Will you envy your very rich friends?

July 12, 2009 8:45pm CST
Sounds like a stupid question right? But i just wanna know is there anyone like me who will envy my very rich friends? I have many very rich friends. we are really very good friends, they are really good person.but only one thing,make me feel not so comfortable. that;s our different family background. they are from some very very rich family. but i am only from a normal gril from normal family some of them are billionaire. after we graduated from school, i hv to get a job to support myself..and live with my salary . but look at them...they dont need to work..family will offer them everyting...company..house..car...oversea trip...oversea study chance... as a matter of fact..i really feel a little bit unbalance for this. i dont think i am worse them..but y.. life so unfair.. someone just got wt u wanan so easily... well..i know well i cant change our family background.just feel a little blue.. will someone like me?or i am the only one who will envy my good friends?
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20 responses
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
13 Jul 09
One thing that I have learned is that people that get everything handed to them in life and don't ever have to work for anything end up not learning what they need to know to live a full life. They don't appreciate or even know the satisfaction of having worked to earn enough to be successful in buying a house, buying a car. There is so much gratification and self-satisfaction in accomplishing these things yourself. It gives you your independence. People that continue to receive handouts from the family their whole lives become dependent on their families for everything. They don't learn how to do anything for themselves. That is really no way to live. They don't understand the value of a dollar, and they take for granted all that they have. If they lost it all tomorrow, they would be so freaking lost in their lives. They wouldn't know how to do anything! Life is not strictly about money. It would always be nice to have more. But there are more important things. Family, friends, laughter, and the ability to fulfill your own personal needs for happiness. If money is one of those things you need in order to be happy, you can always make more. You just have to figure it out for yourself and not rely on anyone else to give it to you. You need to also remember that the majority of people in this world are either in your situation (normal, middle class income), or worse (low income, poverty, etc). Very, very few people are rich. So you're not in this boat alone.
• China
14 Jul 09
well, really a very good respond.u analyzed very deep. thanks.sometimes i am thinking i should put my eyes my mind only on wt they hv and compare with wt i havn't . i wont be the winner in this way. lol anway life is myself, no matter i envy them or not, if i am not going to stand up and try to make a difference, i will be still complain all these years later thanks so much happy mylotting
• United States
14 Jul 09
That's right! There are more important things in this world than worrying about what you don't have. Focus on what you DO have that you can be grateful for, and everything will fall into place.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
13 Jul 09
Hi there! There is no question of feeling envy with rich friends. I would assume that it was their good luck that they could get plenty of wealth and money and they are enjoying the same. I just cannot steel their fate of luck. I should feel happy and contended in whatever I have and whatever virtues and wealth have been granted to me by the supreme and great God.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
13 Jul 09
pl. read steal their luck or fate.......
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• China
14 Jul 09
every family has its happiness and sadness. maybe i shouldnt care about money so much thanks for reply have a nice day
• India
13 Jul 09
Well i don't make friends considering them as rich or poor. Hence i will never envy my rich friends. Be happy with whatever you have as people say.
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• China
14 Jul 09
thanks ...keep a simple mind is a good way to get rid of this feeling happy mylotting
• United States
13 Jul 09
I've read in a book recently that envy may be a good thing for the purpose of making you want something for yourself. Though it is not good to sit in envy, dwell on it, hate others for it, rather let it be known that what you see is attractive to you and that you choose such for yourself. Let yourself picture your life with, and your fantasies of, and surely life will follow...also, some experience can be gained by watching your friends, and learning what to do and not to do with it...make yourself ready to be ready should your desires become a reality for you. :) Also, surrounding yourself with those that inspire you to want more for yourself is a good thing too.
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• China
14 Jul 09
yes, there is a good side and bad side lies in envy.. i am trying to use its good side hehe thanks for reply happy mylotting
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Hello! I dont have friends that are super rich, but who have better things , but at one time I did as well , ya know. I just need to slowly give this house a makeover, and the only thing that bothers me is that I cant go get new things now. I get mad that my house needs work because of people who lived in my house. I would say that my dads side has some rich family and sometimes I feel they dont get how hard it is for people all around them.
• China
14 Jul 09
hehe...ur so lucky.. in fact i think my family should be belong to some good family background. but just cant compare with my friends hehe thanks for reply hv a nice day
@Anandhh (389)
• India
13 Jul 09
Hi babyorchid :)i like to give you some advices :) "DONt let envy steal away the joy in yor life" we should always be kind one to another,for this is commanded by God.And stay away from envy.Envy may be old as mankind but it remains very dangerous and destructive.Envy and jealousy are the acts of unkindness.we will discover that they may lead to some conclusion hatred.where there is hatred,all love is lost Be careful :) happy mylotting :)
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• China
14 Jul 09
thanks so much for ur goodness. i am reading ur advice once again and try to understand completely and balance myself wish you happy everyday
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
I think its normal for us to feel envy when we see people who seem to have it all. But we should not entertain what we feel and allow it to take root in our hearts. We should also consider that we have a lot of things that majority of the population do not have. Whenever I feel affected because it seems like other people had it made, I try to count my blessings, at least I have work, a lot of other people do not have jobs. I have a family that loves me, there are a lot of orphans out there who was not able to experience a parent's love or have someone take care of their daily food since they are young. These things made me realize that I may not be as rich as my friends but at least I have what I need and a little more. Its good to have a grateful heart instead of always contemplating about what you don't have
• China
13 Jul 09
thanks silverlight! yes, life is more than money..i got my friends ,my family, my work ehhe thanks for reading best wishes
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I'm sure if they were honest with themselves, they would say that they envy you. You probably appreciate the things you have much more than they appreciate what they have because you earned your things and theirs were just handed to them. Most rich people I have known always seem so bored with everything. Don't envy your friends, just enjoy the friendship and forget about the wealth
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• China
13 Jul 09
thanks so much for ur good words i am trying my best to forget about the wealth maybe a little bit hard ehe thanks best wishes
@cindyhxf (1446)
• China
13 Jul 09
there are always many rich persons and poor persons in the life.but do you really think they are rich always if no work skill in life?yes,maybe they have good family background their parents give them all.but i don't envy rich friends much.i will learn good side from them but i have my way to live well too.i don't complain my parents give me normal family background.they gave me life and create everything by my hands.
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• China
14 Jul 09
I am not complain that my parents didnt offer me such a good family background.eheh..just sometimes feel like if my family is very powerful,it will be much easier for me to manage something..to get a good job..enter a very good company..especially in China..everything is related with relationship... hehe thanks for reading hv a nice day
@cmnavarro (251)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
why should you envy them? hehe yes, they may all have the money in the world--but that's not the only thing that we need in life. money has its limits too... so, try to look at the brighter side of being what you call "a normal girl." they can get easily what they want, but try to think of it... will they be able to survive if something bad happens to their business/company? or worse to their parents who worked hard to give them all that they need/want. sometimes, we need to learn it the hard way to get what we want and be able to fulfill our needs. there's always something that you have that you're rich friends cannot have. =)
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• China
13 Jul 09
thanks so much for adding me as ur friends u really give me a good reason for not envying them thanks hv a nice day
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
That's just a normal feeling, I'am too gets envy of the rich people who can get and buy what ever they wanted. For me i have to work first before i can buy what i wanted sometimes i have to cancel my plan on buying things just to spend it more on my family's need. Sometimes i am also dreaming that someday i will get rich or win a lottery so that i can buy everything that i am wishing for. But that's ok, atleast i have a very happy and intact family, which i think some very rich people are lacking of. I'm just thankful of what i have now and i am appreciating everything what is given to me because there is a reason why God chooses me to be this way.
• China
14 Jul 09
yes, i do dream that if i were them ...lol..kidding.only dream. i understand ur way..just thinking wt we get and perish all we hv right? good idea thanks so much for reading hv a nice day
• Malaysia
13 Jul 09
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• China
13 Jul 09
thanks for reply hv a nice day
• China
13 Jul 09
hi! Don't be blue, i'll envy my very rich friends too. But i think your life is more substantial. Only through your own effort and you can be the real billionaire.
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• China
14 Jul 09
wow, i love your words that maybe one day i can become a billionaire myself.. wt a hard and far way to go.. hehe thanks for reply happy mylotting
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
No. I have lots of rich friends too.And i don't envy them. Eventhough I don't have a car of my own(my dad and brother has) I am still thankful of what I have. Many of my rich friends are not that happy though. They get to have everything they wanted in life but still something is lacking in their lives. And that is the love and presence of there love ones. I am lucky enough to a have a lo.ving family. My parents taught me how to get the things i wanted to have with my own sweat by getting good grades in college. With my friends,they felt neglected because their parents won't even bother how they do in school. All their parents do is to give them money in exchange of happiness. So better not be jealous okay? :)
• China
14 Jul 09
thanks so much.miemie you are such a good girl i should look at wt i hv and try to get wt i wanna through my hard work thanks hehe happy mylotting
@haiershen (1080)
• China
13 Jul 09
To be honesty, a little,because if your family have a rich background, you will get what you want very quickly and easily.companed with poor family, they get more on the road of growing & the road to success is easier.however,every family have their own problem,maybe their life lack more.sateify,happiness isn't appeared in their life.so i think happiness is most important thing. not rich or poor.in poor family,their also have their happiness. good luck and have a nice day!
• China
13 Jul 09
that's the truth of fact,especially u living in such a big city with such a high living expediture.. money can sometimes mislead us.. thanks for reading hv a nice day
• Indonesia
13 Jul 09
never think about something like that in my life, oh yes my friends have good brain, nice figures, cool faces, and rich too, but he still my friend, and as long he didn't do anything to made me mad, he always will be my friend. for me I don't even care about how much money he have, how many women that idolize him, or how cool he is COMPARED to me, what the point thinking about things like that, and if I have anything I want, I will work my way to it, just remember that nothing is impossible to human, as long as you have the will.
• China
14 Jul 09
i love this say: nothing is impossible to human,as long as u hv the will thanks so much relax now nice respond hv a nice day
• China
24 Jul 09
well,i think i won't envy them .there also many rich friends around me ,and some are very rich,they may get much money from their parents than me ,but i never envy them.because i think we are the same,and i will get richer than them through my work in the future.have a good day.
• India
13 Jul 09
hey dont envy them, u've got a chance to build your own fortune to reach the skies starting from the ground. they can never get this chance. Live life to ur fullest.
@xiaopi (1)
• China
13 Jul 09
You are not like them, but the family not is important thing, they are your friends , that"s enough!
• China
14 Jul 09
hard to say..i think i just cant feel balance hehe thanks for reply hv a nice day
• Malaysia
3 Aug 10
You can't compete on what you can buy. Clearly they can buy more. But you have so many options in your own life. Plenty of young people go backpacking, hosteling, biking, and etc. You don't need a lot of cash and you get a much better view of places you can visit. If you go with groups and share rooms, you can do a lot with very little money. You will also develop a lot more confidence because you won't be held by the hand everywhere like wealthy people are.