What language you speak at your home?

July 11, 2009 1:08pm CST
What is your own language? What language you speak mostly in a day? My mother tongue is Tamil, one of the ancient languages of the world.
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15 responses
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Hi Vijay. We speak English, well American English. I took a year of French way back when I was in school, but have forgotten much of it. I admire people who are fluent in more than one language. Karen
• India
11 Jul 09
I wish I am good at American English. I am trying to learn your English these days.
1 person likes this
• India
12 Jul 09
It is so nice to hear that Karen. I think you are too generous.
• United States
11 Jul 09
You write it very well :))
@eshaan (6188)
• India
12 Jul 09
Mine is Hindi....the national language of India, most of the Indian parts speak this language, and its good that most of the people know my language so i dont feel it difficult to any Indian atleast who dont know english
@eshaan (6188)
• India
12 Jul 09
he he he...mistake in that also....karta hai nahi.....karta hu ....its very bad u should know ur national language
• India
12 Jul 09
I don't know hindi except a few words like, mein thum se pyar kartha hai. But I can undesrtand a little bit of hindi while watching hindi movies.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
12 Jul 09
our national language here in the Philippines is Filipino but we have lots of different dialects...vary from province to province! My hometown is located in Southern Tagalog region and so my mother tongue is Tagalog...but now since i am living here in Visayan Region specifically Cebu we sometimes use Cebuano at home...but i am not that good on it and i am still learning it... English? just a few words...we mix it with Tagalog or Cebuano...actually sometimes i mix those three...hehehe have a nice day!
• India
12 Jul 09
But I think all will be knowing filipino, right?
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
12 Jul 09
well of course! as i have said, its our national language so everybody understands it...but there are some, especially in the far provinces, some people especially old ones living in the mountainous part, they do not really understand Tagalog or Filipino coz they are stick with their dialects...
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
12 Jul 09
We use to have our native tongue called"Visayan" But I can speak Tagalog/Filipino and also English. In our home the native tongue is widely used its easy and applicable to all. Sometimes we mixed it in the family for have innovations and jokes. We did not use English because we are not used to it.
• India
12 Jul 09
you seem to have many languages in philippines ,just like India.
• India
12 Jul 09
yes glad to know that your mother tongue is form a dravidian language, my mother tongue is from ARYANS - that is BENGALI, i love to speak in my mother tongue only when i am at home , infact i know most of the languages these are english, hindi, marwari, bhojpuri,urdu and now i am still trying myself to date in some othwer languages of INDIA....
• India
12 Jul 09
very good idea to date one talking other language. sometimes I note I miss my youth.You have reminded me that today.hmmmmmm (Sigh)
• Philippines
12 Jul 09
im form philippine and i spoke tagalog and a native language here, its called "ilongo".
• India
12 Jul 09
Looks like there are many languages in philippines.
@brandon22 (163)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I live in America and speak English. Unfortunately, it's my only language. I'd like to learn to speak other languages, but I'm too lazy to learn. I took a French class in high school, but my friends and I did more playing around than we did learning. So, now I can only remember a few words in French. I'd really like to learn Spanish. One of my favorite television networks is Univision, and all Spanish network. But, I don't ever know what they're saying. So, I'd like to learn Spanish, if for no other reason than to watch Univision.
• India
12 Jul 09
In the net world American english has the prime place.
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
Because I am a Filipino , we speak Tagalog at home. That is our natinal language, we can speak in English but you will see ourselves look weird if we speak English all day. We look sick in that way. My mother and father also known other dialects but since my siblings and I were born in Manila, we only learned Tagalog.
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
11 Jul 09
now i speak mostly english, because i live with my boyfriend and he only speaks english, but before it was russian. my family speaks russian so i grew up with it. i also know ukrainian, but never had to speak it because people who speak ukrainian always know russian, so it's like a bilingual conversation when two people speak different languages to each other and both have no problem understanding
• India
12 Jul 09
So your own language is Russian.
@dozhou (326)
• United States
12 Jul 09
You will definitely speak your mother tongue at home, but what about your kids? Could they speak and write in your mother tongue? Could they speak and write more fluently in Tamil than English? I am curious about it.
• India
12 Jul 09
you asked a very powerful question to me dozhou. It is true that one of my two sons is a bit weak in Tamil.
@icecroft (449)
• Philippines
11 Jul 09
I'm from the Philippines so we speak Filipino at home. Sometimes, at work, we do need to communicate in English.
• India
11 Jul 09
Thanks for responding. How nice is your language? Is it easy to learn Filipino?
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
12 Jul 09
im from the philippines, we base at cebu. so we speak visayan dialect, but i also love to speak english specially in front of the children.. for them to be familiar in this language.!!
• India
12 Jul 09
I thought there is only one language in philippines, filipino.
@vishroxx (122)
• India
11 Jul 09
Mine is "Marathi".My family speak in Marathi and my 70% friend circle is of Marathi friends.
• India
11 Jul 09
Nice. I think if one knows hindi, he/she can manage to converse with you people, Am I right vishroxx?
• United Arab Emirates
31 Mar 10
At it's english and my mother tongue, Yoruba
@cndn420 (2062)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
my first language is english. i also speak spanish though