Is Obsession a good thing?

Obsession or sense of ownership - Obsession is a mixture of different feeling it a sign of security and insecurity.
July 16, 2009 2:14am CST
Obsession have a lot of meaning and are differs according to our own interpretation and explanation. Some people becomes unreasonable that they cannot leave a things or a person they loved that they even wish to accompany them even in death. You may be obsessed of a certain things like you own collection of shoes, bags, dress,pets, even your own husband, wife or your sweetheart, your beautiful homes that you do not want other people to take part or at least give away of the things or person you loved. Have yo encounter this kind of feeling and what you do to control your excessive obsession that it will not hurt you or hurt other, Kindly gives an examples when you feel obsessed or with a strong feeling of ownership that you cannot control your desires and what do you do to at least minimize it or stop it from controlling your life?
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18 responses
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
my - Jensen Ross Ackles is an American actor. He is notable for his television roles as Eric Brady in Days of our Lives which earned him several Daytime Emmy Award nominations, as Alec/X5-494 in Dark Angel, and as Jason Teague in Smallville. Ackles appears as Dean Winchester on the CW television series Supernatural starring alongside Jared Padalecki.
Hmm, in answering your title question first, obsession is quite neutral. It just is. It only becomes good or bad when people take it or makes it good or bad. It would depend on how we bring it. We can take it to the extreme, or just enough that it inspires us and actually brings out the best in us. Of course with the knowledge that its just an "illusion" and that sooner or later it has to come to an end, else it could ruin our lives. It would really depend if how the person is deeply into it or how he can deal with it when the time comes. My personal story.. well, I was into this celebrity. I think it was an obsession but more of as an admirer and not a crazy stalker of some sort.LOL You see, I was "into" him for about 9-10 years. I was 10 years old when I first saw and liked him, then I was about 17 when I decided that I have to let this "admiration" go. I decided that I have to forget him cause I know nothing will come of it. It took me about a year and a half to finally forget my "obsession" for him and it was hard, but now I can say that Im totally "cured".LOL Though I would still like to see him settled with a family and kids and I still watch his series, but not because of him. I watch it still because the storyline is good and I was able to watch it from the beginning so Ill watch it til the end.^_^
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
Thanks for the support but nah, its okay. Ive already deleted all the photos of him Ive saved over time, as well as the songs that he sang. I did not however delete the video clips. Its not that I want to keep it but it would be a shame if I do delete them. I mean it took me hours and hours of downloading just to get those clips and I couldnt just delete all that hard work. I dont go out of my way to buy a copy of the dvd anymore. I just wait for it on cable and I dont even watch the reruns. Like I said, Im pretty much "cured".^_^ I have watched My Bloody Valentine and it's one of the downloads. Im a horror buff and it is more gore than horror. I do agree that he is quite good in acting. Too bad the award givers dont recognize it. How about you? Who or what is your obsession?^_^
• Philippines
7 Jan 10
Whew, that a lot of waste and anyway if it is only from a internet clipping then it is so easy to discard but if you buy the photos or from magazines clipping then it really not so good to let go of your collection as you takes a lot of work to compile them.. Yup, same with me i rarely watch movies in theater now days since i already have internet connection and 2 weeks after the screening the new movies could be download from torrent sites like axxo isohunt. His movies is very scary with lots of open flesh it could be a bit shocking for audience who are not get used to watching gory scenes. I think it is bit quite normal to admire a celebrity but not obsession as i have no time for it. I do admire local celebrity like Piolo, and international stars such as Josh Hartnett, Johhny Deep and Zac Efhron and many more... And best of all I am obsessed with life and the good things around me..
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
Well said, that a very fine descriptive definition of obsession of yours, Bj. It could inspire or deprive us of the opportunity to be satisfy with whatever you have possessed bringing much satisfaction and joy while remaining still clear ahead of your right track without over indulgence on the object of your desires or worst may end up ruining your dignity and prestige if one have lose its self control. Really, you're so obsessed and it took you for that long admiring the actor you mention. Well, I have seen his latest movies My Bloody Valentine and one could not really suspect he is the murderer with his innocent look which may be misleading. He perform his role very well, though it quite gory scenes..have you already watch it it could really keep anyone glued to her seat by just screaming is really a good looking and talented guy that no wonder you get hook to him. Anyway, their is no wrong with it, is like a sort of admiration as obsession becomes a green monster when you let it dominates you and harming yourself and other people whom you love in the process. Well, being a fan would not fade in you eventually as for me it is a harmless obsession which you could still continue
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• United States
17 Jul 09
I suffer from it from time to time, im mostly obsessed with knives, im a huge knife lover, i love the different locks and ways a knife can be made, i know alot of custom makers, but i only really love the ones that fully hand make the knife. Audra Draper is at the time for instance, but then theres my relationship and i can get obsessed with my girl from time to time, just wishing i was with her seeing her smile at me. and she claims to feel the same for me, only stronger. its a safe feeling if you can insure it wont be damaged. which i sincerely hope it wont.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Oh, you got a weird collection but as long as you never use it to harm others and including yourself, it is still alright and tolerable. That is sense of ownership of possessing the things you love most and in terms of your girl. That is caring but if done correctly it will bond you more tightly. just use it in moderation as she will not feel annoy by your constant reminders...
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• Philippines
1 Aug 09
I am obsessed over food,clothes,shoes,perfumes,beauty products,and obsession actually has both good and bad sides.the good side includes that most of these are stuff that I really need,like food and clothes.I don't obsess over stuff that I can't really use.the bad side is,these can drain my wallet.I have to watch over my spending so I don't drain my account.
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
16 Jul 09
It's a good thing to having an obsession in our life. Just considering that our obsession is our wish, our target in life, and our hope. Pray for it and work hard to achieve it. The problem come when the obsession become over obsessed. It's a bad thing and mostly have bad impact to ourselves. Here i think that's why we need Emotional Quotient instead of Intelligence Quotient in order to achieve success. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
• India
16 Jul 09
well obession to a limit is gud if once obsession is creating problems for the other person then dats sumthng not gud!!!!!!!!!if the obsession is abt cake its pretty kool.........but anther meaning of obession cud b uncomfortable i guess ........
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
Obsession is good when we use it in a right way but if we target it to used to harm other then it become a harassment to the recipient. It also damage the obsessed person and even his life may be affected by his actions. The outcome may be gain and loss. Lost obsession is detrimental to health while gaining obsession may end up in good and bad results. Good results when we achieve something out of the normal ordinary feat, like when we desire to achieve things which seen as impossible to other people but we conquer it. Obsession becomes bad when we are too much obsessed with things or with a person that it affect our self, other people and deeply hurt the center of our obsession..
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• United States
17 Jul 09
Obsession is a horrible thing. when your obsessed with someone that you love. & She/He leaves you. that one that is obsessed can flip out and try to kill the both or just you so obsession is horrible in my eyes.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Just like in the latest movies of Beyonce Knowles entitled "Obsessed" is really dangerous and when it started to control your every thoughts, ideas and images about the object of your desires. you would not stop thinking on how to posses a things or a person which would makes you happy. if the other person rejects, so it is really dangerous and hurt also the people around you..
@kotee2 (46)
• Chile
17 Jul 09
I don't see obsession as an enterily good thing. It may be accepted by society as normal because everyone has one, but it certainly isn't healthy I've always thought that you should keep a balance on everything. Anyway I sound like a grandma xd I just think obsession will end up messing up your life if you don't know how to get along with it. The good part of getting obsessed with something is that you can learn a lot of it.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Obsession in extreme cases will lead to endanger the person who have have this behavior and uncontroll thoughts. But, i think we live in this age of obsession. Whether we like it or not their is a times we get obsessed with the latest hottie in town, the latest bags, shoes, cars, gadgets and so on..this addiction could make us strive to work hard to buy this things..but if the source of money we bought is from unlikely sources just to obtain what we desires. It becomes bad, we becomes slaves with our thoughts and obsession becomes our master..which in the end will make us a slaves..over of our desires and thoughts..
• United States
16 Jul 09
Obsessions can be good or bad. I don't obsess about love or ownership or anything like that. My obsessions involve complex topics that I'm learning about and thinking about. Sometime, in order to fully understand something and become good at it, you have to be obsessed. Explorers and scientists are often obsessed; that's why they accomplish so much. A film maker like Werner Herzog is obsessed by certain ideas that make his films as well-known and loved as they are. There are many areas of life where obsession can be a good thing.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
Finally, obsession is not bad at all if used correctly it serve as a fuel which ignites the mind of any person to seek his goals in life and be successful in his choice of careers.
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• United States
16 Jul 09
I think the first thing, would be to get a grasp on life itself. Prayer, would be my first suggestion, as for as obsession, and controlling goes. I believe a person has to have a relief in order to overcome such a huge obsticle. Prayer, and communion could give that type of relief, if done earnestly and honestly.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
Obsessing at extreme cases is very dangerous to the person and also to the people surrounding the person. The things you mention were the ways to minimize the danger of thinking undesirable things which could make a person a risk of her actions.
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@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
16 Jul 09
i do not think obsessing over anything is good for anyone. we need to have a healthy balance. i have found that obsessing over things does not change the outcome nor is it a good use of one's time. if something is bothering you or if someone is on your mind too much you need to find a way to deal with it and balance it out in your day to day duties.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
I believe every people have their own obsession over thing and over a person they love. For examples you are very much in love that you always like to talk or to see your partner and even hate to bid goodbye. Always checking her whereabouts and safety which often times annoying. Then, you reason that you are only concerned for her, this becomes unreasonable ideas when you always do it repetitively. But, in minimal it is still on normal levels..Anything which overpowered your right thinking or control your action is a obsession which totally damage yourself in the process, that is why their is a person diagnosed with OCD or obsessive compulsive disorders and they always acts frantic over things and person..
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@becdmd (704)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
It happened to me when I had this huge crush on my church mate but it only lasts for 2-3days until I realized I got obsessed and I've felt ashamed if somebody knew what I did...because I've became a stalker and even grabbed pics of my crush and printed it out and placed it on my journal...but then on the 3rd day, I removed his picture in my journal including the pages I wrote. What made me realized of doing that because I'm not that kind of person who idolizes someone. It's quite immature and shameful for me. I'm having self-control now even to things which I like to buy...I normally say to myself it's not really important.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
We could not really avoid obsessing that is why their is a group of fans obsessed over a certain actors and actresses and also to normal people like us it also happen. It is a kind of excessive admiration but usually could get over on it when we realize that the target of our affection have no knowledge or not really interested to us. We could not really remove thinking about this person or things but surely we know that it best not tolerate ourselves to much that it will affect our everyday living. Anyway, obsession in moderation could lead to be successful in the pursuits and completing one;s desires and goals in life. Obsession becomes bad when it starting to hurt ourselves and the person who is the object of our affection..
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@andresimp (818)
• India
16 Jul 09
obsession may or may not be good. but i would say it is more of a bad thing. if you are obsessed in relationship may lead to depression when something goes wrong in the relationship. obsession with other things can lead to debts. I m obsessed with my clothes, or anything that i possess. ok i will give you an example. once i happened to share my room with one girl. At first my parents told me that she will stay for a while, i said ok. but after few days, she was total mess.. i would go to college and during that time she told my how many hours i speak to my bf and all that crap. Not only because of that, she would mess up my room and never clean them. i got really angry.. and had a major fight. the one thing i cannot believe is that my parents supported her. that got me really angry... we argued and it was almost a quarrel and then i didnt let her in my room, i just threw al her things out. that was like some 5 or 6 years back. i can't see my parents supporting some girl whom i don like. so i should have known before i decided to share my room. so i learned my lesson. i like my room and it is only for me.
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
That mean you are obsessed with your room and the things which is contain in your room. This your way to protect your privacy and feel that a stranger is totally trespassing in your room. I myself do not like to share my room as it is only suit for my size. I do not like either to let my room share even with my own sister as I am very careful of my thing and do not like anyone to dig up my stuff. Your parents are so kind and feel ashamed maybe with your behavior that they took side with the strangers because she is a visitors in your house. But, with proper explanation, all things will be settled down..
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• United States
17 Jul 09
i think there obsession is a good thing under the right circumstances...being obsessed with work..or school...or even a relationships....but i dont agree with being obsessed with a person...especially after being told to stay away...or the person had made it obvious for you to leave them alone....there a fine line between dedication and true obsession and that line shouldnt be crossed...
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Yeah, you are right it is annoying to pressure the person who are the object of your affection to feel the same things with you and if reject you end up being hurt in the process which could be bad and would lead to depression.
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
No, because with obsession you lose all objectivity and let your emotions rule you thus collateral damage may occur not just to you but also to the person you are obsessed with.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
With extreme cases of obsession but if minimal have some ggod things produce. An inventor could not be successful if he never think and analyze everything he do if he lost focus. But, with constant trial and errors until he perfect his experiment and never give up. that is a good kind of obsession...
@yudi_bae (30)
• Indonesia
16 Jul 09
Obsession is a good thing :-) But if u do anything without thinking bad or good way to get ur obsession, it's not good anymore
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
With extreme cases the behavior of a person is affected and will endanger itself with proper use of obsessing to become successful in your desires is beneficial if the output that is produce benefit the person and also the people who surrounds her..
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
Well if there is balance with the thing you are obssessed with then I guess its fine for you but anything in excess of that is not a good thing anymore. Mostly obsession is not a always link to moderation.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
Obsession in a extreme cases is annoying and dangerous to the person involve and to his target of his desires. Mild cases are still normal as without having obsession could be dull life. I think everyone have obsesses for something or in a person but it is still in control, which may bring good benefits as it serve as a precursor to be successful in any ambition.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I guess you could say that I obsess about my home and my property. I am very protective of everything I own. I especially have to be, in the area that we live in. No one around here, in our neighborhood cares and they would love to trash everything I won.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
Obsessing as protecting your hard earned properties and even you investment is good in a right way as it means you are really wise to secure your future and of your family.
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@ucue2008 (924)
• Malaysia
16 Jul 09
I don't think obsession is a good thing. I don't know if I have obsession, but I think I do. Everyday, when I open internet, among the thing that I must do is to check this group thread. Reading and finding clips about them. I will smile and laugh and feel really good after that. Its been happening for a few years, but still I'm not doing any other thing beside reading and watching things about them, and sometimes I will buy their dvd, that's all. But It has been like a routine to me. I wish to stop it, but somehow I felt empty if I do. I do think somehow it kind disturb my daily life, because it ahs become habit, and I wish to change it, at least to minimize it, but it so hard. Now, I start to thinking about myself more, and do other thing, like venturing into writing and listening to other music beside this group that I like.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
Obsession could be compare to your most favorites activities and what you really like to do. Mostly it is addicted and could even takes more of your time in these kind of activities. Especially, if you feel sad without having seen or doing things which you desire. It only becomes bad when it is excessive and started to ruin your life..
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• Philippines
16 Jul 09
It's good to remember the Spice Girls for their line, "too much of something is bad enough." I see obsession the same way. It always comes with a price. I hold the word synonymous to addiction. I always remind myself that life is short and that I cannot have everything my way. With such thought, it has never been difficult for me to let go.
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
All things that is excessive acts a a poison we may get pleasure for it temporary but the essence is loss. Especially if over obsession becomes our master and dictates our ever action. It becomes a sin. But, normally all people have their own obsession but it is not greatly manifested and still manage to control. Obsessing somehow produce good results it serves as a fuel that will make us aspire to something to acquire and may be term as ambition. Without it, all we desire seem to fail and even self is a failure.
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