How old was your child when they started talking?
By bejeweled08
@bejeweled08 (33)
United States
July 14, 2009 10:46am CST
My son will be 2 in August, and all he still does is babble. We sit down with him, he can point things out, show you what he wants, but he just won't talk. How old was you child when they started talking? What was their first word?
8 responses
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
15 Jul 09
My daughter was 12mos when she started saying little words. By two she was saying small sentences.
My boys were different, they were like your son.
Girls tend to be a little quicker at things than boys, they say because the girls are treated differently and talked to more.
Read to him at night.
set him on the counter or table and talk directly to him with no distractions.
I took my youngest, put him on the counter daily and held his hand to my throat to feel the vibrations.
let him make a choice. take two things he wants and ask what one he wants...a balloon, crayon, toy, etc and when he points to one, tell him the color or name and keep telling him he has to say it to get it.
If he dont say it, dont give it.
@MamaTia (2)
• United States
15 Jul 09
There is an old wives tale that says if they talk later they will be smarter... I have two kids that are three months apart (one is a step child) And my daughter could say the alphabet before she was two, but my son would just babble and point, or my daughter would talk for him. He is now 15 years old and has always done so well in school, never has to study, and is in all advanced classes. So if I were you I would not worry. Enjoy your baby time with him you will never get it back, you will spend the first two or three years trying to get him to talk and the next 20 telling him to shut-up as any mother with teenagers will tell you.
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
Hi there, i have 19 months old daughter now and she started to say a word before reaching 1 year old. I dont remember her first word i hate myself for not recording it. Anyway, after her first birthday she can talk many words already like like mama and papa, different sounds of animals and many words. Everyday she was learning new words and imitate it. She was always watching dora the explorer and barney and she learned some words in the program. Sometimes i am surprised she can say wow she learned it from barney. And everytime i give her something especially food she always saying wow. Now she learned how to say thank you because of Barney also. She doesnt speak directly the word thank you but you know that was she's trying to say. Anyway, i can say that my daughter was advance she can speak many words right now, she was calling my mother, her aunties (calling tita) she knows all her cousins and calling them by name. I am really happy for her.
I have nephew and he was 2 years old and 9 months he doesnt say words clearly, doctor said that sometimes there are kids that speak late, i dont know about that. Anyway, wish all the best for your son. Happy mylotting and keep on posting good discussions.
@rainmark (4302)
14 Jul 09
Yeah it's true that some kids speak late specially boys, girls are very advance in communication skills, they learn to talk early.
I really appreciate your baby, she's quite smart. I think educational tv programs are really helpful.
I can't wait my son starts talking, im quite excited.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
19 Jul 09
My sisters little boy will be turning 2 in August & he can talk a little. But every child is different. If you don't notice any other signs of a development problem, then I wouldn't worry just yet because boys can be late talkers.
Just continue to watch his development. If you are worried, talk with his doctor.
Just try not to worry. When he is ready, I'm sure he will talk.
My daughter was talking before she even turned 1 & my son was talking around 10-15 months, but my son lost his speech after 15 months & is now 3 & doesn't speak. He babbles, but he was also diagnosed with Autism, so just monitor your child & if you notice things you are alarmed about, question it.
Good luck.
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
14 Jul 09
My daughter was the same. She understood everything, but only babbled and pointed. As a parent you worry and are concerned. I took her to several doctors and a neurologist and no one found anything wrong. When it was time for Pre-K, I was sent to several psychologists for evaluation. They labeled her as a "speech delay" student and sent to special classes where there were many children with a variety of problems. She wasn't toilet trained either and refused to do so until she was about 5. Today, she is 14 and is now labeled "gifted", plus I can't get her to keep quiet. Follow your instincts and get him checked out to make sure, otherwise, he'll talk when he's good and ready.
@rainmark (4302)
14 Jul 09
My son's same as yours. He will turning 2 at December, all he can do is babble, point things out and etc. But i can't wait when he started talking. Im little worry coz some of the kids they can talk at the age of 1.5 yrs old.
But i think sooner or late they will learn to talk.
@soyamilk (4)
• Malaysia
15 Jul 09
My son is 2 1/2 yrs old and he can communicate in full sentences. He starts talking in less than 1 yr old and can pronounce our direct family name before 1 yr old too. It's probably due to we send him to daycare center when he was just 2 months old. There are a lot of elder boys and girls there and each day he will come home with new words....I think he learn a lot from the elder kids there.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
14 Jul 09
Hello bejeweled, don't worry about it and be grateful for the peace as once they learn to talk they literally never shut up. My son started to talk at nine months old in clear words and was literally putting sentences together in comprehensible language. His first word after mummy was 'dirt' by the way which he loved to point out. I think it maybe had something to do with me not being around babies before and when he was presented to me I really didn't know how to go down the nursery rhyme route and never went in for baby talk which I think just lengthens the learning progress as then they have to relearn words if talking in baby speak. Instead I was there with a newborn reciting the alphabet and naming a country for him from each letter. Language was always presented to him clearly and I didn't introduce him to television at an early age. He also became fluent in a second language at age 4 after just 3 months exposure to a second language and again spoke it in clear sentences. I think some children just have a very early aptitude for language but oh for a bit of peace sometimes.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
14 Jul 09
My trio did not start talking till they were three years old, they would babble prior to that and say things that I could not understand (triplet language) They were in speech therapy from the time they were a year old for feeding issues.
If you are concerned look up babies cant wait or early intervention in your area. they will evaluate your child for FREE to determine if he qualifies for services, then depending on what state you live in the therapy is free as well. There is nothing wrong with getting speech for your child if he needs it. In fact there is more wrong with not getting him help if he needs it. You want what is best for your child and if that means he is in speech therapy then he needs to be in it.
some things you can do.
when you go on a walk with him and see a dog say "dog" do not say "see the dog running"
Just say "Dog" say it very clear, wait five to ten seconds and repeat "dog"
once he starts saying dog
you will add "Dog Bark" again do not say Dog is barking, just "dob Bark" or "dog Run"
keep it simple another example is to say Bus when you see a bus
then when he says bus say Yellow Bus
Shorten your sentences when you are talking to him. Do not say "do you want to eat"
simply say "Eat" once he starts saying Eat, you add a word, say Eat cereal
and so on. Keep it simple one and two word phrases, he can not take in all of it when you say so much.