have you ever been robbed?

United States
July 9, 2009 11:50pm CST
I mean like someone robbed a physical possession of yours? And what did you do about it? My boyfriend's apartment got broken into recently and a lot of stuff was stolen....thankfully there are some leads and hopefully the people will get caught, but what is your story on robbery?
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6 responses
@ashia101 (203)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
Yes our house has been robbed and it was terrifying.they ransack our house everything is scattered and a piece of sun glass is missing and a camera. One thing that hurts? It's a friend who robbed the house.
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• United States
10 Jul 09
Oh that is so horrible, my boyfriend is pretty sure that it was his neighbor that robbed him, he isn't over there (his apartment) very often, and people get evicted alot and so new people come in every couple of months but he says that the guy looks familiar when the cops had him take a look at the guy. They stole everything, they even went through the freezer and took steaks that were in the freezer. He says that its not even the things that they took, he is not so mad but he is more just sick and feels taken advantage of, they violated him and it is so horrible that your friend violated you and your family like that.
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
28 Sep 09
Hey, No I have never ever been robbed, and I do not ever want to experience it. Just recently a friend of ours got robbed, and had her laptop and other valuables stolen. She phoned us and told us all about the situation. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Well, way back in like the early 90's I think I was living in a small studio type house, and after I ended up fighting off a guy who tried to Rape me, and I was able to escape, he later broke into my place, broke some of the windows and stole some of the stuff. Since I knew who had done it, they were able to catch him with the stuff, and he ended up doing some time because of it. Luckily because I did escape, and was not home at the time of the Robbery I am around to tell the story, or who knows what would have happened. Lucky for me my Mom let me crash over at her place that night.
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
hmm I know my mom's friend got robbed when she was on a trip for vacation. When she came back with her family, the front door was slightly open and it was a mess everywhere.She had jewelries and all of them were gone... She had a diamond ring, emerald necklace, and other stuff. She called the police but they couldn't find the thief. She thought it was her neighborh because anyone else than my mom and her nrighborh, nobody knew. And of course, my mom didn't do it. and she left the car in the parking house and left some light opened to pretend there's someone in the house. But she did not have any proof so she didn't insist. The insurance gave her some of the monney but it wasn't enough. What she had was from her grandmother from generation to generation....all gone.
@GioSerpo (23)
• Maryville, Tennessee
10 Jul 09
Uh, don't know if this counts, but heres the story.. I was at home looking through my fridge for something to eat. I made me a PB&J, sat down to eat it, and my dog came and snatched it from me... ate the whole freaking sandwhich... but ya know, its a dog, ya gotta love it... lol... but ye, ive been robbed before too, but i took care of it myself, cause i knew who it was... I have a PS3, my neighbor doesn't. I came home one day to find my PS3 gone... I went to my neighbors to see if he had seen anything, just to find a PS3 setting in his floor... I asked him where the box was, he said it was used and didnt come with one... so i asked if i could play it... instead, i looked through the email addys and passwords and they were mine... so i unhooked it and picked it up and carried it out of his house... neither one of us called the cops, and he just started ignoring me...
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• Philippines
10 Jul 09
I haven't been robbed and i don't want to experience it._:|
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