let's give Obama a grade on his performance thus far as president....
@AithneFireStorm (212)
United States
July 12, 2009 12:50am CST
I was curious as to what people think of the president.. if you were going to grade him like he were in school how would you rate his performance thus far....
Personally I would give him a D-. My reason for this is 1.) I don't agree with his thought of spending so much money. 2.) I don't agree with his wanting to take away our constitutional RIGHT to bare arms! 3.) I don't agree with much of what he has done regarding the Middle East. His apologizing for us going after the evil monsters who committed 9/11.
Basically I think he has been a failure overall but I do think that he actually said he wasn't going to apologize to the Iranian government for thinking their actions was wrong. That's really the only thing saving him from a F
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10 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Jul 09
You know, I don't agree with his politics either, but I'd like to judge him on a different scale.
I'd like to give him a grade based on what he's actually done compared to what he said he would do.
And before any Obama criticizer haters go off on a rant, I do realize it's early, so I'm in no way predicting the outcome of his entire Presidency or attempting to sell it short after less than a year.
1) We have GITMO still open, military court, flip-flopping, torture/waterboarding, flip-flopping, investigations, flip-flopping, and then some.
The place is still open. And, yeah, I know: it can't be closed "just like that." Well, our President thought it could and acted in haste to appease zealots. F
2) Transparency and the whole "I'll do it different" rhetoric that, by the way, helped to get him elected. See above for some of the not-so-transparent stuff, secret bills coming through at 3am, doubletalk and smoke and mirrors. It's like all the rumors about the Bush admin's secrecy taken to brand new heights.
Nothing about this admin has been transparent to date. Maybe it will change, but for right now, it's the antithesis of what President Obama claimed. F
3) No more pork spending. It became, "Okay, no more after THIS TIME!" Well, now we can't even get details of new spending measures -- which goes back to transparency. But he went against his word (more on the 'reasons' in number 4).
You have to judge Obama by a higher moral standard because he ran on having a higher moral standard. F
4) Stimulus spending or else! He claimed that this spending would stop the freefall, stabalize the economy, and jumpstart it. He said that if the spending wasn't passed, with every piece of pork junk included, we'd all be worse than worse can be. Well, no jumpstart, unemployment still rising, and talks of spending even more money.
The package did not do one single thing that they claimed, and instead of owning up, they make excuses, saying that this is WORSE than... what? The Great Depression? We're not fools. F
5) Cross globe apology tour. He said he would try to heal old wounds and bridge gaps and all that (paraphrased, of course). His blame America rhetoric is making American liberals feel GREAT! (And that's what it's all about) But in terms of how the rest of the world views us, it hasn't changed at all.
I realize this is early, and I do commend Obama for making the effort. Although, the rhetoric disgusts me. C-
6) No higher taxes for anyone making under 250k a year. Well, higher taxes on smokes and sodas. They're not bought by only the upper echelon. So, those are new taxes. And, before it's over, they've already said that 250 has to drop.
This is what killed, murdered, slaughtered, and rendered null and void Pres. G. H. W. Bush. F
7) A promise of hope and change. Every Obama supporter on myLot can agree with me here, because, when Obama has done something that he said he wouldn't or that runs contrary to his message, every supporter has said, "Well, other Presidents do the same!"
The point: That's not hope and that's not change. F
I have a few more, but they're not nearly as flattering.
I'm hoping President Obama turns this around! I want to see promises kept. I want to see an American President live up to his word. I want to see actions that reflect the country's best interest and not simply actions that amp up his reelection campaign.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Jul 09
I have to agree with all of your points. Except that I disagree with Obama's policies so I would not like to see him succeed in implementing him. It would be nice to say that I hope his policies succeed in bringing about economic change, but I don't think that change will be for the better, and they will only succeed in making things worse.
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@cotton0821 (259)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I think to be fair you would have to give Obama an 'I' for incomplete. Although I disagree with his liberal agenda, he does deserve a chance to see his policies through. The US economy is so big that it cannot be made to change course in a few months.
@AithneFireStorm (212)
• United States
12 Jul 09
No I agree with you there but I definately think that things should not be getting this bad this fast! I hope if things are still this bad in 3 and half years the American people will smarten up and elect someone else in... We most assuredly don't need more problems... If he can turn things around in the next year or so then I will give him and improved grade but so far I am not impressed... I don't see his throwing money around like he is old person about to die and not worried about who is gonna pay it off.... To me its like he is thinking I will be out in 4-8 years so I am gonna spend all I can now and let someone else sort it out. If he fixes the economy than wonderful but so far he is failing in that!
@AithneFireStorm (212)
• United States
13 Jul 09
My grade for Obama just dropped to an F and it is because of this e-mail I have recieved which I will hand type here for you to see (since I haven't earned the ability to cut and paste yet). I have received this e-mail more thna once not only from people who know this Former Air Force officer but also the soldier involved as he is from 15 minutes from my hometown!
David Jr Meets his Commander In Chief!
For those of you who do not know David Borden, he is a former Black & Decker employee who lives in Hanover. His son Dave Jr. was serving in Iraq and was badly injured from a bomb explosion. Dave Jr has had 38 surgeries to date. The e-mail below is from a recent visit from President Obama, the e-mail speaks for itself.
Since Dave Jr. has been injured he has met and been overwhelmed by many, many polital and military "celebs". The list includes Bob Gates, Sec of Defense, who came into his room and told him 3 or 4 times that if Dave Jr. had any issues to call his cell phone number. It includes Gen. Petraeus who sat and talked with Dave Jr for almost 45 minutes. The General recalled vividly all of the circumstances around the events that led to the fighting that Dave was involved in.
It includes Sen. McCain who arrived late on a Saturday afternoon during a thunderstorm, unannounced, and talked to Dave Jr about how similar their experiences were with fate.
It includes George Bush when Dave Jr was invited to attend the very last Christmas party at the White House for the White House Staff. President Bush and his wife entered the ball room and immediately went to Dave Jr. President Bush knew Dave Jr.'s name as well as when and how he was injured. Dave Jr. had a picture taken with Laura and the President that he has framed and will cherish forever. The list goes on and on of people coming in to meet Dave Jr. and the other wounded warrios at Walter Reed and Bethesda.
Yesterday Dave Jr. was ordered to be at National Naval Hospital with another 12 soldiers and marines to meet with Obama. Obama was supposed to arrive at 11:30AM. He finally got there at 3:00pm. He entered the room with the wounded warriors and quickly shook each of their hands. He never asked their names, where they were from, or how the were injured. The he left.
Dave Jr has met the people who really care about the military. All he remembers from Obama is a weak handshake. The others in the room, younger and less exposed to the people that Dave Jr. has met, were so disappointed. Word about Obama's "insensitive" visit has spread to the MATC (the rehab facility) at Walter Reed and throughout Bethesda. The Military sees through his phoniness.
All I can say is it is such a disappointment that this man is Commander In Chief of our Armed Forces. He is an embarassment to our Nation.
John Frisby
Col. USAF Ret.
The only parts I left out were a phone number and an e-mail address as I do not give out anyone's personal info without their knowledge!
How can anyone not show more concern for these men and women who were harmed defending our country and fighting for freedom of others! It was disrespectful, he could have at least did more for these men!
Obama you now have a big fat F from me! Unless you make some BIG changes in the way you treat our AMERICAN military forces I will NEVER vote for you and I hope anyone who cares for our military will seriously reconsider you before re-electing you! You claim to care for them and want them home then show them that when you meet with them!
@phildozer (284)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Well why would you expect him to have a bunch of time to blow? Hes too busy spending time fixing the country... They should be glad he came at all. Id be honestly honored that I got to meet him at all
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
12 Jul 09
I give him an A-. I think he is doing a better job then most would if they were in his shoes. Especially considering the mess Bush and his cronies left for him to clean up. What I don't understand is that people think in the first 100 days everything was going to be great. Its going to take at least two years to get things better than it was. You people need patients which I can see from other responses you don't have. Shame, Shame, Shame!

@freethinkingagent (2501)
13 Jul 09
What Bush left him? Bush didn't quadruple the debt and deficit, that was Obama, Bush didn't leave him a 9.3% unemployment rate, that again was Obama by raising taxes. Shame on us? it is you who is blindly following this man to the destruction of this country.
@AithneFireStorm (212)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Yeah I can see it needing time but dude why are we continously getting worse off... The more he is spending is not helping! He is MAKING the debt worse... He needs to be more reserved than he is being... And there will be NO WAY he can pay for all of this without taxing us which was one of his major promises! The money cannot just appear out of thin air it must come from somewhere do you honestly think he can tax that much out of the rich? He can't reasonably do that! If you think we're not gonna be paying his bills off for a long while after he is finally out of office your crazy! Besides we tried this same financial move in the Great Depression and what ended up saving our economy? WWII! It was a war that brought us out not spending more money! It was our factories making equipment for war and women taking on duties that were typically seen as "man's work" We were in so much debt then and it still took a while to recover completely!
No one has said they want him to fix it overnight but they also never asked him to make it worse! Oh and I thought he was the one who said no more pork spending? No more tacking other agendas to priority ones just so they will get passed! Guess what he is still letting it happen..Seriously look into this past economic stimulus package and you can see all the ear notes on it!

@Swashbuckle (305)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I give him EF!
Epic Fail - because he keeps thinking that throwing money at the problem is going to fix it. Well, no, its not going to fix it. We've been there, rode the rollercoaster and didn't even get a dinky t-shirt! *lol*

@AithneFireStorm (212)
• United States
12 Jul 09
LoL can we not call him mr B.O. cause when I first read it I thought body odor not Obama! LoL I know that's silly but I always call him Obama and you threw me for a moment!
@gkkorio (10)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Patience pays, i think it is too early to judge what mr. B.O is doing. This is his first time being leading a country, so instead of grading we should support and wait.

@gojiku (6)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I would give Obama a F. Despite his strange ability to take in crowds and captivate people he really has not done anything that is worth a good grade from me. So far, the only thing he has done is push thousands of dollars of debt onto me, and im only 16 years old. His future plans are to have yet another stimulus so that he can push even more debt onto me. What Obama needs to do is come up with a new strategy because the one he is using now certainly is not helping our country. basically, the only thing that Obama has done is push our country into a bad situation, are usual solution is to simply buy off the debt. But that only works up to a certain point. Why?, well its because its gotten so bad already that the rates opn buying the debt are actually hurting us.

@AithneFireStorm (212)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Wow, you know I never expected a 16 yr old to come and say things so intelligently! And the world says our education system is awful! LoL well maybe it isn't the greatest but I agree with you! Very well said!

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
12 Jul 09
You are being generous. I would give him a big F for Failure. He promised 4 million new jobs and we have lost over 2 million in the first 100 days. Unemployment is nearing 10% with the stimulus package, and we were told it might hit 8% if we didn't pass his stimulus bill. Now he tells us that we need to pass another one to make the first one work. Maybe by 2010 we will see some improvement. He promised us no tax increases for the bottom 95% but is now pouching a Cap and Trade that will cost us between $158 and $4,000, per family a year. He wants to tax Health Insurance Benefits. He stole the money from the Bond Holders and Stock Holders of GM and Chrysler and gave it to the Unions. He promised more openness in government, but appoints Czars who answer only to him and don't have to be approved by congress. He has legislation passed without giving the Congressmen and Senators time to read the bills they are voting on let alone let the tax payers know what is in the bills. He is cutting aid to our friends and giving more money to our enemies.
I can not see one thing he as done for the American People. I take that back, he has done one thing - he is uniting the Conservatives against him, so instead of a ) I will give him a grade of 10%.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Is there any such grade as an F-? That's what I'd give him, but since I can't, I'll stick with a nice, fat F. All he has done is go around the world apologizing for what America has supposedly done in the past, and for me, it is not cool when a president is so embarrassed of his country that he can't say one positive thing about it. He doesn't seem to realize that pretty speeches aren't going to change our enemies' minds about us one bit. They're still going to hate us, no matter how many times Obama apologizes.
@iwinagain (545)
12 Jul 09
I haven't been paying close attention to everything he's been doing but I know he's a very good public speaker and a very confident person.
@Swashbuckle (305)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I would like to point out, that no matter how good a person can speak, that doesn't make them the right person for the job.