Drunk drivers and the damage they do .
United States
July 10, 2009 1:16pm CST
I was going along disscusions and it got me to thinking. My family has suffered great loss and heartache over drunk driving accidents. It is one thing to drink but why drive is it really that difficult to catch a cab or get a sober driver? really .. You dont realize what could happen while driving intoxicated. My family and I are very close we get together every sunday at my grandmothers.Its is something we all love most is FAMILY.
Here is my story.
My niece who was only at the age of three at the time Her name is Monique. Was out with family and friends on a labor day weekend. When celebration turned to shock and anger. This is what happend. The host of the gathering needed ice for bevergaes so Mr.Trevino (my sister in laws step dad) offerd to run to the corner store and pick some up. My niece Monique is very attatched to this man and wanted to go with him.It was dark out. Needless to say as they drove down. An elder man who was drunk was also going to the corner store not for ice .. And was driving with no headlights on and speeding ran a stop sign and hit them. My niece sufferd from this we were even told she wasnt goin to make it.. Countless hours at the hospital praying, tears, heart broken. Just seeing her little body with tubes coming out of everywhere killed me. She is now a teenager and has the brain of a 5 year old and cannot walk. She has gone through so much. I am thankful she is still here with us. But everytime me and my family look at her it still pains us till this day.
And another occasion
My cousin Arturo back in 2000. He and his friend were driving home from a get together. My cousin was asleep in the backseat. When a woman who was twice the legal limit was coming home from a company party and was driving down the wrong way on the freeway. Hit my cousin and his friend head on. The driver who was my cousins bestfriend died instantly my cousin was trapped inside the vehicle. They had to use jaws of life to get him out. And as for the drunk driver sufferd minor injuries. My cousin was 19 at the time he was bed ridin couldnt eat, talk, walk anything he was a vegetable. I could see the pain in his eyes I helpd my aunt care for him as it was too much for her. It paind me to see him this way. Needless to say they took away my aunts funding so could no longer keep him at home and care for him so was put in a nursing home. Where he later passed away in 2006 he put up a long fight but I was happy he finaly decided to leave. He is no longer suffering and I think he stayd as long as he could for his mom. Thing I miss most is his smile even in his condition he smiled. I know your up there cousin lookin down on us looking after your mom we will all be together someday .. RIP
I just wanted to share some of my situations I just dont understand why people decide to drink and drive. Knowing what harm could happen what pain they will cause to The familys. I just dont understand
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4 responses
• United States
20 Jul 09
I do agree very much to this. Thank you for responding to my post :)
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I am so sorry for your loss. One of my really good friends from high school was killed when her boyfriend was driving her home a couple months after graduation, he was completely drunk and lost control of the car and pinned her in the car against the tree. The minute they moved the car door she bled out. He had charges pressed against him but I don't know what the outcome of it was. I still to this day don't know why she got in the car with him or if she knew he was drunk. There are still a lot of unanswered questions.
• United States
11 Jul 09
Thank you for your words.. I am sorry for your loss as well. I wish I had answers as well alot of what ifs . And as i mentioned in a response on someones reply The drivers got a slap on teh wrist but that is TX for u . It was more like a slap in the face for the damage they had done .
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I'm really sorry to hear that you've had not just one, but two tragedies in your family due to drunk driving. It's sick that these people think that they can just get drunk, have some fun, and get in their car like nothing is wrong and go out and wreak havoc on peoples' lives. I used to work for a stage theatre that was a non-profit organization. Because it was a non-profit, it was possible for people who had been sentenced to community service to work it off at the theatre, helping to build and paint stage sets and whatnot. It can actually be a really fun job. But I got pretty mad when people who got community service for drunk driving came to work with us. I kept thinking "this person could have potentially killed or maimed someone, and the punishment they get for it is to come have fun at the theatre?" I think that drunk drivers all ought to be shot.
• United States
11 Jul 09
Have you ever noticed the drunks drivers are the ones that never get hurt I never understood that and they get a slap on the wrist neither one of my familys cases.. drunk drivers got much time and I felt very upset at the system. It was kinda like a slap in the face.
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
10 Jul 09

• United States
11 Jul 09
I am from Texas and I know how lame there laws can be. My mom also got hurt at her job and is currently unemplyed and is now going through a law suit. thanks for the response. It just goes to show you what can happen when someone drinks and decides to drive. I wish you much luck and good luck in everything