Are We as Americans, motivated by Freedom?
By thebox2
@thebox2 (15)
United States
July 11, 2009 11:38am CST
You know I look around me , and I wonder in which direction are we as a nation, and human beings going? I really do believe in the freedoms that our country tried to instill in The Consitution..As you read them it all makes such good sense. I'm puzzled by the contriditions we have to live by today. It really dose matter that we have rights, and yet it seems that more and more of them are being dropped to the way side.The Court systems are places of overworked employees, mass producting justice, and yet unable to keep up with all the cases on their dockets. Somewhere in this supream suffle , people get left behind. There is no time to study cases in great detail. The D. A depend on the special investigators to do that work, and often they end up writting reports that seem more like Hollywood movies, with about as much truth as a movie holds. I have watched and lisened, sat there front row... the truth is a hard task master. First you are considered quilty untill proven innocent. If you have ever been dressed in blues, and going to court, everyone treats you like you are quilty...You do not have a right to a trial,, it doesn't matter that we are qarenteed that right...Its like this, The judge will tell every one he or she does not want this matter going to trial. Your public Defender will inform you that it can't go to trial, the D.A. will never go for it.You tell them no you are not quilty, you can not plead quilty to something you never did, and they will tell you tuff luck, sign the plea or get double the time if you take it to trial. Most people are afraid, they just want to go home, and that is why an innocent person will sign a plea, ammite quilt, and be charged accordingly...In California Courts, unless properly represented, by a well paid Attorney, your going to get shafted. How is it that the Laws of our Constitution are written one way, but treated otherwise in pratice?
2 responses
@jonakyl (493)
• United States
14 Jul 09
You are talking about a country where not a single person has had to live without those freedoms that are in the constitution. We are not motivated by freedom, we take freedom for granted. If anything we are motivated by money. I'm not saying anyone reading this does, but I think you'll agree that as a people we do.
@thebox2 (15)
• United States
14 Jul 09
So very true, yes it is. But there has to be light at the end of the tunnel! We are a great nation, and we are a good people...I just want to educate as many people as I can... and also people that might need my help! Because they are out there, waiting to go to court, or have a loved one in the system. I feel like the more people who know about this the better our chances. I know it can be boring, but educate yourself on the issues on the voting ballot, then take the step and vote, make a difference. You don't have to agree with me, but your voice should be heard. We have to change our justice system, we have too. California will end up wdioth everyone in prison over stupid dumb stuff. They might as well put razor wirer around the whole state... Lets make our law makers responsible, with responsialbe legislation, and that they are also honest. Let the laws be the same for everyone, and california, lets let people have that trial if that is what they want, without the added time. Get the D.A. out of the public defenders by letting another agency be responsialbe for them,an attorney can't represent a client if he has worked for one of the other parties in a case....The d.a. can't proscute and defend someone in the same case. Also lets get away from the lenghty sentences. they are foolish and have nothing to do with rehabilitation. And lets keep the police straight too, by questioning the work that they do we help improve the process, keep it honest and double check there work as well. thenm pick out a resonable amount of time for a crime and stick to it. The same for everyone. thank you The box2
@thebox2 (15)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Ah my friend, you get to the bone of the matter, yes I have been through the system. I have nothing to hide and I try to use my experience to help others.I also try to work from this side of the bars to help those who have no help at all. However that is for another day, yes you are one-hundred percent right I am on the same page,. But understand, some people do know better and are just as concerned as we both are. The right to bare arms was very importasnt to the people who first came to this country. They were fleein g religious perecution, and basicaly lossing everything they owned do to laws that were unjust and unfair. Thats why the consitution mentions that you can not take a mans lands , his money and then put him in jail....also the right to bare arms was there to keep this land free, so that if an unjust government were to happen we, the people would be able to take our country back. I have a blog that I wrote on this subject it is called the sins of another....the sins sof one generation are passed down to the next. I feel that people are tired of all the ballyhoo over politics, because you can't trust any of them. It can't all be about the numbers! Just as we, as parents had to make some decistion that were not popular with our kids, so do the leaders of this nation need top make some rules that will help, like get rid of inflation, stop printing money we don't have the gold to back up. However it is important to look at the good we3 do have. I think there are a lot of bright educated kids out there waiting for a chance , and I see that alot of good could be accomplished with the right leadership. I do love this country, its were I'm from, and she may have problems but I believe in her people. So jonakyl you just keep spreading your message, keep that Consitution right up in front of everyone and have faith your being heard.Educate them , tell them why, your one voice that should and can be heard! Thebox2
@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
13 Jul 09
You mentioned a hard subject to get to the bottom of. The media themselves have the right to film whatever they want, yet people who are supposed to be innocent until guilty get filmed by these people so the general public automatically are wary of them whether they're guilty or not. They have a right to a fair trial...but is it fair if the media is there corrupting your name so your life isn't the same ever again even if you're found innocent?
The Constitution is an important document that so many Americans don't truly know. I went to a window shop once where the guy who owned it gave out copies of the Constitution with his receipts...I told him to keep it up.
The laws are written one way but allowed to be practiced in another most likely because no body tries to stop them and wins. We have a whole system that involves legal and government people who all have more rights than us just because they say they do. It's hard to stop that. :(
@thebox2 (15)
• United States
13 Jul 09
It isn't so hard if you can pay attention, friend. I see you are a caring person, so am I. But I think most people would care, they just don't know how much we need them. I agree about the media freency on one tv station I can think of. That poor lady, she wants so bad to be judge and jury little does she know...right. She slaps freedom in the face because she takes away that one very special thing, to be judged by an unbiased jury, a jury of the defendants peers. I feel that if a person keeps up on current affairs they should be able to see more. Never should we go blindly into justice. And we should not sit and look the other way now. We all have reps in congress and the senitors from our states, thats where your voice can be heard. If they don't lisen, then vote for someone else. You can make a difference that is why it is so important to vote. don't you agree? Oh and to the news lady who wants the biggest rates, God does not like ugle thanks the box2
@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I do agree. Most people do turn the other way. I remember when I went to vote I was one of three younger people there. Not enough people do vote, and it's sad. We have a choice, and I'd argue an obligation, and to not take it would be crazy in my opinion.
My husband and I used to hold protests up at the college I used to go to. Most of the time we'd pass out copies of the Constitution and hold up signs about current news events that had to do with our freedoms beginning to vanish. We'd get more and more people angry with us rather than asking for more information or understanding that certain things violated freedoms. It really is quite sad.