Long Hot Summer
By worldwise1
@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
July 13, 2009 1:18pm CST
I always look forward to the summer season in my area with dread, but not for the reason many might think. I refer to it as "the killing season," because I know from past experience that the number of murders among mostly young people escalates to an alarming rate. The best explanation I've been able to come up with is that the drug problem is still very much an issue. One killing starts it off, and several others usually follow as acts of retaliation. I know that it's not like this everywhere, but I've talked to people who live in other areas of the country who seem to have a similar problem. This leads me to wonder why something cannot be done to put a stop to it. Sure, a handful of brave people speak out against the violence; multiple candlelight vigils are held; nothing changes. I do see one glaring omission in this scenario: A lack of places for young people to go and participate in fun, productive activities. I believe that it would help a lot if these kids had something to get involved in. Do you see such a trend in your area? What do you think would help to remedy the situation?
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7 responses
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I believe that it is tough to put a stop to it because of city/state budgetary constraints. There is only so much money to hire police officers to stop the wars. Spalladino brought up a very good point in her response about special youth programs for the kids to join instead of gangs.
During the fall, winter, & spring months, schools are in session. Then over the summer, school's out, leaving the kids eith not much to do. It also seems that as time progresses, we keep saying that things & places were safer in the previous decade than they are now. It probably has some truth to it.
I was not alive back then, but if we jump back over fifty years ago to the 1950's, I understand that gangs existed, but it was never as rampant as they became in the 1980's & later. What did not help matters any was that back in the 1950's, families were able to get by on only one working parent. The other parent stayed home with the kids, & were actually able to teach them things.
It also seems that music also had a lot to do with it. I know of several who grew up back in the 1950's, & found success when they were young. There was rivalry, but not violence. From what I understood, the kids used to congregate in groups, mimic what they heard from records, & focus on their vocal talents. Some of them got heard by the right people, & at least found some moderate success.
Somewhere in the 1960's &/or the 1970's, things changed economically. As time went on, prices of everything went up, but incomes did not rise to keep up, making it so that both parents ended up having to work at outside jobs. Not only was no adult home to take care of the kids during the day; both parents come home tired after a day's work, & are quite often too tired to spend that quality time with the children.
As a result, these kids - like spalladino mentioned, ended up joining gangs for a sense of purpose, & to actually have friends. Even though youth programs get started, they're the first to get their budgets cut when local & state municipalities find themselves with budgetary constraints. I probably don't need to mention the results there.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Jul 09
First of all, KK, I grew up in the '50s, and people were basically the same then as they are now. The only difference I can put my finger on is while in the beginning many people went out into the workforce in order to make a decent life for themselves, but, somewhere along the way that mushroomed into out-and-out greed. With the increase in technology we felt we had to have more of everything. Believe it or not, I can remember when one TV set was enough for the entire family!
Nowadays, with some of the content that is available I believe that my face would be burning. Another difference is that in those days the authorities didn't interfere with the way parents chose to run their households. I might have heard of perhaps 2 cases of out-and-out child abuse back then that required bringing in the law. I have often said that while I realize that parents must work in order to support their children, maybe it would be wiser if they postponed having them until one of them could afford to stay home and raise them. Just my opinion.

@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
28 Jul 09
It's taken a while for me to get back on this, because there's so much to say, & yet, it is difficult to think of where to begin. It isn't just the need & greed for additional luxuries. It seemed that prices of things did rise at a faster pace than people's salaries. The price rise seemed to make it necessary for both parents to have outside jobs.
Not only was one TV set enough for the entire family. Also, one car was enough. Nowadays, when you look in the driveways of various homes, there are a minimum of two vehicles - & quite often, super-sized vehicles like mini-vans & the like, as if just a plain & regular car was just not good enough. It probably does not help that things back then were made to last, but nowadays, things break down more often, & need to be replaced, if not repaired, & quite often, repairing would end up costing more than merely buying it new.
This can probably also apply year round in this case, but also what makes summer more deadlier is also weather conditions. Sometimes, it just gets too hot, & people end up dying from it. At the same time, some places get hit with the chaotic weather that comes with the warm weather, such as hurricanes, tornados, & maybe even struck by lightning in some way or another.
@kiralmi_143 (32)
• India
13 Jul 09
In winter i think that summer is the best season,but when it comes i realize that it is worlds most KILLING SEASON,it is so hot in summer,sometimes i m avoiding so many works in summer, i m agry my friend that summer is killing season
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Jul 09
It is so bad, kiralmi, that I often avoid watching the news so much during the summer because I hate hearing the bad news almost every day. I feel helpless because I know that there is nothing that I can do that will make the situation better.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
13 Jul 09
We have the same issues in our city. Crime does seem to increase during the summer months when kids are out of school. I'm not putting the blame on all the kids out of school. Adults are guilty as well. The current unemployment status doesn't help the situation. We have some organizations in our area the help keep the kids busy in the summer at no charge. There are also plenty of church camps that go on and again no charge. I don't have a remedy to help stop the crime except to stop sending work out of the country and keep as many employed in our country as possible. Too many people are losing their jobs because of so called downsizing.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I suppose, carolbee, that the unemployment rate could factor into it to some degree, but I have been seeing this behavior since long before the job situation became so bad.
@derlilaStern (1756)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I have seen that happen where I grew up.
Although it would be great for everyone to get involved in productive activities, I dont thin that more activities will solve the problem! Where I grew up, there were plenty of activities for people. Some chose not to be part of them because they were acting 'cool'. Then then got themselves into all kinds of trouble. I think many young people will ignore the opportunities!
I dont know the answer, but I wish I did.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Well, derlilaStern, I feel that it is high time that people got back to basics. Maybe if there were some activities to get involved in we might start to see a change.
@rosyevening (270)
• India
14 Jul 09
its time to say bye - bye to those long hot summer days . those days are to much pinching,itching, sweating and loosing of energy. i really donot like it. but we can enjoy different sorts of drink in summer seasons with cold water and ice.how did you spend your summer days plz reply .......
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Jul 09
We all agree that the days can be hot, rosyevening, but I am addressing the issue of teens being killed here.
@raviapts (64)
• India
14 Jul 09
Hi friend!it is really sad to say we are facing very hard summer till in my country we are facing the heat waves actually we compare to past in may ending or else we enjoy the cool days but now a days there is no rain and cool wind we are facing very hard summer in my country Thanking happy Mylotting friend.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Jul 09
But do you have a problem with teen crime where you live, raviapts?
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
So, it's summer there, huh? It was summer here in my country for almost two months and it was really hot as hell. but we got over it and now we are facing rainy season. guess i should cover those roof wholes. great day