What is your favorite linkin park song?

July 16, 2009 8:54am CST
Okay so basically whats you favorite linkin park song. Mine is Numb.
4 responses
2 Aug 09
what i have done
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
mine is "She couldn't and "Enth E Nd"
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
29 Aug 10
Well i am great fan of linkin park and obviously its Numb..simply love it!!
@tbmorris1 (158)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Linkin Park has been around for a long time! They have some really great songs. I like the new one for the Transformers movie they just released! It's tough to choose another favorite out of so many good songs. Other than the new release, I'd have to say my other favorite would be In Pieces. It just seems like a very emotional song and I've dealt with people's lies before, so I can relate to that.
• Poland
17 Jul 09
Faint and My December, i Love the From the inside Video. I know those are all completly diffrent songs but those i like most