If you have nothing nice to say then keep silent...

@ayenacsi (910)
July 12, 2009 11:43am CST
I would just like to hear other Filipinos' opinion on what Freddie Aguilar had to say when asked what he thought of Charice Pempengco's recent international success. He said that Charice's recent success only proves what Mariah Carey had allegedly said about Regine Velasquez. I only want to point out that when asked about your opinion you could at least be diplomatic and be careful of the words you say lest the media twist your words and make you look like you were needing for attention.
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6 responses
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
yeah i agree with you on that one. but if a person is asked about his opinion on somebody else or something else, at least he have to say something, and if it's not a nice opinion then that's it, people should take criticisms to improve themselves. i am not a fan of her, i dont like her, and i have nothing good or bad to say to her too. i dont like her aura too... *shrugs ======== on the other side, some people here in our country have this crab mentality, where they want to pull other people down if they see them getting successful.
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
I think that as an artist and a media personality, he could have shown how mature he was and said something better. True he was asked for his opinion and I guess that was his opinion and we can't do anything bout his opinion but it doesnt mean that they (the personalities he mentioned)or other people can just take it lightly. He is an icon in the music industry and that at least deserves a certain amount of respect and when he goes around sharing his opinion with disregard to other people, just shows how immature a person is. Funny you should mention crab mentality, are you saying that Freddie A. is a crab??
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
Well, i think Freddie Aguilar is just trying to get a lot of media attention when he said those words... since he is currently trying to promote something... i just don't remember what it is... or he can also be jealous because... well... a lot of local artists are trying to break into the international scene... and Charice... young as she is now was able to do that with a Mariah Carrey song...
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
He could have just said something nice about Charice and congratulated her on her achievements but no he had to mention the issue about Mariah Carey's opinion of Regine. Being an adult and a respected artist he could have been more careful, just my thoughts. Thanks for taking part.
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@rainmark (4302)
16 Jul 09
Why, what Freddie Aguilar exactly says about Charice? Happy posting.
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
I am curious what Mariah Carey had said to Regine Velasquez.lol! Well, just like what the title of your discussion said: If you have nothing nice to say then keep silent..Well, I will just close my mouth regarding Charice Pempengco so as not to hurt the ego of her fans..
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
I am also not a big fan of Charice but we can't deny that she has got talent and she's got the attention of the international scene. It just seems that instead of being happy and proud of what she has lately achieved other Filipinos seem to let/pull her down.
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Here's my opinion: And that would be all. Thanks you!
@jonpolor (18)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
You know, Whatever Freddie Aguilar said to Charice and Arnel pineda, Its his own oppinion, ok... But the thing is it wont change anything. Charice and Arnel are still Filipinos.. Period. Hope im talking about the right stuff..
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. As for Freddie A. he should have been more careful or the did the media just twist his own words just like he claims ??