What you felt when you fallen in love?

@myx_03 (540)
July 13, 2009 11:00pm CST
I really can't explain the happiness that I felt when I fell in love with my girlfriend. And im very happy because she's the one that I love... All I can say is Im happy and blessed to have her.. How about you? Happy earning!
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10 responses
• India
14 Jul 09
i have been in love once, and i am steel in love with the same person, it was love at first sight! i still get the whole butterflys in the tummy when i see him and i would do anything for him! i dont think i can ever feet that way about anybody else and i ruin every relationship i got into because i campare them all to him! i still see him often as he lives around the corner and we have very "casual" relations! we were toghether for about a year when we were 16, i still love him now and i m 20, we have been on and off in his time but now we are completely not together and it really kills me! there is hope for you but i know in myself i will never ever love/ be in love with anybody but him! sad as it is, i dont care because i know he's the one for me!
@myx_03 (540)
• Philippines
15 Jul 09
You know, i like your response. Hope he can read your response too,. I have a girlfriend, and she's my first girlfriend and she will be my forever, we're already 4 years together. If you really love that guy, fight for him.
• India
15 Jul 09
thank you so much. i m sending you the friend request. please accept it.
• India
11 Aug 09
Hii guys... I am also in love with my dreamgirl & we are also in love from last 2.5 years & she is the one for me in my life so she is ..... I cant say what she is for me & she is always with me... I will love her in my whole life
@myx_03 (540)
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
That's good to hear..
• China
11 Sep 09
Best wishes to you!I fell in love with my boyfriend,and of crouse I feel happy everyday.He love me very much that I can always feel his love.He is a little older than me,so he always take care of me very well.I like this feeling.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
Falling in love is the most beautiful feeling. When you wake up, there is a smile on your face. Things get easier when you are in love. You seldom get angry and you try to be understanding as much as you can.
@myx_03 (540)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
That's true, I'm like that, i remember so clear.
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
11 Aug 09
I will lose in my mind and dream about that guy all day and all night.When i find him i will be very shy.
@myx_03 (540)
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
That's cute, :)
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
29 Aug 10
Love is a great feeling which has to be expressed. If you find it true, never fail to convey, thats a tribute to the love in real.
• United States
30 Jul 09
I have fallen in love twice. Both times that i have, it really was in incredible feeling. It's like you never feel lonely- even if you're physically alone. You have feelings stronger than those you have ever felt for anyone or anything in your life. It is such a secure feeling. Ah.. i love it. =]
• India
20 Jul 09
My first lover was one of my classmate at my college.When I fell love with her I thought I got something in this world and that was a great feeling.Now I missing that feeling
• United States
5 Aug 09
you are in a great mood, and you really never get upset. Its just a feeling that you never want to stop feeling. i love it!
@ShibbyKid (279)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Falling in love could make or break you. You know it from the start. If you fall in love with someone, the world will fade away and you'll look into the future standing by your loves side. Love isn't constant fights. Make them smile instead of cry, make time to be with them over your friends. Take turns on sacrifices that have to be made.