There are two types of people

July 12, 2009 12:18pm CST
1. risk taking, adventurous type 2. people who never take any risks If you want to grow , you will have to take risks, fail,struggle and then succeed. If you play a safe game, you can't grow big, but there wont be any struggles in life. What game do you want to play? A offensive game to win? A defensive game to just exist? Can we say those who are in business are playing an offensive game in life?
5 responses
@MissTina (124)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I actually just wrote a blog about this the other day! I am not the play it safe kind of person. I take many risks, as well as thrive on extreme sports! I also thrive on things like starting my own busniesses and taking the hardest courses in College. I do not understand the whole sitting inside your home and never taking risks part of life. My mother however, is one of those people. She for some reason had very large issues with crowds while we were growing up. We have got her used to them as we got older, but while we were young she pretty much was a single parent because my father worked out of town. She really got uncomfortable about taking us to amusement parks and things like that unless she knew there were more people around that she knew. I think that some people have fears of being out alone! I do as well because of things that happened in my past, but I just grab my sister or best friend and risk it for all it is worth! :) As my boyfriend tells me I like to have battle wounds from exciting adventures because I like to show that I risked everything and made it through!
• India
12 Jul 09
If you want to grow big you ought to take risks. I would say one should take calculated risks in life instead of taking blind risks.I admire your qualities Tina
@MissTina (124)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I do agree with you! You cannot be a naive risk taker! You must be careful while still being carefree!
@substance (585)
• India
12 Jul 09
i guess me being a gemini, i am very adventurous and loves to take risks in love or in money matters. I love traveling and always thinks positive.
• India
12 Jul 09
Oh I see, it is good to take calculated risks in life. gemini people always try to have two businesses. They also have two minds and confuse whether to do it or not. They have big eyes usually.
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
Before I can say I am not a risk taker. I am always on my comfortable zone. I am afraid and lazy. It is because I do not understand the real meaning of taking a risk. Risk is obliging yourself to try things you haven’t done no matter how positive or negative the result is. I am afraid of rejection and failure before. I can’t take it. I am very negative. But now after reading books about success I learned in order to achieve success you have to take a risk. You have to be brave to accept the consequences of your decision. If thing don’t work out , then try again maybe you just made an error of doing it, find the error, make it right and hopefully you will succeed. I admit I am a risk taker now, there is no regret for me if I failed. I should not stop trying to work things out. I am being positive now, cause positive thoughts creates positive results.
• Canada
12 Jul 09
Well, If taking the risk makes me stronger, so be it. I will take the risk. I always say there are two kinds of people. Those who do the work, and those who take the credit. The first group seems so honest.. doesn't it?
• India
12 Jul 09
this is another kind of classification. Yes you are right that the first type are good and innocent.
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
I think taking risks is better for people. If we are always afraid to experience things, we will miss out on our life. We'll never know if we are capable of doing something or not. If we succeed at something, we're always glad that we did it. If we sit around and play it safe, we'll never discover the beautiful and even the worst things in this world. If we don't succeed, then at least we learned something from the risk we took. That's why I try to do the things that I'm scared of doing. Life is too short to pass up opportunities for growth.