Why won't my teen siblings listen to our mother????

United States
July 12, 2009 1:53pm CST
Okay, The answere here is obvious "Because they are teenagers and they rebel" - I think I did so as a teenager, but just recently I have talked to my sister and she insists that I was a goody-two-shoes. So, I listen to my parents rules (even though I am 24, but I still live at home because of the economy and not having a job) and I respect my parents. So, when my Mom tells my brother to get his hair out of his eyes otherwise she'll cut it all off, shouldn't she do it to teach him a lesson? it just pisses me off that they just argue over stupid stuff that a simple 'okay' would totally fix. We are also homeschooled so we are around each other all the time, I personally think that we aren't as rebellious as other teenagers. I guess it is also me. I like rules and if Mom say's something - than I expect her do it. But my brother keeps saying that he won't let her do it. So should I go down there in the middle of the night - and clip his hair off????
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11 responses
12 Jul 09
I think its just the different generations in terms of your brothers and your mom not agreeing to things. Most Teenagers love all the things their parents hate. They probably feel as though your mom is making decisions for them that they dislike such as hair cuts and styles. Maybe they think Sometimes its uncool to agree with everything a parents says. Also, everyone is different, you may find it so easy to decide on things where as siblings dont. by the way i dont think clipping his hair is going to help, it would just make him angry. I disagreed and still do with everything my parents say.
• United States
12 Jul 09
Oh yeah. I don't agree with Mom on everything either. I guess that I just don't like to fight. Its not that my parents are strict, these kids are getting away with more than I did when I was their age. Mom doesn't care much about hair styles but she doesn't want them looking all ragid, like she isn't doing her job as a mother, so she does like them to have their hair way from their eyes. They are also minors, so Mom and Dad have ultimate say till these kids grow up and get out of the house. Mom doesn't let my little sister wear everything she wants, which would be short shorts and low cut shirts. Mom doesn't let my sister dress like a wanna-be-hooker. Much to my sisters shagrin, I must say. Yeah, but I did joke about it to him just recently. I can just hope that he takes me seriously. Because I might do it if I get pissed off enough.*lol* They think they can do whatever they want, Well, Dad has dog clippers I am sure he would like to put to some good use. *lol*
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
because teenagers think they know better than their parents do. i know this because i did when i was a teenager and now i have one of my own. now i know why my mom ended up with grey hair! lol!
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
Maybe it is not just because of familial relations (i.e. he is only the son therefore he should follow) or the outcome of puberty (i.e. teenagers always rebel) that could explain his stubborn attitude but because the way it was "requested". How could any critically-minded individual (or intelligent one) subdue his wants "just because" his mother wants it? I'll bet that if your mother could reflect or introspect on the reasons why she wants it done, she'll discover that it's not for the sake of your brother but because it's one of those situations where she "should always get the upper hand" regardless of any reasoning out. You cutting your kid brother's hair would only make the situation worse. Treat him as an adult.
• United States
13 Jul 09
DO IT! DO TI! DO IT! Put up some pictures too!
@yogambal_64 (1014)
• India
13 Jul 09
Hello, It is quite natural for teens to disobey not only mothers but everybody who is there to give him/her an advice or remark on their behavior. They are of the opinion that they know everything and there is no need to guide them in any field. They are to be dealt with utmost care as the simplest advice or suggestion given to them may arouse them to the utmost for no reason. They even shout back unnecessarily for no reason which we might have never expected them to do.
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
Because teenagers thought that they are always right and what they are doing is right not knowing that its not best for them.Like you,i hate it whenever my mom starts to nag. I am not used to it since i have been living alone since i was 14 years old when i entered college life. Whenever i go home for a summer break or christmas vacation and my mom keeps on nagging about my younger brother it pisses me off.I also get pissed whenever my mom ask my brother to this and that. But my brother will just not follow her and they argue. But despite the times that we dont follow our mother's rule,we do love them as always. :)
@dmrone (746)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Hi! I think alot of children go through a rebellious stage at some point in time. Some children take it to far as do the parents letting it go to far. There have to be rules for things and i think a child should try to follow the rules as best that they can. I tried when i was a teen to not rebel as much as my siblings did with our parents, sometimes it worked others it didn't.
• United States
12 Jul 09
Honestly one of the reasons teens rebel over stupid stuff like their hair is because they are trying to gain some control over their lives.... Its stupid and we all do it over something at that age.... One day they will look back and realize how good they had it at home... and its usually when kids come along and there are bills they have to make sure get paid while trying to buy all the latest wants! I wouldn't recommend stepping and and taking his hair into your hands cause that could cause more problems than it is worth.... My husband has long hair and he normally just pulls it back or puts it up in a ball cap so that he looks respectable around older members of our families and none of them have complained about it... Maybe you could nicely convince him to at least keep it out of his face when around your parents to show some respect to them... Tell him that Mom will lay off as long as he does this around her.. Then again he may not learn his lesson until he is a teenage boy of his own to deal with! LoL We all know how teenagers can be... its one thing that transcends just about every cultural barrier that exists!
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Hey Swashy!!! One of my sister's has called me a prude along with some other snide comments through the years about me not wanting a tattoo and other stupid stuff. She was (and still is) the 'blacksheep' of the family so to speak. If it were me, I would sneak down the hall at night and give him a 'BANG up' job!!! Meaning, no bangs to the quick!! Lol, but I wouldn't want you to get in any trouble. Cheerio!!
• China
13 Jul 09
No, I don't think you should do that. Everyone is a single special person and it is common that we have different views and different ways to live. It doesn't mean your brother is always wrong just because he doesn't listen to your mother. I mean your mother is not the God, neither the law. She sometimes may have some mistakes and wrong idea. For example, as a mother, she should talk to your brother calmly about some principels but not to quarrel with her son. Why her son must live as her desire? I think a boy, maybe a man, have his own rights to live as his own desire since his choice doesn't break the law and tansgrass the moral rules of social conduct.
• United States
12 Jul 09
Buy him a hair clip...no I am not joking. This is in fact what I did for a brother or sorts and let me tell you it stopped a whole lot of dinner time drama. On the other hand my husbands father did cut off his hair in a disciplinary way and it did nothing but make him rebel more. Go figure.