Smashed With Frustration
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
July 16, 2009 1:26pm CST
Fortunately I have a spare mouse, which is just as well as I smashed the other one today in frustration! Not proud of myself, my fuse was short and it blew, big time and I lost it, big time!
I can't cope with frustration and I just let things get on top of me and when that happens, stand well clear of this wolf, because this wolf turns into a monster, the gentle wolf no more, definitely a wolf with a sore head.
The frustration is not having my own place, I need my independence, my freedom, privacy, my own space, I need to live alone, but I can't afford it and I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
Ironically I didn't go to the gym today, because I can't go 7 days a week otherwise I'd have been able to burn the frustration off on the treadmill.
How do you deal with frustration? Do you have a short fuse, do you smash or break things in a frenzy?
My mouse is beyond repair, RIP poor mouse.
It's not the first time I have broken things in a temper, what's the most expensive thing you have broken or damaged due to a temper tantrum or through sheer raw frustration?
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23 responses
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Yes I have broken things out of frustration, plenty of different things.. One time I was so pissed off I through a glass jar at the wall right above my ex husband's head.. and glass and change went flying every where... When I was younger I would take my frustrations out on my younger sister; and my mother... Not proud of any of those acts.. but I can not change the past..
Now I have learn how to channel that energy into something else that is positive.. When I get extremely pissed off I will go for a walk, or start cleaning the house.. Doing something active to take that energy and burn it off some how.. When the rage is out of my system; I will either talk to someone about my frustration, or meditate.. Why? In order to control my frustrations; I first have to figure out what is causing the frustrations; once that is done. The next time is to figure out if there is something that I can do to change the situation so that does not come up again.. Or cooping methods to get me through the problem until I can change it..
I totally understand the frustrations that you are having; living with someone else because you can not afford to make it on your own.. I have been living in place to place on and off since 2003... Trying to follow other peoples rules and expectations of me.. Yes I have had to bit my tongue more times then I can count.. just to get by.. Sooner or later you will be able to get your own place, it takes time and patience.. Understand you probably do not want to hear the word patience at all.. I hated it too.. But it did pay off.. I am finally in my own place, without having to worry as much what others have to say.. does not totally go away... Keep your head up, one day as long as you have faith you will find a way to get your own place..

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@Youreyes4Today (2356)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Even though you went from place to place for that long, in each you learned new things. What you are capable of and how you could work on other things to be able to do them. Even though you didn't have a place of your own in those years, you gained from each of them to get where you are now.
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
19 Jul 09
This is very true!! I would not take back what happen in the past.. For one there is no possible way.. Second of all like you said I gained knowledge and understanding about different things in life.. Those are things that I can take with me regardless where I may end up in my life...
@Wizzywig (7847)
16 Jul 09
The gym is good but I'll also dig the garden, rip up paper and crush metal cans with a small sledge hammer. I might go for a drive to somewhere quiet and stick a CD on at full blast whilst "singing" along (if you'd ever heard it, you'd know I'm using the term with some poetic license here) or do a bit of heavy duty cleaning and dumping some of the clutter in my life. I haven't really gone much beyond plates and other crockery in terms of breakages though there have been a few kitchen appliances that were lucky to survive unscathed.
I can understand your need for solitude and space etc - that's something that gets me too and I dont see it happening anytime soon unless the lotto comes up. I've got to a point in my life where I realise that I've missed many opportunities by not having the space to be myself. (largely my own fault for allowing circumstances to dictate my decisions... or lack thereof)
condolences on the deceased mouse 

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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 09
I wish the lotto would come up for me, not for the want of trying, but it's like pinning false hopes on thin air. Trouble is I have had a taste of independence so I miss it like crazy! It was only temporary until I met my ex and I stupidly gave up my independence to move in with them, that just adds to my frustration, but you can't turn back the clock. I am just too impatient another weakness of mine, frustration and impatience the two do not mix!
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@nannacroc (4049)
16 Jul 09
I have never broken anything in temper but, a long time ago, I sold my wedding ring during a fit of temper, I sometimes regret it.
I'm lucky enough to have places to go to be alone and my girls are grea for making me laugh or just listening. Mr Croc usually bears the brunt of any tantrum I'm having, usually because he is the cause.
Maybe you should get a punch bag to take your frustration out on, it would be cheaper than replacing the things you'd broken.
Take care and always count to 1,000 before losing it completely.

@nannacroc (4049)
17 Jul 09
No but you could paint a face on the punchbag and make it whoever you want to hit most each time. That way you get the satisfaction without the criminal record.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Jul 09
I don't react angrily to frustration. I either cry or make lists as a plan to get away or I find something pleasant to think about as a way to distract myself. If I can change things, I will. If I can't change things then I have to accept my situation. But you can think and dream and you just never know how things will turn out. When you get frustrated, imagine having your own place...imagine decorating it the way you want it....maybe with your own gym, a spa, pool table. You can use your imagination for anything and sometimes the things you think about can act
ually come true.

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul 09
I seem to always be in a daydream of late my friend, maybe if I channeled that energy into dreaming of good things that WILL happen to me. Someone once said to me if you see a house you like, keep saying one day I AM GOING to own a house like that! The power of positive thinking. My own gym now that would be bliss and a jacuzzi and my own personal masseur, this is great my friend!!!!!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Jul 09
It really is good imagine how you will furnish the place, friends you invite over, parties in the pool, someone to do the's such good fun and takes your mind off things. I sometimes imagine an amount of money and go through a list of things I will buy with it....a house in Italy, a self contained yacht including a captain to cruise the Mediterranean. Your imagination can take you much happier places.
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
16 Jul 09
Awww... I hope you feel better soon.I know the feeling though.Been there. Can't say done that. But been there.
( I hope this makes you smile at least )
When I am super irritated or frustrated, I normally just go for a long long long walk. Else I work out real hard in the gym. Another thing I do is,just spend sometime by myself.I try and see if I can change the situation. If I can't, I just breathe very slowly for 15-20mins. If I know its a passing phase,I just write down the options I have and decide to deal with it later.
I used to have foul temper as a teen. But I have not broken anything expensive. I normally threw things that were hard to break.
Though rare, I also cry to relieve stress.But I am not too sure this wolf would like this idea.

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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 09
Thank you Cbeee! You know something if I could cry that would be wonderful! Ever since I was a child I had it drummed into me time and time again that boys should never cry in front of others. Crying is so therapeutic and I think I would feel so much better for a cry, maybe I should put Titanic on turn out the lights, get a box of tissues and turn the lights off, that film makes me cry. My ex used to bring out the worst in me too, they always knew what buttons to press and boy did my anger explode!
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@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I walk on my treadmill too, it helps my mood when I'm crabby, but I try to walk even before that happens. Yes, I have blown my top before, but I stop myself and take deep breaths, and it subsides. Things are always changing in our lives, and where you are living right now won't be forever. Just be patient, maybe some situation out in the world has to change before you can get your own place, and perhaps it will be something better than if you rushed ahead. And before you know it you'll be back at the gym. Take care...
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 09
Trouble is I am extremely impatient and probably sounds childish but I want it NOW! Maybe my inner child needs to be comforted and understood more because when I get frustrated it's the childlike state that emerges, hence the tantrums and moods. I'm next at the gym on Saturday but at least I am seeing my therapist tomorrow so I can talk it over with her. Thank you take care too ;0)
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Awww, poor little (computer) mouse. I bet it didn't even see it coming!
I don't recall ever smashing anything, other than maybe a pillow when I'm frustrated. I tend to scream instead. I don't know, I just can't see breaking something due to being frustrated. I think about how awful I'd feel if I did, and I'd feel even worse if it was something expensive.
Oh, being able to work out sure helps tame the temper, doesn't it? I know it helps me. After a good work out I'm too tired to care anymore! LOL
Rest in peace little mouse. You're in a better place where the wolves can't hurt you anymore. 

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@roberten (3128)
• United States
17 Jul 09
wolfie, I have a past full of destruction. My temper has flared out of control at times but I have learned to rein myself in. I have destroyed everything from toys to the clothes off my back. My trigger is extreme stress and feeling cornered. I internalize and become explosively volatile when I do not express my frustations and let them go.
Life has become more manageable and bearable; so I hardly blow at all anymore. I have learned to verbalize and avoid my triggers. I am happier, and those around me are too. Right or wrong, I find that doing something, anything no matter if it is right or wrong, about what bothers me is key to keeping me steady.
Most things are just not as crucial as we make it out in our minds to be. Will we remember this irritant seven years from now, probably not; if not, then it is just not worth worrying about.
I know how good you feel after you smash something during a crisis, but it is not a good thing. Try to stop stressing because stress will take you out, and I know you don't want that. Be good to yourself and your next mouse.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul 09
After releasing my frustration and smashing the mouse I got a few seconds of satisfaction and that was it, then guilt and regret and feeling stupid for breaking a perfectly good mouse. I should have walked away, easy to say after the event I know. You are right sometimes it's just a minor mishap in our lives, just a small obstacle that once we have passed we soon forget and move on! Thank you for your sound advice and sharing your own personal experience
@snowy22315 (186950)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I'm not sure I have ever broken anything out of frustration. I have sometimes thrown things but something like a mouse I would feel pretty stupid if I broke it. I am not saying I have alot of self control but I dont remember breaking anything out of anger. My son has kicked holes in the wall at times though.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Jul 09
rip mouse
I'm one of those internalizers. I keep it inside and stress myself out. It takes a lot for me to show anger outwardly. I did throw a drink at an ex boyfriend once, but it was in a paper cup.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
16 Jul 09
Poor mousie - and poor Wolfie! What a shame you couldn't have gone to the gym - do you live in an area where you can't pound the pavements? A good run might have helped. Even walking (which is as energetic as I get) often clears the head when things are a bit fuzzy - plus, just getting away from the offensive area is a big help and allows some clearance. I wish I had a suggestion to help you get your own place - you definitely need it, and I feel your pain. I don't generally break things - but I did throw my husband's dinner at him once, and it sailed through the back door, down the stairs and smashed on the patio. My bad. Still, he deserved it! (And it made me feel better ...)
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
17 Jul 09
I hate it the days I am not at the gym, I'd go 7 days a week if I could but I have to give my body the rest it needs otherwise I'll damage myself and then I won't be fit for the gym and that is something I never want to think about! So sadly I have to rest and today of all days was a day I chose to rest, typical! My ex used to bring the worst out in me, pressing all my buttons and believe me I broke more than a mouse when I was around them!!!!
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
We all deal with frustrations differently. Thank God that I do not become violent when expressing my frustration. I hide off into my room and listen to a music as loud as I can. I knew that if I turned violent, I would regret it later on.
It looks like you feel that the whole world is upon you.
Blowing up your frustration by messing up your things does not help you at all.
One has to take things slowly. One needs to have patience. Things do not happen in a split of a second. That is the reality and we have to accept it. We need to make little doable things. And make those little successes serve as an inspiration for you to achieve the big thing.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul 09
I knew my fuse was short, I should have walked away at the time and I wouldn't have smashed the mouse, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Music helps a great deal and I don't think I had my music on at the time. I do not have a lot of patience that is half my trouble.
@happyness3 (394)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I have 2 kids, and one on the way, so yes, I get frustrated. I used to throw things, and break them, but I couldn't do that anymore when I had babies. So now, I just stop what I am doing, and walk away. I breathe deeply, and think of something that doesn't make me that dream vacation in Cabo. Then, I try to remember what mad me mad in the first place, and, I am a blonde, so I generally can't remember.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
16 Jul 09
i tend to try to get away by myself if i can or get lost in a book or a current craft that i am working on. as for breaking things, i remember throwing something across the room and slamming doors but not breaking anything. i just walk away usually. hugs to you wolfie, hope things work out for you my friend.
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@snowy22315 (186950)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I do not cope with frustration very well. I tend to get upset and blow up at people. I guess there are people who can take everything in stride and those who just cant cope with it at all. I am one who has a great deal of difficulty coping with depression or things that I find frustrating. i just wish I had better coping skills.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 09
The only way I cope is by burning my frustration and anger out at the gym, hence why I go training 4 times a week, two hours minimum each time, I feel so better afterwards, trouble is, I have to rest so my body can recharge and it's on the days I don't go to the gym that I feel so depressed. I do suffer with depression, antidepressants do NOT work I've tried many, but exercise does. People usually set my frustration off, on my own, left alone I am fine.
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Dear, Dear Wolfie...You sound so much like someone else I know....easily frustrated and angered, hence the things that he's touching go flying....and then when he's cooled down, guilt and depression comes forth. My heart goes out to you, because I can almost imagine what you go thru at times, since I have seen my son go thru much of what you are saying, a good portion of his life. This is no place for me to even discuss his issues , issues that are possibly yours, but I can tell you that meds have calmed him tremendously. He no longer worries and or gets mad if things don't work out the way they are supposed to. I haven't seen anything flying for several years. I hope you find a calm place within yourself that you can go to when things get too unbearable. Did you ever think of meditating? That can do wonders!
As far as your own place...does your state have apartments that go according to your income? My son is on disability, and he was just accepted for a 3 room apt, that is run by the state, and he pays rent according to his income...very cheap, and the apt. is adorable..the area is clean, and I almost envy him; the area that he lives is like a little village. He also qualifies for food stamps , help for his heat and electricity. The only thing he doesn't have is a car, which right now he is better off not having. But he too used to feel so worthless, while he lived at home, and he too always thought there was light at the end of the tunnel. But guess what, there was a light, so, please don't give up.
As for me, I can get very frustrated with people...I don't like people who assume something of me, people who think they know what I am feeling, or what I am thinking. That urkes me, big time! I don't like phonies, people who demonstrate two sides of themselves whenever the opportunity calls for it; I don't like people who stretch the truth, even when they're not aware of it; I don't like it when people judge others when they have no idea what goes in other's minds; I don't like people who think "Black" or "White" and don't realize that there are so many gray areas in life; people who think that if you don't do right by everyone else, you are stupid, rebellious, and no good...people who don't open up their minds and put themselves in other's shoes before they make a derogatory statement about them; people who are not sensitive to others; or think before they act.
Yes, people frustrate me very much, and I can be very outspoken when I come across people like that. When I find that it's getting to me, I take a break and remain alone for awhile...I stay away from everyone, and don't call anyone. But the one of my biggest assets is that I forgive quite quickly, so after a few days, I usually forget what I was so frustrated about, or realize that I shouldn't let others' actions get the best of me.
Wolfie...I wish you were here next to me, and we could have a big discussion about what you go thru...I am a very good listener...and I probably would not be surprized at what you tell me. There is so much you say, that I can relate to.
Take care...hope you find peace.

@xtremeroge (9)
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
Getting over frustration is not that easy as licking an icecream in a cone. Definitely, stepping in a process is always a must.
But to temporarily relieve oneself... a partner is necessary.
A partner whom you can talk about and who is ready to listen.
The more you talk about your frustrations, the more you can figure out how to get rid of it.
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@maverick_tarun (52)
• India
17 Jul 09
the thing dat u hve mentioned above treadmil is a gud idea..but u say dat u still cant control urself den der is only one way meditation .it looks different and it really works trust me
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