What would you choose?

@p1kef1sh (45681)
July 13, 2009 7:33am CST
I have often wondered what it would be like to be marooned in history. I'd fancy going back to certain periods for a day or so, but the idea of being there forever doesn't entirely thrill me. Of course I could always "invent" useful things like electricity, the internal combustion engine. the tape recorder etc. Or could I? Actually I don't think that I could "discover" these things. I know how to use them, but not necessarily how to make them. If you went back in history what would you take with you and could you make a copy of it or invent it from scratch?
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18 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I wouldn't really want to go back to the past. I like my modern conveniences! If I had to, though, I'd prefer to live during the 1950's or so after they invented clothes washers! Actually, I would really like to live during that time of optimism, determination and when society had some coherence.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
I know what you mean. I caught a few minutes of 1963 film earlier and everything seemed so much simpler. I love 1950s fashions too!
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
13 Jul 09
What an interesting discussion! When thinking of what I'd bring, I immediately thought of my computer, cell phone and food processor. Then I realised that that would be silly...I don't know if whatever time in history that I ended up at would have electricity to run them. I thought about bringing money, but don't know if it would be considered currency...or if it would be worthless. I guess I'd put on as much jewelry as I could and grab my dog, Tukay. Gold and silver has always had value, and I'm miss my dog if she wasn't with me.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
True. They might look at your jewelry and see even in that some new techniques in cutting etc. As for your dog - you'll need some protection from all those men who will be after you! They weren't all nicely obedient like me in those days you know! LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
Just let me know. I could be your silver cleaner or something!
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Hahaha! Any man who is afraid of my chihuahua isn't worth being 'caught' by. Maybe I'll hold out for a jeweler, who is impressed by new ways of making jewelry. I might even get to lead a life of privilege, huh? I could go for that.
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@RieRie (820)
13 Jul 09
I'd go back to the beginning of time and take a camera, then take a photo of what happened and then all the religious people and big bang theoristy people could see exactly what happened and stop arguing about it :-) I don't think I could invent a camera though.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
That's your theory scuppered RirRie. Actually, a camera isn't so hard to make. A little pinhole camera can be made out of things that we all have lying around. Instructions are here: www.instructables.com/id/How_To_Make_A_Pinhole_Camera/
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@RieRie (820)
14 Jul 09
Oh yeah I remember doing it at school ,but mine didn't work too well :-)
@urbandekay (18278)
13 Jul 09
Matches all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
13 Jul 09
Well, used to make gunpowder as a kid, so don't think it would be that hard all the best urban
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
Yes. Now I wonder if I know how to make a match without blowing myself and most of the area around me to smithereens!
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@urbandekay (18278)
13 Jul 09
The catseye, easy and the inventor made millions all the best urban
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
He did and he was English! However, you could only really go back to the early 20th century, before then there wasn't much need for catseyes - except by cats!
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• Egypt
13 Jul 09
i agree with you
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• India
13 Jul 09
if it is possible for me to go back the history then i will make every effort to strengthen the relationship that i have lost in my life. and to be funniest i really like to experience the thrill again that time has kept for me.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
That's good to hear. Thank you.
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@nannacroc (4049)
14 Jul 09
I've always been fascinated by the Restoration period of English history so I think that's where I'd like to go for a while, not for too long though. I'd have to be as posh as you though, people from lower class backgrounds had a bit of a rotten time, to say the least.
@nannacroc (4049)
15 Jul 09
Yes, she did really well considering she only sold oranges. No, I don't think so, I haven't got the shape for it.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jul 09
Nell Gwynne did alright Nanna. She wasn't that posh. Do you fancy yourself as a buxom wench?
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
18 Jul 09
honestly, I probably would not do very well, I love time travel stories, but when I have to consider it honestly, I would not fit - not at all and I couldn't make something from now that would be very helpful
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
18 Jul 09
nahh, they'd just lock me up in a mental hospital, and I would not survive that!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
18 Jul 09
Better not send you back then Elic. But then again, maybe you could tell them about life today and the mistakes they could avoid.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Jul 09
I'd go back to ancient Egypt. The only thing I'd take with me would be digital camera with spare memory cards so I could take pics of everything that I've always wanted to know about in terms of what they did and how they did it, like building the pyramids. Like you though, I wouldn't want to be there forever.........
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Jul 09
You know, I rather think I'd be bringing back (on camera) more of THEIR technology than I could ever 'teach' them. They were some pretty smart dudes back then!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jul 09
Take the camera Sparky, but could you leave them the technology? I doubt it. Making a simple camera is straightforward, but a digital one? There's an awful lot of technology in one of those and frankly how to make it is well over the top of my head. Don't forget to share the pics though when you get back.
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@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
14 Jul 09
i would take a lap top, camera, notebook and pencil so that i can record every detail of that period to capture the ambiance, people and lifestyle of that time. then when i arrived home, i would create a novel by using such information to make it sound as realistic as possible, giving people the impression that i had really lived in the time.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Jul 09
That would be a good idea. Haven't seen you for a while. Are you OK?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jul 09
Gosh. What an episode. I hope that you write about it sometime - there's a great book there! I'm pleased that things are returning to normal. As for your sense of smell. I don't know. You might see a herbalist perhaps?
• Netherlands
18 Jul 09
Oh Heaven's No! Whatever it was that I would take to whatever period of time I was going back to it would Have to be a copy, I couldn't make a mistake without a recipe! Having said that! I think I would quite like to get my hands on the famous Fountain of Youth formula and take it back to any time period...I would become wealthy as almost everyone wants to stay young forever and then once I am wealthy I could buy whatever else I wanted or needed like maybe a lovely Mansion or Villa filled with servants to wait on me hand and foot!!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
19 Jul 09
I bet the queue to be your servant would stretch round the block!
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• Netherlands
20 Jul 09
Oh wouldn't that be nice? To think that everyone would line up just to serve me! But unfortunately I think that at my age I may have spoken too soon about having many servants in my mansion or villa to wait on me hand and foot! I think I would settle for just One Good One! It would be a strain for One person to bear all of that burden but I am of the mind that if you get One that knows what he is doing then he would be able to run my house quite well and work out just fine I am sure...Although!!! I Can be Just a Wee Bit Demanding, I Might even have to give him a 1 week paid vacation a year just so that he could re-energize himself!!!
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
For me If I am the man in the history I dont think I cannot invent whatever. Its because I have only average .I.Q. Not all people have bright minds and ideas to have some inventions. I know only great people can make their story and inventions provable . Might be I can only have a copy for it.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
Maybe you could find a clever person and show them the thing? Then perhaps they can make it.
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
15 Jul 09
If I went back in time I would not try to invent anything that has been invented, but I would try to stop the things that have been so harmful to the planet and mankind from being invented! Things such as nuclear weapons and the fast food, mass consumer, throw away society that we have become today! Sometimes I think it would be great to go back in time and live in a world that was much simpler! :-)
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jul 09
I think that you would have to be a politician then! Or King. Everything that has been invented would be anyway sooner or later, maybe by a different person, but it would surely come. But if we could curb man's greed; that would be wonderful.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
15 Jul 09
Yes, curbing mans greed would be a wonderful thing...but I think you would have to go back to the beginning of all life on earth to put a stop to that one...lol :-)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I have had this discussion before just not on here. I have to say that I would go back to around 1780 or so. After and before our countries wars and when there was a lot to explore. As for what I would bring back with me well I think everyone is thinking too big. It's the small things in life that I would miss. Tampons and liners would be one as well as self inking pens and safety pins. Makeable and very useful in anytime period.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Jul 09
I think that if you could access a supply of cotton then you'd make a fortune with the tampon. That really is something that you might know how to make.
• United States
14 Jul 09
Yeah really how hard could it be...lol
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Jul 09
There is no way I would go back somewhere where there was no modern medicine unless I had a guarantee that I could get back. I wouldn't go back and live there or invent anything. If anything I'd observe historical events to see what really happened, go back to see famous monuments or works or art that have been destroyed, talk to famous people, etc.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
That would be my preference too Dawn. However, I am wondering what would happen if I were to be marooned in history. Maybe I'd get better acquainted with herbal remedies and ladies with long pointy hats and warts on their noses!
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Jul 09
Yes, I can see your point. Better that than bleeders and leechers. Yech.
13 Jul 09
Hi p1key, Oh, I don't think I could invent anything, but I would love to go back in time a wrie an article about what its going to be like in teir future, and scarper back before they can accuse me of being a witch, not that its anything wron with being a witch lol! but it would have been written. Hugs. Tamara xxxx
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
LOL. It wasn't necessarily good to be thought of as a witch in the old days Tamara. So you'd better take your running shoes!! XXXX
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
15 Jul 09
i guess you would not call it history but id like to go back a few years,(say for a week, just like a vacation) say 40 years or so, where life seems very simple and everything is easy. and people knows almost everyone in the neighborhood. a time where things are less complicated and people are not in a hurry. but i want to bring my computer with me during that time though. ann
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Jul 09
So long as you have the power for it you'll be OK. But could you make an electricity generator?
@DrPain (31)
• United States
13 Jul 09
You and I have this in common. I been thinking for years what could i make that different that people would want. The way the economy is designed, no one needs. It would have to be a creation that people want. As seen on tv with all these averts on products that are usless, what could i invent? Just like music things can be recreated. But what would get me rich? The way of the world not makes me think,"Don't waist your time Doctor."
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 09
It's the ability to know how to make something and actually manufacture it from the materials they had at the time that is the real key.