Another sad day for me
By Katlady2
@Katlady2 (9904)
United States
July 10, 2009 12:30pm CST
I had to have another one of my precious fur babies euthanized first thing this morning. Talk about a lousy way to start off the day too! My beloved feral kitty, Little One, crossed the Rainbow Bridge around 9 am this morning. I've had her for a little more than 4 years now, from when she was a newborn kitten. She never did want to be held or touched, even as a tiny baby. But over the last several months I was working on getting her used to me being close to her at least and when she wasn't paying attention I could actually sneak close to her and run my hand down her back before she realized what I was up to. And then she'd run off a few feet and look at me as if to say "Hey.....cut that out!" Anyway, over the last month her health had been going steadily downhill. As I said, she was a feral, and catching her just wasn't an option so she never had any shots. And while I was gone a couple of weeks ago house sitting, apparently she had stopped eating but no one told me about it until I came back home after a week and a half. It was so obvious that she was starving because her sides were all sucked in and there was almost a lifeless look in her eyes. So she started getting canned food three times a day, I had wormed her a week ago, and was having my daughter put yeast in the canned food to get rid of the fleas. And Little One was actually starting to perk up. Well, yesterday, I didn't see her all day or that night either, which I thought strange since she always hung around the porch or the front yard. So when I looked out the front door this morning at 7 am, imagine my relief at seeing her sitting across the street. But then she tried to walk across the street and that's when I noticed that something was wrong with her right front leg and that she was walking on her "forearm" instead of on her foot. I had to go out and gently nudge her across the street until she was safely in the yard. I wish I could have picked her up but she wouldn't let me. When I got a really good look at her, I was shocked because aside from her leg, she had a string of blood trailing from one side of her mouth and her tail area was all messy as if she couldn't clean herself. I honestly think that some stupid idiot on my block hit her with their car. So after I got done crying, I called my vet and they had me bring her right in, and they put her down for me. She was in such bad shape that there was no way to save her. I miss my baby so much. But I was able to bring her home and bury her next to my sweet Fluffy and the other cats and my beloved Meg (my Shar Pei) so that she wouldn't be alone.
I'm sorry this was so drawn out, but once I got going I just couldn't stop. Thank you for reading this my wonderful friends. Sending lots of warm hugs to all of you........Carryl
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24 responses
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
11 Jul 09
My heart goes out to you, and your litle kitten. Pets provide us with such a wonderful unconditional love that it hurts to have to part with one. And to see her suffering as she was...that would've broke my heart as well. I sometimes cry for animals rather than people because they can be so defenseless. All they want is someone to love them.
I will be in your footsteps soon, as my poor Pooh is getting up there in age. She is already blind in one eye, and she's walking slower and slower every day. This is the second cat I've every had, with the first one dying after 16 years. It killed me, and swore I'd never got another one. But Pooh came to my door one day looking for a home, and he was so affectionate and gentle, that I couldn't resist her. Because she was not originally mine, I asked the vet how old he thought she was, he stated "well over 10 years". That was 5 years ago. I massage her every nite, to keep the blood circulating, and I love her up as much as she needs it. Your story has made me think of how I will feel when Pooh's time is up.
@firefox333 (181)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Hey there, Katlady2...
*gentle hugs*
I saw this topic, probably Friday. Did not even read your post though until just recently, as I knew it was going to be a sadder than not kind of one. But OMG, once I DID read it, felt I had to respond - if only to say I really feel for you & am sorry for your pain. Hope you make it okay through this and that somehow, this experience will eventually help you to be able to find the way to help make a positive difference somewhere down the road for helping homeless, especially feral cats.
First of all, I am also a catlady, too. Didn't realize till perhaps a few years ago, but musta been one all along in disguise! *smile*... Also, am "guilty" of contributing to the development of my local feral cat colonies, though that was not my original intention. But to only make sure they had a fresh supply of food & drinking water. There are only 4 at present in my immediate surroundings, of whom I am aware. Three adults, plus one kitten, 3 months old, since it was born on Easter weekend. The mama tho', is my best gf in the whole world. I love her SO much. She's solid black & even gives me "nose kisses" - which I think is pretty cool, especially since she has been out there on her own for almost a year & a half, and runs like "hail", from most OTHER folks, but usually runs up TO me. Would love to "catnap" her & take to a vet to get checked, etc, then just bring her inside... but not sure how badly it would traumatize her in the long run. (Have even thought about posting for advice re: this here on myLot, perhaps I will.)
Not to make you cry more or again if you see this comment from me, but you mentioned the name of Little One. OMG, ya see that's the name of one my little buddies here! It's a he but looks like it shoulda been a she... Kinda like a persian, gray & white long-haired. Even have a pic I found on the web that almost looks him. A beautiful cat that "should have been" destined to live the life of a showcat, instead of a life on the streets. So sad!! And also BTW, the one I call Little One was one of the first little forlorn feline friends to which I ever became attached. He also first showed up about four years ago this coming fall.
Forgive my overly long post. Please know I am thinking of you and wishing you comfort. You did so do the right thing, no mater how hard it was. *hugs*
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
I am worry for losing your cat, but if she would have suffered if she had not been put down. Her injuries were too bad. I felt bad when we had to put our dog, Jessie to sleep, but she is now in Puppyland, playing and chasing cats and rolling in all the fish she can. It was probably more then just getting hit by a car, your cat probably had something wrong with her -you do not know what they pick up in the wilds and that made the condition worse. In fact she might have been so ill that she was dazed going across the road and did not see the car coming. And she would not be a feral car since you had her since she was a tiny kitten. Maybe she was an independent cat.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I am so so sorry. It is so sad. I love cats, have all my life and this breaks my heart. I don't know how anyone could be so cruel as to hit her with a car. So little and defenseless. She is at the bridge now, with all the other pets and my kitties to. She is happy and playing and healthy. It is so difficult the first days I know, crying is the natural way. Been through it so many times. I will say a prayer for her the darling.
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@Solitudefreelancer (135)
• Philippines
11 Jul 09
I'll pray for the soul of your cat this afternoon and i think that she's in a better place right now.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Jul 09
Sweetheart I am so sorry to read this and I can feel your pain, I am sending you a big warm Hug here and I hope that you can feel my love and surrounding you
I don't know what else to say Sweetie, you know that I believe the little one is still with you and always will be just like your Meg
Love you Sweet
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Oh how sad. I am so sorry. You would think if someone hit her, they would stop and try to find the owner. Your story brought tears to my eyes. Especially the part about not being able to cross your street. Again, I hope she rests in peace.
We had a cat for 11 years. I loved her dearly. She was my shadow. Three years ago I found a lump on her neck. Took her to the vet and he did a biopsy. It was cancer. She was fine for 3 years and suddenly she began to not follow me, not sit on my lap and simply stay by herself in her bed. Took her back to the vet and after many tests, the cancer was in her lung. There was no cure and no surgery could be done. My husband took her to be put to sleep. I just couldn't do it. I cried at the front door as he put her in a pet carrier and took her away. I threw everything away that belonged to her. It was better that way.
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@shantiquarian (146)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Getting attached to ferral cats is always heart breaking. We have several and only two will get close enough to touch. Since we have a new house built almost in the middle of 10 acres instead of up by the road they tend to say off the road now. I feed them on a table on the front porch where we can see them come and go thus monitoring their health.
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@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
18 Jul 09
I am so sorry. I know what it is to love a cat that you love. I will always miss our beloved black and white cat Spotty. Spotty still comes back to visit and We can feel him or hear him. The wonderful thing is that cats have souls and we will get to be with them again again someday.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jul 09
Aww Carryl, how sad. Let me give you a big warm hug....poor Little One. It's amazing how these furry little mites worm their way into our hearts.
I'm finding it strange that you mention Little One's right front leg. I don't know if you are aware but I'm having trouble with my neighbour and she has made veiled threats to Banjo and insisting that I keep him law, I have to have him inside at night and contained within the yard in the day....Banjo is half feraL and while he loved being with the dog and goats in the yard he would spend most of the day curled up and asleep somewhere close. At night he would go out mouse hunting.
We tried so hard for 4 - 5 months but Banjo was desperate to go out whenever a door was opened. I would have to stop him any way I could from getting out and he would cry at me and put his claws into my leg. He started with the kitty litter ok but the first night I let him out after dark, well, he has not used his kitty litter since.
He goes out every night now when the darkness comes. He sits with the goats for a while then he disappears into the night. I leave the front door slightly open and he comes and goes throughout the night but when I go to bed he joins me soon after.
Last night he came home early and he was shaky and limping badly on his right front foot. He let me look and I found nothing but he took himself off to bed and is still there 14 hours later...he has been up to have a bite a couple of times.
Thankfully, it's not busy on the roads out here in the bush where we live but there are other cats and possibly traps. I can't imagine how he hurt himself unless he landed wrong from a big jump or something.
Understand you are not alone...our little critters get into our hearts and even if they don't seem to want our touch, they rely on us being there for them...hugs again from your friend and Banjo too.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
11 Jul 09
I am sorry for your loss Katlady. My 13 year old cat was very sick last week and it didn’t look good for a while. He is getting better now after medication, special food and expensive vet visits! I feel your pain because I was very upset at the prospect of losing my ‘baby’.
Painful as it was, you did the right thing and eased Little One's pain. She is in a better place, hold on to that thought and focus on your other fur babies. Take care; my prayers are with you.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Oh Carryl I'm so sorry to hear about Little One but as painful as it was to put her down, you were there for her to the end, and eased her pain. (((((hugs)))))
Maybe she's playing with my kitties in Rainbow Bridge
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
11 Jul 09
Hi katlady2, I am so sorry and very
to hear about your little one. I can´t beleive that no one came and told you about the little once accident, someone must have seen or heard something. I can not beleive that people can not be more careful with their driving skills. Anyway, you got her and could help her out. And have her get a real proper buriel. That is alwasy something.

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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Again, my heart goes out to you. I lost Groucho, one of my feral cats on June 10th. It was the same day that I was to get my pre op done for my knee surgery. He was so sick that he actually allowed me to pet him rather than try to run away. I knew as sick as he was it was a matter of a few days, and I couldn't catch him to take him to the vet to get him checked out. I found him on the morning of June 10th on the neighbor's patio. I gently collected him and brought him home and laid him to rest under the mullberry tree in my front yard. Five days later his life partner and sibling passed away from the loss of his best friend. I grieved, but didn't cry for the loss...your telling of your loss has brought the tears and the good cleansing cry.
Many people believe that when we get to heaven our pets will greet us, and you will be as inundated with furry friends as I will be! If anyone were to do any serious digging in my yard they would be sure it was a archiological site for the number of furry people that are placed in important places in the yard. Groucho and Harpo are under the mullberry tree, KoKo is by the pond under the oak trees, Merlin is under the oak tree in the very back yard (he loved to sun himself there), Missy is burried under that same oak tree (she was a royal standard poodle)...Rocky and Kitty's remains are beside the back door (they were cremated as it would be impossible to bury two Rotties by my back door) and Charlie (the royal standard/irish wolfhound mix) is buried under the bedroom window with a rose bush beside him. As I say, my welcome is going to really be something!
My heart goes out to you, and so does my love and many many hugs. It is so hard to lose furry friends! I know I will be a total basket case when I loose Murphy as she is the queen of the house at age 16. I haven't forgotten about your surprise, and it will be even more appropriate now. I am so sorry, but I had a sudden total knee replacement and I have been extremely laid up after it. I am even taking naps during the day and that is something I never do.
Take care, and when you feel the pain of your loss, remember that my heart is with you and it is hugging you 24/7 and hoping you will feel less pain as time goes by.
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@cookiecrumbles (629)
• United States
11 Jul 09
You poor dear. I am so sorry for you. I have six kittys of my own. I will pray for you.
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@dream7946 (22)
• China
11 Jul 09
Ha ha,like samll anumals and humans have feelings,but since things have taken places ,please do not be sorry.However ,in order to put down is not easy,but fun as far as possible,the forgotten,I wish you good luck!
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