husband's family is driving me crazy!!!!!!!
@AithneFireStorm (212)
United States
July 13, 2009 1:42am CST
Yep that's right they are driving me nuts! I am constantly two seconds from telling them where they can go and how they can get there in much less friendly terms!
Okay here is why... We moved to Texas (where my husband is originally from) and since moving here we have been the only conversation his family seems to enjoy having!
We are constantly being told either to our faces or hearin behind our backs how bad of parents we are. I have heard I don't feed my kids and that they had to eat from the trash (if you could see my kids right now you could tell they eat and very well at that), if you ask them I MAKE my kids get sick! Like a couple months ago my youngest son got sick very suddenly. We had his birthday party on a Sunday and he was coughing a little but he was still playing and having a good time up until the end and he had had no nap so of course the little guy was tired. Well two days later he was so congested he could hardly breathe! I immediately came home from work and took him to the doctor. They had already gotten a sample of his mucus and had given him a breathing treament to see if that would help clear him up. Well they put that mask on him and he fought it tooth and nail (I can't blame him I had an oxygen mask when I was having my oldest and I oanicked so bad in it it got sucked to my face to where I could not breathe)! Needless to say he was very tired by the time he finished the treatment. Well about this time here comes my sister in law. When the doctor comes in and tells me they found NO bacteria or viruses in his mucus and was telling me she would give me the stuff to do the breathing treatments and some antibiotics to help keep him from developing pneumonia. Well mys sister in law has to speak up and says "Dr. he was acting like this on Sunday at his birthday party!" well when she said that My barely one year old son and I had to go to the emergency room for X-rays. It took 3 hours for the X-rays to get down and 6 hours for someone to look at them and see what was going on... When I finally did see the ER doctor regarding him they said the same thing the first doctor had told me which was that he was very congested and that it was good I brought him when I did because it COULD HAVE developed into pneumonia but that it was NOT pneumonia! she gave me all the same things the first doctor was going to give me. My poor one year had to sit in my lap for 9 hours because my sister in law couldn't mind her own business! Not only that but before I could even get back home she had called my husband and told him my son HAD pneumonia which was not what the doctor had said! She had also called the entire family and told them the same thing! I have had pneumonia and in order for you to have pneumonia there has to be a cause like a strain of bacteria or a virus and all the tests on his mucus came back clear! My husband on top of it believed her over me... at the time...He has caught his sister and other family members in so many lies now he has apologized to me over that and said he should have known I would not lie about something as important as our children!
Keep in mind this is one of so many things the have pulled on us... I am one of their favorite targets for some reason! I got a job after losing my last one about 3 months ago now (I just started there this past Moday) and his family is already telling my husband to have me quit and for us to go on foodstamps instead. His mother even told me after I told her he did not want to go that route, for me to go behind his back and do it anyways. I told her in no uncertain terms would I NOT go against his wishes on this because it would make hi mad and cause problems and I told him what she had said and what I responded with! He was mad just as I thought he would be!
What can I do? I am wanting to go postal and cuss them out but I am not that kind of person! I don't like conflict when it comes to family. We pay our bills, not always on time but they get paid. There is always food on the table and I manage to get most of the toys my kids want without begging for help! Why are they making us out to be so bad?
Grrr can I just move to Alaska and get away from them?
1 response
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
hello there! it might be the wisest decision for you and your family to move somewhere else quite far from them--this is the only way to spare yourself from unwanted anxiety due to their fickle-mindedness. it would be difficult though for your hubby to be away from his family but if he really loves you, he must sacrifice for your own well being. good luck and i wish you well.
@AithneFireStorm (212)
• United States
13 Jul 09
We have actually talked about that.... He is getting annoyed with his family too! He said it is best to ignore them but he has also said if it gets to much worse than maybe we will move to Houston near some of his high school friends....