To the people who made unkind remarks about Michael Jackson's daughter.....

@mommyboo (13174)
United States
July 12, 2009 9:51pm CST
I don't understand why people were making nasty comments in the comment feed at youtube. Paris is only 11 years old and that was her DADDY. I hope to God that people who frequent youtube and other social type sites online were not victims of circumstance and did not have to suffer the loss of a parent when they were just a child but let me tell you, it is no laughing matter. It is nothing to make fun of. It is a horrible horrible awful thing whether they were famous, not famous, whether they died from an accident, on purpose, or of a disease. I think it took a lot of courage for her to get up there at a huge public memorial service not more than a WEEK after the loss of her dad - especially after for the most part he sheltered her from the outside world. It's all speculation how she was raised, nobody making any comments on the outside knows for sure. I just think it is beyond cruel for people to say some of the things they have said. My heart breaks for her, she is simply reacting the way any of us in her position would. For any of you who have seen those disgusting comments or perhaps to any of you who MADE such a disgusting comment, put yourself in her shoes and allow me to rip you apart. Only, I have more empathy and respect for even a stranger that I would not do such a thing.
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15 responses
• United States
13 Jul 09
yeah my mom peeved me off with making a comment when it showed a little clip of her saying how she loved her daddy or something my mom said "of course she loved him he gave her everything" i felt that was out of line.. spoiled or not she im sure still loved him. i havent seen the bad comments nor have seen her whole speech so i guess i cant add anything to that lol
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
You know, it's not about things. It just isn't. I see kids who have lots of things but no love, and what they want most is having their parents THERE. They act up to get attention, and then they act up to get more attention. They love people who give them attention, so honestly they are really good for strangers or friends of their parents who just willingly give them attention, but for their parents they are hellions because otherwise they don't get attention. From what I have read, his kids are very well mannered and bright, and despite having the life they have had, they are not spoiled. He didn't 'give them everything'. No parent who aims to teach their children the value of things ever 'gives them everything'. You can however give your kids the tools and knowhow so they can in turn obtain things for themselves - and there's where pride in your own accomplishments comes from.
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• United States
14 Jul 09
yeah it really irritated me that my mom said that just because i dont doubt that she loved him and is totally crushed along with her brothers over the whole thing and then to get criticized is horrible!
@babykeka80 (2084)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I didnt see the awful comments and I am glad I didn't. Those poor children. He was all they had. The loss of a parent is one of the most traumatic events a child could possibly go through especially when you only have one parent. There are so many ignorant people in this world. Look how they treated her daddy. He tried his entire life for world peace and to help children. It is a cruel world and some people will never grow up. The only thing I disagree with is that Michael tried those childrens whole life to hide them from media. He had them wear masks and cover their faces and right after he passes they are thrown in front of the camera for these ignorant people to run all over. It is pathetic that people live their lives that way but there is obviously nothing we can do to change them. If anyone knows that Michael knew that he definitely tried.
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• United States
14 Jul 09
I totally agree with you. I just hope the public does not hurt these children like they have already tried. I think Michael was trying to live the childhood he had never had. Have you ever listened to that song childhood? It is heartbreaking. I think he is desperately reaching out and trying to explain himself in that song. The world is a cruel and ignorant place though. I hate that he is gone but maybe he is the lucky one. Nobody can bother him anymore.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
All parents probably have something they do that other parents find odd, and celebrity parents are no different. It has to be harder for them in the public eye to effectively shield their kids. I think it drew more attention to them by putting masks or veils over their faces than it would have if they just went out in public, but I'm not him so I don't know the reasoning. I have seen him wearing a mask himself and I wonder if it had to do with his immune system being down. With all the swine flu stuff, people were wearing masks everywhere and all I could do really was laugh. I'm not a germaphobe, and I don't antibacterial everything before I touch it. I've seen some people make comments about his Neverland and you know what, I think that for all the fuss and promotion, he was a little boy in a man's body. I don't think he saw things for what other people saw them. I also don't think there's anything wrong or 'selfish' about creating something like that for yourself, even if it's huge and expensive. How is that different from anybody who custom builds a mansion or has a huge custom garage full of 8 classic cars? Nobody is going to live forever, believe it or not, nobody gets out alive, so why not enjoy what you have while you're here? I rather say those who never enjoy and just complain about what others do with what they have just end up having a miserable life - and they don't get another round.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
13 Jul 09
I completely second your thought. Why people are making it in shameful way? they say she was asked to act like that. whatever MJ may be, he was her dad. A 11 year old said what her heart reacted.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
that's why I say people are low. I don't think she cares what people think either, if I were her I certainly wouldn't.
@hairypits (294)
13 Jul 09
Honestly this is the worst thing I have heard today. People literally sicken me with this kind on stuff. If I saw anyone ripping a child of any age for any reason I would jump in and defend the child's innocence but this just takes the pee. The fact is when people hide behind a computer, pen and paper or even a telephone, all barriers are dropped and they think they can say what they like. Paris is a child who has been protected for the whole of her 11 years from crap like this. She is vulnerable and innocent - something her father has done an excellent job of retaining. It's a very sad world we live in .
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Exactly. For instance whatever beef someone has with ME does not transfer to my children or my spouse. God help the person, if they did that to my family, I'd come back from the grave and beat the living daylights out of them! Also, if someone had a beef with me, you had better believe they should have the guts to come to my face about it while I was ALIVE or else it doesn't really qualify, does it? Bunch of cowards those people are.
• United States
13 Jul 09
That little girl and her brothers are beautiful INNOCENT children who have just lost the only parent they have ever really known. I didn't see what was being said about those poor kids, but I don't need to see it to know that it is wrong for anybody to say nasty things about INNOCENT CHILDREN, especially children who are now dealing with what must be a devastating loss and possible looming custody battle.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
I have probably told you, I understand this because I have lost a parent - and I was just a child. It is not fair for the judgements to come from these pea brained people who have never experienced the grief of the loss of someone so important to you they are the center of your universe. It is so hard to feel adrift like that, as if you are alone and have nobody to take care of you any more, even if you do.
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• Philippines
13 Jul 09
It is really devastating how people think. The only time I cried while watching the memorial was when Paris gave her farewell message to her dad. I hope people will stop saying bad things. Paris is just a little girl who is in great pain because she could no longer see her DAD forever...
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Parents are important - and in my opinion, parents are the ones who love and parent you, it doesn't mean they HAVE to be biologically your parents. Loss of people that integral and important to your life is devastating personally, nobody should ever care what OTHER PEOPLE think. Other people be damned... until it has happened to you, you can't know how it feels, nor can you judge....
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I haven't seen any negative comments about her appearance at the memorial...I don't know why there'd be any. Your right in that it is hard to lose a parent regardless of who it is or how it happened. While there is a lot of speculation about Micheal Jackson and his lifestyle, that in no way reflects on the children. He made his own choices as I'm sure his kids will as they grow up. I wish them luck in dealing with all of this. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Jul 09
mommyboo it's not just comments left there, but scattered all over the place at so many YouTube videos that are disgusting and uncalled for, and I'm surprised at the language would think they would have a filtering system like they have here at MyLot where certain words can't be used. Don't ask how many times I've been angered by stupid, obnoxious remarks various azzholes leave on different videos.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I haven't read the comments and don't care to. It took a lot of courage for that grieving child to get up there to honor her Daddy. She did great. My only concern is what the future of those children will be without their father. As I have said previously I hope the mother of the oldest two does not get custody of them. She is a foul mouthed human being and IMO thinks of nothing but her self. Supervised visitation yes - custody no IMO.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Hey mommboo! I really chose to ignore the ignorant people who made those moronic statements! They were obviously the same people who hated Michael Jackson and had nothing nice to say about him to begin with! How anyone could dare to say something so negative and terrible about a child that just lost her father is beyond me! She spoke from her heart, without coaxing from anyone! It was quite obvious that she was having a very difficult time trying to get the words out! She is only an 11 year old little girl who loved her Daddy very much! No matter what anyone had to say about Michael Jackson he was a good Father to his children and they adored him! No one can ever take that away from him or the love they have for him and it should be respected and the children should be allowed to mourn their Dad who they loved very much!
• United States
13 Jul 09
Totally with you on this! Why would anyone want to lower themselves to even respond to people who make judgement calls as they do, or act purely evil when it comes to disgracing another person. To acknowledge their response, gives them the attention they want. Therefore, if everyone just ignored their discussions, or ignored watching horrible things on Youtube, then maybe these people would get a life, or figured out that people don't want to hear it! As longas they get feedback, they will continue
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
The problem, chariot, is that when people do things like this, they need to be banned from a site immediately. People should not be allowed to bully or harrass others. I'm not saying to give them attention. I'm saying to cut them off. No three strikes, one and you're OUT. Thanks Opal, I couldn't keep quiet about this after I saw all the comments, all made within less than a minute of the one I made!
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Let me start off by saying, I've haven't seen the comments on Youtube that you're talking about, and I agree, people shouldn't be saying bad things about an 11 year old girl. Now, that I've gotten that out of the way, I think people are skeptical that the girl did that all on her own, without it being a setup by the Jacksons. They are performers, and know how to put on a 'show'. They are all out trying to do damage control on their brother. If it was a setup, then shame on the Jacksons for using this girl the way they did. No child should be exploited, for whatever reason. And that's my 2 cents.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
13 Jul 09
I haven't seen any unkind remarks directed at Paris Jackson. I find people online are so cruel to others. It disgust me the things people say about others when they don't even know them personally. The mentality of some people I just don't get the evilness and hatred that would take for people to say certain things that they say. When you say horrible things about an 11 year old girl who just lost her daddy that is the lowest of the low. That tells me they are heartless and that the devil is at work. I always say to myself what goes around comes around and the bad karma will catch up to them.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Jul 09
It is such a shame that karma isn't instant lol. That's what I always say. It would be so lovely to look at someone who was being a big jerk and say 'an anvil is about to fall on your head' and then step back and watch it happen. Oh yes, lovely indeed.
@andresimp (818)
• India
13 Jul 09
you are right. these you tube comments are nasty.. it is rude that people don't understand the pain of Michael's daughter. i was so touched and moved to tears when Paris spoke. poor girl. i hope people understand her pain instead of sitting back giving nasty comments.. thank you so much for this discussion.
@meyows (438)
• India
16 Jul 09
It's disgusting. The people should not do that. It's really disgusting comments.
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
I had to admit, it would have been a lot harder if i was on her shoes. but people on youtube are such monkeys.they're just nothing for all i know. shouldn't give your time on those kind of people.have a nice day and RIP MJ