My son has a new baby half brother as of tonight.

United States
July 17, 2009 12:42am CST
Well I knew this day was coming. I didn't think it would be this early. My son that is 22 months old now has a half baby brother that was born tonight at 10:26 pm. His biological father and his girlfriend had him a little over a month early. With this all being kinda new still yet to my son about meeting his biological father in the last month and a half and trying to arrange weekly visits so they can get to know each other, it's going to be a rough next few weeks. Anyone have any advice on how to make this transition a little easier on my little guy? He has no clue right now that my ex is his biological father because he is still to young to comprehend something to that aspect.
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1 response
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
7 Aug 11
Does he call him daddy yet, or do you refer to him as daddy? Or are you going to have him call him something else. I think kids begin to know their parents that way. As for the new baby, I don't think it will be a problem just introduce the new baby as his baby brother. Eventually as he begins to learn more and understand the world around him he will know what this means.
• United States
9 Aug 11
Actually "Dennis" preferred to not be called daddy. My son had a daddy when he was born. A guy who accepted me while I was pregnant with my son & it's the only daddy he know's as daddy. "Dennis" ended visits over 6 months ago & we haven't heard a peep out of him after all the court hearings, seeing a parenting counselor to set up visits, and even discussed adoption to my boyfriend from "Dennis". We aren't sure exactly what happened. I have tried to make contact a few times, but I'm not about to waste all my time & energy on trying to keep him involved when we have our son to raise & I work full time. I do wish however that my son would get to know his half-brother, but I don't look for that to happen any time soon. I'm pretty sure "Dennis" and his girlfriend have either (or are planning) on going back to Texas. That's where they are both originally from.