Third Eye Experiences - what do you see or feel when you meditate

@Tetchie (2932)
July 15, 2009 11:22pm CST
Your Third Eye is a metaphysical point between the eyebrows. It's used mainly in meditation as a way of centering and involuting or going inside yourself, but can also be used during the day for an heightened level of awareness. Have you had experiences using your third eye? What colors do you see? What sensations do you feel?
2 responses
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
6 Dec 10
i'm gonna answer here but can't wait to hear what others said in this section i don't think i advanced too much, i meditate for a while but it's known to be more effective in a daily basis and i don't do that everyday so whoever wants to see results, better meditate more i've seen flashes of light, i feel very secure and calm, really real you know, like it's the best time to really feel who you are and for twice i saw things and i don't know if they were real or just subconscience: the first time i was expecting to see something, i saw a desert, men were walking with ancient cars and i was up looking through my window the second time i was in this luxurious home, very high and we were looking at the varanda, it was an alien world, it's not earth and outside there was a man dressed in black with a cape, very surreal, i loved it but didn't understand anything
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
9 Jan 11
Hi Katie0, I've just completed seven weeks of meditation practices which explains my delay in responding to your comment. Thanks by the way for visiting. As you pointed out meditation is better if practiced on a regular basis to get the optimum results. A primary benefit is the centering and stillness effect and with more awareness comes the sense of self which is sadly missing in todays modern frazzling world. Experiences can change from person to person, flashes of light, vortexes, colors and the visual landscape like your desert men and alien world. The key is to not fathom from the ordinary mind. Sense the feelings within the visual landscape and get a sense of yourself. Move through and expand consciousness.
@julbau18 (273)
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
I don't usually medidate. In some event when we audience ask to medidate I see different colors and a different dimensions. I can't expalin what was that. I don't repeat it because I am afraid and I had a headache after that. What do you think it is?
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
9 Jan 11
We can experience many things during meditation. I've just completed seven weeks of it and I'm afraid I can't really convey my experiences without sounding like a nutter! The expansion of consciousness is extraordinary and the stillness and centredness is also phenomenal. I began doing meditation 10 years ago, found my teacher and began a level of transformation I had no idea was available. In the beginning of awakening the third eye and doing meditation practices there can be a sense of dullness around the head. It passes with time the more clarity you feel. Another cause for the headaches could be diet related. It's interesting when you do practices you become more aware of what clogs the body - especially sugar.