When I was a kid...

@whywiki (6066)
July 13, 2009 12:07pm CST
We had to get up and change the channel, had about 13 choices. Rabbit ears were common. Then we had pong on intellivision. Thought we had died and gone to heaven with that game. I remember buying a radio that was in headphones that were huge but portable. Nothing like the i-pods of today! The cars had only front seatbelts and we rode in the back without a second thought. I can remember summer road trips riding in the back of the old station wagon sucking in the fumes. When handheld calculaters came out we had to sneak them into math class! We thought we had it all and had it good and perhaps we did. Had to walk to a payphone if we needed to make a call. Now with everyone and their cellphones it is hard to find a working payphone. So many things have changed and so much has stayed the same. Do you appreciate the modern world we live in or do you miss the simpler life you had as a child?
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17 responses
• United States
13 Jul 09
Oh man you had it good, I can remember when all we had was only 3 channels and forget about colored TV unless you were well off. To change the channels you had to turn the knob on the TV, there wasn't a remote control. If you were lucky you had an outside antenna but you had to go out and turn it by hand. I can even remember sharing a phone line with other families outside of your home, if you picked the phone up and they were on the line you just had to wait. Oh yes I remember them days,even riding in the car, I can remember riding in the car with no seatbelts and heck you didn't think nothing of just holding one of your kids in your lap. Things sure have changed since then, I would say that some things have changed for the better and I would hate to know that I had to go back to some things. But I think the ones of us that has lived through those times is better person because of it. I think a lot of people take things for granted now, having all the things that we have, in fact I think it would do the younger people some good if they had to do without some of the things they have now.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
3 channels! I did have it good. I remember we had a party line shared with our neighbours who loved to spend hours on the phone. We we so happy when we got a private line! I think kids would be lost if they went back in time and didn't have their cells or computers!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
We had a station wagon and I remember the 3 of us kids riding looking out the tailgate and sucking in the fumes.
• United States
13 Jul 09
I tell you all of you are bringing back so many memory's. Oh yea I remember sitting in the window of the car also or riding with the tailgate of the truck down, some of the things that we did were dangerous, but lord it was fun. I can also remember us getting outside and playing all day, we'd find something to do, even stand on old barrels and try to roll them. Oh yea, about the party phone, I can remember one time one of my brother-in-laws got drunk and kept the phone off the hook all night, you know there had to be some mad people around the area when that happened.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Sometimes I miss the simpler life. Can't figure out if time is going faster because I'm older or if it's just because there are so many things to do now? Alot of things that have come along made me think I'd have more free time, but I don't and I can't figure out why! I do have to laugh, my kids seem to think everything is so hard! looking for the remote takes them more time than if they'd just turn the tv on. they groan about loading the dishwasher and looking a word up online, wonder what they would do if they had to go find the dictionary or wash dishes by hand? I do think sometimes it would be easier to just have 3 or 4 tv channels and a limited choice of what to watch. I kind of miss that....remembering back to where everyone would hurry and eat dinner, do dishes, make popcorn, sit in our favorite spot because we didn't want to miss the disney movie at 7 on sunday nights. Getting off the school bus to watch an hour of kids programming before the news and all the other 'grown up junk' came on.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
I remember rushing over to my friends place after school so we could catch the Monkees on TV! No vcr's back then to tape the shows, it was rough in some ways but TV seemed more special with less on. I used to watch the disney movies on Sunday nights too, loved them.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Hey! I remember the Monkees!! My other thing later was getting home in time to see Gilligans Island and later it was General Hospital.
• United States
14 Jul 09
i like some modern things. cable,for instance.i do not miss having 4 channels that came in,or hanging rabbit ears out the window with additional coat hangers added to get a 5th half-snowed channel. i do not miss being my parent's remote control. i do not miss our station wagon-not only did it stink,it overheated all the time. i do miss rotary phones.i loved playing with the wheel dial. i do miss the "everybody beep on the hour" digital watches in class when they were new.our teachers wanted them banned.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
Our station wagon also broke down and stank now that I think about it. I too was the remote control being the youngest child. My dad still has a rotary phone in his basement, it sure takes me back.
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
Hey i like those rotary phones also. I like playing with them and hearing the sound everytime the wheels turn. lols!
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Wow what a great question! I remember summers spent outdoors until it was supper time. I remember riding in the car with nothing but my imagination to distract me - no DVD players, no iPods or handheld game systems! While I do appreciate today & the technology we have, I also worry that we rely way too much on that technology and not enough on our own imaginations. Without our imaginations, the technology we have wouldn't be possible!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
Yeah I remember the long car rides with nothing to entertain us but ourselves. We used to try and see license plates from all the Canadian Provinces and all the American states and see who could see the most.
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
I appreciate the modern world. The simpler ways of how to communicate with people, traveling and even earning money online! Though sometimes it really makes me wonder what will happen if these things aren't here right now.. mylot, cellphones, internet. maybe we will be living in a slow paced but SIMPLER life. So i guess it's inevitable but helped us a lot in so many ways! so live life to the fullest! Enjoy the modern world but never take for granted the simpler things you used to make.Ü
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
I appreciate the modern world too. I am always surprised at the new technologies that come out. But sometimes I wish I could go back.
• India
14 Jul 09
Mine schooling was completed at air force school.It was so exciting to live around aeroplanes and jet fighters.I sat in plane when i was in 4th class.We used to have demo plane in our school.I did some wrong in that demo plane.Principal called my fater regarding that issue.My school used to have strict rule and discipline.I used to play football.I was the best player of my school team.I got so many trophy and medals.i still miss my school days.But i am still in touch with my school friends at the best site orkut.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
What an exciting education that must have been. The internet is a great place to keep in contact with school friends isn't it?
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
yes i sure do! although i love the internet and the ideas you can get from it, i miss simple times. i would love to go back to my child and even back further. i think life is just way too rushed now.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
I love the internet too but you are right about too rushed. Life just races by at an alarming rate!
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
When I was a kid our playground was the open street where we play hide and seek in the moonlight. When I was a kid we have vast ricefields to look for grasshoppers and rice frogs to play with. When I was a kid we use the stems of the cassava leaves as our hair rollers to get some cute curls. When I was a kid we climb on trees and pick fruits just like little monkeys on branches. Oh I miss my childhood and how kids of today hardly experience those. As to my own kid, he has little of those but he loves his computers best. (sighs!)
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
It seems the things we did to have fun outside are now done in a virtual world on the computers. I think hunting grasshoppers in the rice fields would be more fun in person.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I do appreciate the technology we have today. Two things you said in particular brought back flashes of memories, the first is the car thing. I remember being on our school basketball team in grammar school. There were so many times that not only were we not buckled in the back seat, but there was about 5 of us crammed back there with one laying across the top. The other thing you made me remember was talking to my niece and telling her about the old tv's. She asked in shock and awe,"You mean you didn't have a channel changer?" I said, "Sure we did. My mom would just call me into the room and tell me to change the channel. I was the channel changer." Ahhh, the good'ol days.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
I remember car trips like that. 3 seatbelts and 5 kids! Good times.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
14 Jul 09
Yeah,Everything was been changced.When we grow up.When i close eyes i'd rather belive i was twelve.Everything's pure. No computer my own No cellphone my own Only have blue sky i can play games with my best friend No hurt No jealous.Everything seems so perfect.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
I agree, 12 was a perfect age. So free just to be ourselves and no worries.
@Txgal01 (37)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I totally miss the much simpler life I had as a child. My husband and I are always talking about this. We find it sad that today's children are very spoiled and cannot seem to function without the XBox, PS3, PSP, Ninetendo DS. We remember enjoying playing outside with our bikes, friends, and making up games. Anything to come back indoors. Now children claim to be bored by being outdoors. I remember when my brother and I got Donkey Kong. We loved it and were so happy. The classics!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
I remember those days too where we would play tag and ride our bikes until we had to go inside for dinner. I think kids were much healthier back then. Now it is junk food and computers.
• United States
13 Jul 09
So, I'm only twenty-four. I'm probably way too young to be nostalgic, and when I was a kid, there was plenty of technology available to us. But even in the last twenty years, we've come amazingly far. I remember my first computer... it was an apple, not even a mac, and it only ran DOS. And then, when we first got internet, it was so slow that I literally took a book to the computer with me so I would have something to distract me while I waited for the pages to load. Maybe this is also a product of being part of my generation, but if I had a choice, I would keep all the technology we have. I know that it's messed things up for a lot of people, but I think we need to learn to use it right, not just get rid of it. I think the internet is amazing. I mean, without it, we couldn't do this. I couldn't connect with all the people I connect with every day. I think that's the best part of technology. We are all so connected. My parents live 3000 miles away and I hear their voices almost every day, and visit them every couple months. Thank g-d for technology that makes us both able to live in the parts of the world we want to live in, yet not have to lose contact with each other.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
I remember the first computer I worked on. It was the early 80's and the thing took up a whole room! We have come a long way in a short time. It is great this technology stuff that is for sure. I have met so many great people due to the internet and it has made the world a lot smaller.
• United States
14 Jul 09
Some new technologies I do enjoy but i do think technology is making people more and more lazy. Such as remotes before you would have to get up and change the channel and also calculators are only useful if you doing some complex equations that require a lot of math other than that i dont think they should be allowed to be used unless there is a reason especially for younger people because they need to learn to not be dependent on some technology.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
I agree kids today are over dependant on technology. Have you ever been in a store when the power goes out and the cashier has to do things the old fashioned way, most can't even make change!
• United States
13 Jul 09
I grew up in this age and i personnally think its great. I mean we have computers and dish tv and all these great things. This is the digital age now we all just have to get used to it. And its still a rather simple life. I mean what made life so simple back then.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
Life has never been too simple for me. Maybe the 50's were simple?
@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
18 Jul 09
there are some things I do miss, but since I live in a city that got cable in the early 1960's, I barely remember the days when Austin only had one channel... don't ask... You know, I was reading an early Heinlein book, and was laughing at how his heros, including the ones living on the Moon, still had slide rulers...
@roberten (3128)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I love the modern inventions but miss the ole fashioned values. My physical life as a child was difficult as most in my day, so I really do not miss it much. However, I am grateful for the knowledge I gained living in a world where near poverty was the norm because when life's little emergencies happen now, I am prepared. We all lived in momentary bliss, not missing what we never had. My parents were goodly people who have both passed away; now them I DO miss dearly. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
I miss the old fashioned values too. I think it wasn't so much the physical things that made it great back then but the comfort of good parents.
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Some things of the modern world are good, like computers, but they haven't really saved time, and some people have twisted the use of them for filth like porny. My hubby and I are holding on to our landline (we don't own a cell phone, and don't want one), until the landlines are all taken away. Yes, gone are the days of rolling around in the backseat without a care. I think the baby carseat regulations are getting out of control. Thanks..
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
I agree. You have to be a rocket scientist to figure out which carseat to use!