don't have to worry about her trying to run for President. She needs to go home and stay home and take care of her family.
• United States
10 Jul 09
No a woman does not need to stay home and take care of her family, a woman can be strong and hold her own in politics, like hillary and not resort to: winking at cameras constantly during a debate that is extremely important not be able to name one single magazine that they read, be quitters, say " oh no Alaska is NOT a bridge to nowhere".....and then be filmed holding up a shirt that says "Nowhere Alaska" Quoting someone,Westbrook Pegler, who is racist, an anti-semite, and also hoped that Robert Kennedy Jr. would get assassinated
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• United States
9 Jul 09
okay then... What's your take on Hillary Clinton. If what you said about Palinis true of ALL WOMAN POLITICIANS, than it should be true about Clinton. Oh, or have I just assumed something????
• United States
10 Jul 09
*lol* Irishdid! I love you!
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Let me just say, after reading some of the comments here, I think a lot of women are so jealous of Palin that they are foaming at the mouth! Palin is the greatest thing to happen to this country in a long time. Thank you.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Will you two stop with the "they're so jealous of her" or "they're so scared of her" cr@p. Newsflash for you guy...women have brains and are very capable of forming opinions all by themselves based on legitimate reasoning that has nothing to do with a person's looks or gender.
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• United States
10 Jul 09
I think that people are scared of her and thats why they bash her. She's a strong woman, she's in power, that's what the woman rights group wanted all this time and THEY'RE not even standing up on her behalf which is just weird because they jump on the abortion wagon all the freaking time! That's my take on it. People are scared of her.
• United States
10 Jul 09
Hey spallidino, I am a woman, and I think Swashbuckle is also. These are just our opinions and not meant to insult anyone. It's what I truly feel.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I hope you don't mind me asking WHO has been telling you to stop bashing Obama? Surely not here at myLot because Obama-bashing is the favorite activity in the politics interest followed closely by! The number one person on myLot who must NEVER be criticized? Why, Sarah Palin, of course! The relatively few of us who ever do post anything in the least bit negative about her are told we're jealous, if we're female, we fear her or that we don't like her because she's a conservative, pro-life woman. We're accused of never criticizing her on the issues but when we do the spin can make you dizzy. She never does anything wrong! It's always somebody else's fault or the media lied. I've been accused repeatedly of attacking her kids, which I've never done. Swashbuckle, you're a young woman so you may not understand what women had to go through to get where we are today. My mother's generation fought for the right to vote and my generation has fought for equality in other areas. I was already grown up and voting when we had the first ever female V.P. candidate. Same goes for the first woman on the Supreme Court, the first female Secretary of State and Attorney general. I remember when a woman in the House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate was almost unheard of and forget about female Governors! To women of your generation it may not be a big deal at all, which is actually a good thing in a way. However, to me seeing the second ever female V.P. candidate and the first from her party winking and flirting her way through their only debate was like a slap in the face of all the women who had worked so hard and sacrificed so much to give her that opportunity. Annie
• United States
15 Jul 09
oh my goodness...thank you!!! I am a proud Alaskan, and I love Sarah Palin. I was excited when McCain chose her, disappointed in the media when they said horrible things about her, which, I can assure you, were untrue, and happy to get her back after the election. Now I am sad she has resigned, but I understand why she did it, so I will support her. I don't care for Obama...and I think that time will prove that right...or wrong...I understand people have opinions, but when someone is in politics, lets keep it to politics. Most of the people who bash her because Britol got many of their teenage daughters are out there having s e x?? And how many aren't pregnant because their mom put them on birth control when they were 12?? So, thank you for your was like a breath of fresh air on mylot!!
11 Jul 09
Fair point.
• United States
11 Jul 09
What do you think? oh and don't take what you see between me and Spall and...whoever (I don't have screen names in front of me sorry) seriously, that's all banter. *giggle*
• United States
9 Jul 09
No kidding. After all the B.S. they gave her for not being home with her kids, that this was her fault or that was her fault, making horrid comments about her son and daughter, she turns around and does something to spend more time with them to get them out of the spot light so again she is wrong! Obama has lied to the people, sent Biden out to claim they didn't realize what they got themselves into and the media down plays it. OMG if Bush had made that admission the hounds would be on him in seconds. If Palin had come out as VP and said something like that they would have eaten her alive. They should back off her and her family it's not like she's on the campaign trail or anything at the moment.
• United States
9 Jul 09
I totally agree, and couldn't say it better!