Poker, Poker, Poker!
United States
July 10, 2009 2:34pm CST
How many of you play poker? Well I do and what I can't stand is when a donkey calls you down with ACE garbage, hit's their garbage and think their really good. I was playing in this one game I had AQ of course i pre raised, and of course I get 2 callers. flop cpmes out A,K,Q i have 2 pair now, the pot is at least 250/300 dollars, I raise again 650 and still I have a caller. This guy is playing 4/5 off mind you, the turn comes a 3 now I'm going all in another 900 this donkey calls me and hit a 2 on the river.... "???????" Why would you call me for all those chips when you had nothing after the flop I asked him? He replies I have skills.... lol... Well just to say a fight broke out shortly after that and he no longer plays poker with us. lol... Moral of the story is that if your going to play poker and suck out on someone at least make it a worth wild hand or suffer.... Tell me about your poker stories I would like to hear them....
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