old fashioned manuel wheel chair or motorized scooter wheel chair?

United States
July 15, 2009 2:28am CST
Well I have been in a Motorized Scooter Wheelchair since 2001. I have the kind in the extra photo here. I love it. It is called the Pride Jazzy. It is a heavy duty model, cause I am a 'fluffy' kind of female! lol I got my Scooter from the "Scooter Store". I recommend them to anyone and everyone that needs to be in a chair. They do exactly what the commercial says. All I did was call them and tell them that my doc gave me a prescription for a wheelchair; and three days later. there they were at my front door. A brand new shinny scooter. It will go up to 25 miles on a single charge. It has inside it two actual car batteries. You plug it in every night. And Boom!!! The next morning I am ready to go again. I have never run out of power. It goes pretty fast for a scooter. It goes 6 to 7 miles per hour. I like the kind I have because I can put the arm rest completely up so I can pull into a table and sit and eat like everyone else. That is why I didn't get the kind with the basket on the front. They have them also. The nice part about the Scooter Store is that no matter what happens they come and fix it right away. I had a problem with my scooter a day before I had to go to surgery. They came right out and fixed it. If they had not come it would have been impossible for me to get around the hospital. Now I know people that get the other kind of wheelchair. But I can't for the life of me figure out why. I mean you can get to where you are going so much faster. There isn't as much effort and you don't get tired. It's like sitting in a lounge chair. And it is that comfortable.
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7 responses
• United States
17 Jul 09
my mom has a manual one,i have asked her if she wants a scooter type,but she said no.i explained to her she could go longer distances,and even go downtown in it. she seems afraid for some reason,i'm not sure why. isn't scooter store covered by some type of medicare?
• United States
17 Jul 09
that's what i thought,it was covered. she's just being so stubborn. i've actually donated 2 wheelchairs to the DAV organization. my dad had two that were for large size men,and they were thrilled to get them.i guess you don't see too many for the very tall.
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• United States
18 Jul 09
Or the very heavy, like the one I donated.
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• United States
17 Jul 09
medicare paid all 8,000 dollars of the cost and they replace the chair every 5 years wheather you need it or not. Some people sell there old chairs cause they need the money. I gave my old one to goodwill. I got it for free. it would have been wrong for me to sell it and get cash for it. the scooter store gets you the certification or they give it to you for free. our mom should check it out.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Jul 09
I really hate to hear that you are in a wheel chair but I do admire your enthusiasm about it too though. I am glad that you have a very nice chair to get around in. I hope it lasts you a very long time too.
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• United States
15 Jul 09
I had a photo but it didn't show up for some reason. I thought I did it right. But oh well. Yea it is really nice. They replace it for me every 5 years for free wheather I need a new one or not. Then I give the old one to Goodwill for them to give to someone that can't afford one. You know gotta pay it forward! Right!!! :)
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@GardenGerty (159869)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Photos are tricky sometimes. It is so nice of you to donate to Goodwill. I think that sets a good example. I think it also makes us all feel better when we make things better for others.
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@GardenGerty (159869)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Some people do not have insurance that covers a scooter, or they do not live in a place that would accomodate one. I agree that for someone who can manipulate one it is a sure source of continuing independence. It is good to hear that some of the stuff we see on television is actually true. I worked in a nursing home where the Social Services department gave a driving course for owners of motorized wheel chairs and then would require the resident to pass a test (traffic cones and all) before they were allowed to have one at the nursing home. In the hands of the wrong people they can be downright malicious.
@GardenGerty (159869)
• United States
18 Jul 09
I was thinking more in terms of small spaces, or people like my mother who filled every square inch of her life with JUNK. The old fashioned chairs will at least fold up. People with their own homes do get ramps built and there are handicap accessible apartments around here in quite a few places.
• United States
17 Jul 09
the law says that if you need a wheelchair that if you live in a apartment complex they must make it so that you can get in. They have to make a ramp for you or move you to a first floor apartment at no extra charge. Its the disability law.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
15 Jul 09
I"m glad that your scooter serves you well. They can make all the difference. There are more and more now, and it's a good thing, because the old fashioned ones can be a problem to maneuver and take a big toll on people's strength. In here I still see a few of those. It all comes to price, of course. We were looking into a walker for my father in law. Even though he had a letter from the doctor, he still had to pay part of it, and that part was quite steep for the one we were thinking about. I'm thinking it is the same with wheelchairs.
15 Jul 09
Hi cookie, Tried to look for the photo but couldn't see it, I am sorry you have to use the scooter as I am disabled myself but its I'm as disable you you, I cannot walk far but try to and alxo my hubby has the car I can get around in, can't drive as I am blin in one eye and deaf ear, lol! Tamara
• United States
17 Jul 09
you should call the scooter store they can have you approved in three days. if they can't get you approved they give it to you for FREE!!!!
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
15 Jul 09
IF i am disable and i have money, i will use motor wheel chairs surely.They are comfortable, although they may easy lose, but they can fix.You are right to use it.
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• United States
17 Jul 09
I was lucky medicare paid for the 8,000 dollar car and the added leg lift they had to put one for my right leg. It is a special leg extension because my right leg does not bend and is straight all the time. I look kinda weird going down the road with my leg jetting out straight. People always ask what happened to my leg on a daily basis.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Sounds great when ya need one if I ever do I will ask how to get it. The other people that ge tthe other kind just want someone to push them around. Dont want to put in the effort to use the little control right there in front of them. SO glad you got one so you can get around to where ever you wan tt o go!
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