If is a must to post your own photo as avatar you will accept?

@icesmile (7160)
July 13, 2009 5:53am CST
Here or anywhere, if you want to be a member in a site and you must to put your real photo as avatar you will accept, or just leaving? How much do you think that your real photo can help you to be a good member in a site or not? Is easy for you to use your real photo, or you like to show only your inner qualities? Is not a big deal to post your own photo, but are people who really don t want show theirs pictures, and i am one of them.Not because i am afraid of somebody or something, just that is my decision, and this is. BUT IF THEY ASK YOU AS A CONDITION , TO PUT YOUR PHOTO HERE, YOU WILL BE AGREE OR NOT?
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18 responses
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jul 09
There is no question of being good member or bad member. What is important is that you give your original photo. Not ogf a Dog as you are not a do nor of flower. Just tell me what is wrong in giving your original photo in such site? You are not a run away criminal nor you are a terrorist. So why not give your original photo?
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
13 Jul 09
Maybe because i am ugly, can be a reason...
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
14 Jul 09
Socrates was the ugliest one but still he was the most handsome person ever lived on this Earth.
• Canada
13 Aug 09
I would if I had to. The only reason why I didn't post my own photo as my avatar, is because my two flags match my screenname. My MyLot name is danishcanadian, and my flags are the flag of Denmark (the one with the cross) and the flag with the maple leaf (Canadian flag).
• Canada
13 Aug 09
I would if I had to. The only reason why I didn't post my own photo as my avatar, is because my two flags match my screenname. My MyLot name is danishcanadian, and my flags are the flag of Denmark (the one with the cross) and the flag with the maple leaf (Canadian flag).
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
14 Jul 09
If you would have asked me this when I was still new to the site I probably would have said no because I wouldn't have been able to accept it and left the site. But I've had a change of heart since then and now I've been using a photo of me as my avatar for the past couple of years here. As it is I just updated my avatar with a more current picture of myself a few days ago. The picture may be small in size, but no one ever said it had to be a particular size, now did they?
• United States
14 Jul 09
Hi, Icesmile! This is really quite difficult. I'm not sure. I think I'd probably do it, but I'm really not sure at all. After all, The avatars we choose do a lot for privacy. I wouldn't put my Social Security Number on the forum, nor would I post my phone number. One of the reasons even very shy people can open up quite fully here is that we're relatively anonymous. There are also some people each of us would prefer not to see or hear from, so not using our photos helps with that. Those who have a couple of different accounts because they want to be able to "play" a couple of different parts wouldn't be able to do that if their photos were on display, either. I certainly would not like it!
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
15 Jul 09
hi ice, i dont mind placing a photo here. this is a place for discussion and at the same time, having friends. i wonder why some dont like to place their pictures ( i guess shy) dont you like to see who you are talking to? i dont think its a big deal. what can you say to this? ann
• United States
13 Jul 09
I've been on the internet for years and have joined a lot of sites during that time. I've never found one that required you to use your own photo, so the question is really kind of pointless. How would they even know whether it was your photo or someone else's? What reason would a site have for such a requirement? I'm a private person, and I stay that way as much as possible when I'm online. I've never posted my photo and I never will. It has nothing to do with self-esteem or my looks -- just the desire for privacy.
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
yes i will put my real photo if it is a must. i mean im not ugly at all and even ugly people can post there photos... appearance is a plus factor to all kinds of business and jobs BUT good personality is also a factor to society.
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 09
I've got no problem with showing my picture on the Internet. As you can see, I use my current photo for my avatar on My Lot. I don't think that there is any risk involved, it all depends how you look at it. I think that it would be wrong to impose this as a condition of joining a site, it should always be the individual's choice as to whether they want to do this or not. Andrew
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
It is not a must, not a condition but i am using my picture here just as i am bringing out the inner me in my comments and responses. This is me and it is for you and the rest who have read me to judge whether i am a good member here or not. Hello icesmile! I hope you find me a good enough member to be your friend.
@Preciousgem (1182)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
If that is the condition of mylot i will accept it, because every site that i joined i always have my own picture, to be well known, and to show my face in the net,and it is not a big deal whether not or i put it, and i am not a shame to show the real picture of me.
@flaredust (728)
• Indonesia
14 Jul 09
It doesn't matter for me too. My avatar actually the real photo of me but I want to add artistic impression that's why I change my photo a bit different than the real photo. But if it's a must I'm gladly accept it, we could become more familiar with other members here. Basically I have a hard time here when some members often change their avatar, sometime I'm not recognize them, that's why giving real photo may be a good idea. In other site, social networking site i.e facebook I use my real photo and I don't experience any trouble regarding that.
@fheroan (615)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
well, its not a big deal for me to put pics of me in the internet because in my pics i always wear sunglasses and hoods..lol.. but if its really a must..i think thats scary...you know..why is it a must to post your photo? right?..if thats the case, maybe they're looking for someone to be their victim for something..
@meyows (438)
• India
14 Jul 09
If it is compulsory, means if any site owner asks his members as a condition to put the photo, I'll agree and give my real avatar if I really want to join the site, and if the site is really good that we'll be benifited to join. What else can we do. We can't leave the site just for silly reason okay? like we need to show our face. Okay. What's the problem in that. It costs nothing. If I think my face is not good, then it's their problem who asked it to see. They'll digest seeing it daily. But I don't see it right? Why don't you like to show your photo as you said it's your decision not to post your photo, I am asking, when we know your inner qualities, we would like to see your external face I mean photo also. It's natural we would like to see our friend who helped us so far. Isn't it? But we should respect others' privacy. We should not force anyone for anything. We should leave to their will and wish. What do you say?
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
For me, it's not a big deal if I have to put my own photo as avatar. In fact almost all the sites that I've joined, I put my own photo in it, just like here in myLot. Hehe. I am not good looking but I am proud of how I look. I don't have any bad intention or hidden agenda in joining, that's why I can easily use my own photo. I'm not against those people who doesn't want to use their own photo as avatar, they have their right to choose, and I respect it. So for me, yes I will accepr the condition, I will put my own photo as avatar. Happy myLotting!
@dolphin2406 (1224)
• Poland
13 Jul 09
Hi icesmile, I don't like to put my picture on sites like mylot and similar ones. I only put the on Facebook where only my friends can see them and that's because they know me. On other sites they can be misused more and not everyone puts his real picture I guess. On the other hand if you have to put your real picture, the site would become more serious, in a way that people will be more cautious about what they write and say and there will be less spammers.
@angelsmummy (1696)
13 Jul 09
I would probably put up a baby picture of myself. I dont like puytting pictures of myself on the internet it makes me feel uneasy I dont know who is looking at it therefore I would not feel comfortable. Also I wouldnt mind to much if we could choose who saw the picture and not just the world and his wife that was going to see it!
@yogambal_64 (1014)
• India
13 Jul 09
Hi, If it is a must and after going through the conditions and if they really satisfy me I do not bother to post my photo. But in the general sense I do not think it is really necessary to add a photo in the site. There is no problem if one is willing to display his photo actually some people really like their photo to be posted and enjoy watching it themselves. But for me I will do it only if i am insisted to do it and that too if I am convinced