Do you clip your cat's claws?

United States
July 15, 2009 8:02am CST
Now that my cats are no longer allowed outdoors, their claws are growing like crazy! My oldest cat, who has retraction issues to begin with, is sticking to the carpet whenever he walks because his claws are so long! But I'm too nervous to clip their nails. The last time I tried it the cat meow'd like I hurt him, so I do not want to try it again! Do you clip your cat's claws yourself, or does someone else do that for you?
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19 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
15 Jul 09
I don't currently have a cat but, every cat I have ever had has been declawed. I can't stand when they use my stuff to sharpen them lol
• United States
15 Jul 09
Declawing is cruel and inhumane, and leaves the cat defenseless if it accidentally gets outside! No offense, but I believe if "stuff" is more important to someone than a living creature, that person doesn't deserve to care for that animal!
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
15 Jul 09
There's nothing inhumane about it, the vet makes it completely painless for the animal and when I've had a declawed cat, I've never had one get outside "accidently". I don't let my children tear up my house and I surely will not let an animal.
• United States
15 Jul 09
do you know what they do when they declaw a cat? it's basically the same as cutting off tips of fingers, trust me, cats hate it. my cats never sharpen their nail on my furniture, i got them different things to use as a nail sharpener, and took time to sit down next to a cat and ask him not to use my mattress for it. cats understand many things, and if they love you, they will not do things to upset you, so they will stop. surely there are cats who want to upset their owner, but that's usually because they are mistreated... i treat my cats as if they were human, and before doing something to them i ask myself if i would want to have it done to me. fore some reason i rather enjoy having tips of my fingers and wouldn't want them amputated...
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Jul 09
I've done it a couple of times. I also found a scratching post that wraps around the corner of the sofa that they love. Have you tried caps on their claws? My aunt recommended them but I haven't tried them myself.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Jul 09
Well boo... I'm not totally comfortable with clipping but somehow I manage it.
• United States
16 Jul 09
I haven't even tried it in years, and I'm too darn chicken right now! I'll do it eventually, maybe tomorrow if I get the nerve.
• United States
16 Jul 09
My mom put those caps on one of her cats, I forget why, but they fell off him easily.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jul 09
I have been clipping cat claws for years because it is more humane than declawing. I even do the outside cats that want to be touched and let in occasionally. I usually only do the front but if it is a cat prone to getting in to trouble with the back ones than they get clipped too. Once you make it a routine event they get over the "your hurting me" behaviors. I had a couple of polydactyls that would beg for clipping when the nails were curlling into their paw pads.
• United States
16 Jul 09
My cat that needs a trim is also a polydactyl. His paws are all sorts of messed up! At birth he had claws growing out of nowhere. I did have a couple claws removed only because it was better for him to have those claws removed than to leave them there. He still has at least 7 claws on each foot though.
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
15 Jul 09
I have a lot of things at home that my cats use to sharpen their nails, they don't scratch my furniture any more, because i asked them not to. i wish i knew they would listen when they just entered this home lol, they destroyed my mattress lol... but then i had a talk with them, and they stoped. i have no need to clip their nails, they are very careful with people, they try not to scratch, but if your cats have problem retracting claws, that's different. i'm not sure if cats do, but i know some animals have nerve and blood vessels in their claws, that might be the reason for the reaction you have gotten... totally agree with you not liking the idea of declawing, it's like cutting off part of a finger, it's absolutely insane... I was actually very upset to find out that my cats were neutered, i think they deserve to keep their reproductive organs... but they got it done by their old owner who also abused them... they also got it done way too early and it wasn't the best job.
• United States
15 Jul 09
I don't worry about my furniture, and my cats don't scratch people unless they need to, but the claws still need to be trimmed just like people's do.
• United States
15 Jul 09
cats actually shed claws, the same way snakes shed their skin... they get rid of the top layer once they don't need it any more... i keep findings layers that got shed around the house... however, when cats get old, some of them stop sheding and claws get thick and long and can curl backward and hurt the paw. did you try filing them? this would be less painful for cats... if that doesn't work, i think vet would do the best job at cliping them. just checked btw, cat's claws do have nerves and blood vessels inside, so if you clip, make sure you don't clip too short, it will hurt insanely a lot...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Jul 09
We do not clip our cat's nails. One of the cat's is an outdoors cat, while the other is a indoors cat. The outdoors cat, obviously, needs his claws to survive. The Indoors Cat, has no front claws but still back claws so that she can climb up or rather hold on to things when she is climbing up. I've never attempted to cut any cat's nails, and I don't think I would want to. They would squirm. If need be, I'd have the cat declawed. I've heard it hurts like hell, but I've also heard they sedate the cat so it doesn't know.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Jul 09
Of course I'd want to make sure I knew everything about it, as I'm sure each vet may do it a different way. I'd want to know how much it might affect the cat as I know cats use their claws to defend and to hunt (I think), they also use them to climb trees, or get up furniture in the home. So yes, I agree it's important to know how it will affect the cat, even so far as to how to treat it if it stars bleeding, or what to do if it seems depressed as well. Animals aren't human, but they are our friends, and as such should be treated with the samre respect we would a human friend.
• United States
15 Jul 09
I'd hope you'd get more information about declawing before you ever made the choice to do it to a cat, because it's really not as simple as you'd think, and it's not something that should be done just because you don't want to clip the claws. I'm sure you wouldn't remove your own finger nails just so you didn't have to keep them trimmed!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Hey kats! I clip my cats claws myself and it isn't fun! They both hate it! Star isn't as bad as Luna! Luna yells, crys and will bite me if I'n not quick about it! You would think that I was trying to kill him! It is not an easy thing to do because he fights me and wiggles around and only makes it worse for both of us! I have been cutting my cats claws since my last two (who were even worse)! The Vet had told me all different ways to try to do it like wrapping them in a towel so that they can't move around! Well, that doesn't work either! So everytime I have to do it it's a major fight, but it has to be done! I have a cat claw clipper, but it is still hard to handle!
• United States
16 Jul 09
I let the vet do it the last time it needed to be done, and I'm not looking forward to even attempting to do it this time, especially Char, he's the one who needs it most, and he's the scaredy cat too! He won't let you anywhere near him, even if it's for his own good.
• United States
17 Jul 09
only if absolutely necessary,they usually dull them on the scratching post. the one has to have help though,her claws don't grow right (multitoed cat) you might want to get one of those dremel type claw trimmers,they're less traumatic for the cat.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Been about 2 years since we had a cat. But in ever did the claws, for a while we took the cat to the vet. Then when my daughter was born we took her in to get declawed. Figured it was safer.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I have 2 dogs now but before I had my children I did have 2 cats (I have since found out that I am severely allergic). They had all their nails, front and back, and were only indoors. My husband and I used to clip their nails with a fingernail clipper...for human nails. The first few times we did it we only cut the very tips off but it really wasn't that hard because their nails were clear so you could see the vein that runs through the nail. They both would meow like crazy but I think it was because they weren't used to it and we had to really hold them. After a while they did get used to it. Eventually, we were so used to cutting them that it was easier to take a little more off than just the tip. I know they have clipper just for animals but it felt more natural for me to use the human clippers. And, there were a couple of times that either the nail would split a little or I did cut too far down but I made sure I had the stuff to put on it to help it not too bleed. I talked to the vet once about cutting the nails and they said even they cut them too short sometimes, it happens. It definitely takes 2 people and if you think they will freak out when you do it I would suggest using a towel around them so you don't get too scratched. I also used to notice that if you didn't hold too tightly they were more relaxed, at least my cats were. Hope this helps and good luck.
• United States
16 Jul 09
That's how my mom used to do it, but neither my husband or I have the guts to do it. Last time we had their claws clipped the vet did it. I know we can't go too much longer, but I'm just too chicken to do it myself!
• United States
16 Jul 09
I clip our cats' claws all the time. It's no big deal if you are careful. Do it in VERY good light. So you can tell where the pink part is in the claw. I use toenail clippers. I hold the foot at the claw in one hand. I push the claw out so I can see where the pink part is, then I clip about 5 millimeters in front of it....towards the claw end. Clip it sideways. If you clip it with the claw straight up and down, it will pinch. I have to 'take our cats to the spa' once a month or so.
• United States
16 Jul 09
thanks for the tips... I'm still nervous about it though
@Elaine77 (315)
• China
16 Jul 09
hi there I dont have my cats declawed, it's mean. I usually clip their nails myself, one of my cats ,Fish, always bite me when I clip his nails, so I always do this when he's in asleep, but the other two cats are not afraid of me cliping their nails. Just be careful not to clip too long, it hurts when you cut off too long.
• Canada
17 Jul 09
I have clipped my cats claws many times. I just use a people nail clipper. You can safely clip off just the pointy ends. If you are thinking of cutting off 1/8 of inch or more you have to be extremely careful. You don't want to cut into the cats "quick" I think it's called. The "quick" is the white part you can see in the claws. This is the active growing part of the claw and if you cut into that you will cause your cat pain and bleeding. So be extremely careful.
• Canada
16 Jul 09
Hell yah i do i dont want my sofa wrecked _ even at that i must roll the couch down to get the hair off lol . Even thow there outdoor cats u still gotta clip them if the sit for u u should just get the tips of there nails. -DylanD
16 Jul 09
The vets will do it for little money, do not clip too much off each time, and try nail clippers
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I haven't clipped my cats nails since he stays outside way more then inside. And to clip his claws would be bad since there is always other male cats coming in our yard and fighting with him. I hate that...I would be afraid to cut my cats claws might cut them to far into the quick or something. But if You feel they need trimmed maybe a pet grooming place will do it for little next to nothing but then again when money is tight and living paycheck to paycheck..not much for a groomer probably. Maybe find a friend who does their animals claws and see if they could do your cats for them.
@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
15 Jul 09
The roomie holds, I clip. Much easier to do it that way. Used to be that I'd tuck them under an arm and clip away, but I've also gotten bit a few times that way
@bricked (151)
• United States
15 Jul 09
I do clip my cats nails. It is usually a two people job. One hold the cat and the other clips em'. I usually clip the nail a bit at a time that way i know that i am not clipping them to much or hurting them.
• United States
16 Jul 09
No,that's how the cat can fight,and all my cats have been out door cats.
@meyows (438)
• India
16 Jul 09
no, I don't clip them, because I think it may pain them.