Some myLotters Need to GROW UP!
By matersfish
@matersfish (6306)
United States
July 14, 2009 9:38am CST
I personally don't really care if my rating drops down to a -1. It's how the system is set up and I'm not one for raging against the machine when the machine isn't out to kill me. But seriously... I'm not understanding some people on myLot.
I would like it very much if the people rating my responses negatively would at least have the balls to say it. I mean, if there's something so wrong with my opinion that you see fit to punish me for it, wouldn't you do well to get it off your chest?
Come forward. State your reasons.
I'm the most even-keeled person around. I'm nice to everyone. I always respect another's opinion. And I never buy into the drama. What's with the anonymous c0ckwarts trying to drive people's numbers down simply because they can?
Grow up already.
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15 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Exactly. It's just a number. The number is meaningless to me. What matters to me is the anonymous setup where anyone can judge you for anything without a reason.
Thanks for the response. :)
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@icehut (508)
14 Jul 09
Some people are very opinionated and will never come to reason, no matter how many facts they're presented with. It's sad that just because you do not agree with another person, that they can anonymously rate you down. Maybe give everyone a monthly quota of allowed negative votes? ^_^
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@icehut (508)
14 Jul 09
Too true! A rating system similar to a well-known auction site where user feedback is accompanied by a comment... Let others judge you based on what they read and if they feel you were unreasonably rated down, to give you a +... You got my thumbs up for your comment... ^_^
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Yes, I like that idea. Give people a limit to how many responses they can rate negative! I also think it shouldn't be done anonymously. It should say, "Discussion rated (-) by matersfish" or something.
The purpose wouldn't be to start a debate about "why" they rated it negatively -- but more of a deterrent. I'm sure the people making a habit of it wouldn't want to be known! :P
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Jul 09
I cannot understand why people should be vindictive enough to keep marking minuses for others.Perhaps it is caused by some troll. I too saw my star go down for no reason at all and ever since I have not got back the old blue star. You just carry on without bothering and I am sure people who rate you negative would get fed up and stop doing it sometime or the other.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
When I dropped from an 8 to a 6, I did a little experiment. I picked out a friend who had a 6 star and I went through their entire profile, response by response, and rated each one positive. It never gave him another star! lol ... That means that the trolls are working a lot harder at driving people down, or that it's easier to lose stars than to gain them.
Either way, I'm rating you positive on your quest back to 10!
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
it's so easy to abuse the rating system because of its anonymity. hell i slept with a blue and woke up with a red without knowing what triggered it!
not trying to find out though. i guess some things are not made to be discovered and/or bothered about. but hey, here's a + for you, since you seem nice and all. and i like your discussion! so there. 

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@dolphin2406 (1224)
• Poland
14 Jul 09
Hi, I don't know if people here vote negatively to comments that maybe they don't agree with. On mylot faqs it is said that here everyone can have an opinion and it is not advise to vote negatively on a post that you don't agree with as it is not of your same belief. I think if they vote negative a lot of times, it will then affect their own rating too.
I too cannot understand people here, but it may also depend on how many people here know you and friends you have. It happened to me on some occasions that I create a discussion and have only few responses. Then the other day I saw that after I created my post someone else created another one on the same subject but different title and had triple the amount of responses I had. Hope this thing will improve as it does not give much motivation.
Cheer up and happy mylotting!! Always think positively! 

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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Any response is a good one! Nobody usually answers my discussions lol
I've only voted one response negative, and the guy had used crude and vulgar language with me on a dozen previous occassions. I just did it to see what it would do :P
The discussion was removed and I lost 4 cent! ... I guess others had rated it negatively as well.
Thanks for the response.
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@Bohemian77 (277)
• United States
14 Jul 09
I've noticed this too. I tend to be more conservative, and libertarian in my opinions, and look at my rating. People claim they don't rate according to someone's view, but I think they are lying. It's quite obvious that the majority of Mylotters are politically correct, and liberal in their own viewpoints, and most can't stand straight talk. As a consequence, more conservative my lotters will respond in the same fashion. The ratings are supposed to be according to post quality, not opinions. If you look at most of the folks with high ratings, they tend to hold the more popular views, always say the right thing, and also post and respond to more shallow discussions. It's a worrisome trend
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Yes. I've noticed that a lot of people with conservative views are rated really, really low. Most that I see (of course there are exceptions) are very well spoken, hardly ever rude, and always offer up honest opinions without going to war over them. Nevertheless, they're still dropping like flies.
But it works both ways. Although I see political commenters on the liberal side with higher ratings, by and large, there are still quite a few with fluctuating and low ratings.
But I agree: it's a worrisome trend!
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@Bohemian77 (277)
• United States
14 Jul 09
I wear my 3 rating as a badge of honor. I know I'm on the right track if my rating is low.....
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@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
Hi! I understand what you are feeling right now but I guess some people just have their own opinion on things. They may like your comments or they may not but I guess we just have to take it in if they like what we say or not. Sometimes people can't accept things they don't want to hear even if it's the truth because it hurts their ego so they just mark a negative for those replies. I guess we just have to accept the fact that this comments come and go with either a positive or a negative feedback. I just shrug it off. Don't take it to heart personally. If you believe that you are a good person and you know you responded to a comment with all your heart and mind in it then put it this way...Just think you did your part and try to say what you know and feel is right. At least, you tried in your own little way to get the word across even if they like it or not.

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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Yeah, I probably am taking it a little personally. But that's because I do know that I treat everyone with respect and never get rude. I know of quite a few people that are outright mean and have stars of 8, 9 and 10! lol ... I guess it's who you know ;)
Thanks for the response!
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
14 Jul 09
I for one enjoy reading different opinions, It gives me more to think about.
What a sad world this would be if we all thought alike or liked the same things.
Some people will get offended if you don't agree with them. These are the ones who never look at anything in a different way or with an open mind. I never judge anyone here on the rating star number. It's just a symbol and doesn't tell me anything about the person or what kind of person they really are. Frankly I see NO use for it. Anyway I don't think it has a reflection on the person but on the subject they post about. Keep posting.
Best of luck
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
16 Jul 09
No reflection at all. I agree.
I also agree that it would be a sad world if we all thought the same. In fact, history has shown that too much of that likemindedness ends badly. I think diversity is a great thing, and if someone chooses to "punish" someone else for thinking differently than they do, then it says much more about the punisher than the punished.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Jul 09
The few times I rate someone negative it is because they are extremely rude and of course they would know it, but some rate negative someone who disagrees with them and they are probably the ones who will not tell you. The trouble is that they have followers who believe that once XXX rates ASA negative, because ASA loves dog, then all XXX's cat loving friends, will do the same, just to give an example. This also applies to if a Muslim who really hates Buddhists, someone who believes everyone can be saved, Pagans against non-Pagans, someone who loves ancovy pizzas = in fact, if one person is charismatic and he or she gets others to consider he or she is important, then if he or she says "asa" is a stupid fool, etc. and even if he or she does not rate "asa" negative, those who want to get into his or her good graces will go to "asa's" site and rate all the posts "asa" made and the responses "asa" negative.
Of course sometimes the instigator rates you negative and says so in no uncertain terms but what about the others? Are they going to say, "I rated you negative because if someone told me to jump off a bridge, I would obey." No.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Uh huh. Like cliques at the lunch table or some off the wall nonsense.

@rainmark (4302)
14 Jul 09
Well,that's what they can do here, it's easy to rate you(-) than to debate. It sounds annoying but that's whats happening here, i got my points up and down for few months here and i don't know why, i think there was no problem with my posts. One thing i can think is it's a work of the trollz.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Dang trollz! lol How do I flush them out?
Yeah, they do it just because they can. And that's what's so annoying.
In my mind, a negative rating is more of a complaint. To that end, a person should have to cite a reason, or it should at least show up as who's doing it. I bet a lot of it would stop then.
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@dmrone (746)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Hi! I would have to agree with you. If someone wants to rate your responses negatively then they should have the guts to say why they have rated it this way. To rate someones responses negatively and do it for no reason at all is very childish. If they do not like what you wrote then do not comment at all, do not rate it. If you rate it then comment on it.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Exactly. If they don't like it, leave it be. I guess people take the "my" in myLot TOO seriously! lol ... They're trying to do away with anything that inconveniences them (and not to even mention the fact that it's a self-imposed inconvenience). These are the people who protest against rock n roll instead of just NOT LISTENING to the albums! :P
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@sblossom (2168)
14 Jul 09
i think maybe you met some people and you feel strange. it's understandable.
the internet world is like our real world. Here you can meet many people with different natures.
It's a good way to learn the world and human nature.
For the time my experience in myLot is happy, just i feel difficult to make money here.
however i still enjoy myLot. I can know different world and try to write in English. It will help me in my writting.
take it easy and enjoy what made you happy.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Yes, it's stil an enjoyable place. :-)
Good luck with your writing. You'll be a pro in no time at all!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
15 Jul 09
I agree with you! I really could care less if they disagree...but be a grown up and at least say run around hiding behind your computer screen low-rating people just seems so very juvenille.
Hey...maybe it is a kid? I think it's just a very mean spirited sad lonely person who needs professional help with self esteem.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Yep, a boost in the self esteem department would help out a lot!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
24 Nov 09
Hi materfish, I read through this discussion and there's a few points i can clarify. The star level definitely affects your earnings so I don't understand why the negative button is still there, as it is against guidelines to press it for a difference of opinion. If one comes across a post which actually breaks guidlelines, such as personal insults to others or copied responses it should be reported with the abuse button. The only time I've ever used the negative button was when someone revived a computer discussion which was a question I had raised and had clearly been answered and sorted, and someone went in to tell me they had no idea about this but neverthless happy posting, happy mylotting blah blah. It had no relevance at all to the topic and was just there for a post increase. The reason that sensible mylotters don't use the neg button even when tempted is that by using it it brings your own reputation down, which is self defeating.
The other point you made was plussing someone to see if it makes a difference. Once a rating has dropped it takes forever to get it back up again and an awful lot more plussing to change it then negging. It only takes about 10 negative ratings I was told to change a rating whereas positive ratings appear to be very hard to increase ratings. I'd give as an example when within the space of a fortnight I had 4 most highly rated discussions of the day but my rating did not budge.
I'd be all for the removal of the negative button as it seems to serve no purpose except to have the nasty minded have a bit of fun and try and bring down someones reputation which is grossly unfair. If a gripe is felt it can be simply reported and admin will make the decision if the post is against guidlines. Guaranteed though if you spend your time in politics or religion one will be negatively rated for difference of opinion. Indeed this weekend there was a political poster boasting about using the negative button. So I agree with you totally that those who do it should indeed grow up.