It's all how you see it: Living near an airport isn't so bad.

United States
July 14, 2009 9:16am CST
There is something stoic about living near an airport. You open the curtains each morning and instead of seeing trees and green grass, you see rows of old buildins and lines of Fed Ex trucks waiting to be used or already retired ( I don't know). You look for the sunrise and catch a small red glow peeking through buildings at a distance. Yet,Despite the abscense of trees and birds; the environment has it's own type of beauty. At night time. if you keep your lights out, and open the curtains you see an panarama of lights shimmering and don't really need to buy night lights since there are enough lights around from the airport to keep your room lit with a gentle ambience that is almost Christmas like. THen there is the nice view of various Airplanes that come past the window every 10 minutes at different distances. It's almost like you can touch them. I can certainly tell which airlines are passing by; I even have caught sight of one that with UPS painted in familiar brown colors. Living next to the airport is no Acupulco but when you step back from your preconceived ideas of beauty, it does have a beauty all of it's own. Beauty is not so much on the outside but on the inside and if one develops an appreciation for all things..even brick buildings can say something beautiful; after all, there are people inside those buildings. When I started out this little rambling, I thought I was going to paint a sorrowful picture of my life next to airport; but as I began to write, the awesome reality of how much beauty there is around me came to light. I may not have the vacationer's delight but the airplanes and shimmering lights at dark paint their own special delight.. It's not so bad living next to airport after all.
1 response
@surfermac (465)
• India
14 Jul 09
i too would like to live near an airport but wouldnt there be sound related problems
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jul 09
You get use to the sound.. that is not so bad at all..after a while everything looks and sounds different..we had a highway behind you learn to block things out.