Do you have the stuff Angels are made of????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
July 17, 2009 9:59pm CST
The first thing we need to determine is just what Angels are made of. The term Angels perhaps implies closer to being like God. God is unconditional love with knowledge and wisdom over the top and off the scale. So a true Angel would have great wisdom. Though not perfect, an Angel must be giving most everyone in their life unconditional love. It is also important to God that we learn and grow. God is teaching His children. It has to be important to an Angel that people around them grow in truth and knowledge. Are you an Angel???? Are there people around you who are Angels???? What about the couple who adopts or takes in lots and lots of orphans, the kids without love or a home? Are there people in your life who give love and kindness through all the hardship and trouble in life? What's the saying? He gave me the shirt off his back. There are other kinds of Angels. Do you know someone who went through great adversity in order that truth and knowledge was discovered? Aren't our great teachers Angels as well? All these Angels don't look for money, fancy clothes, cars, and houses. The most important things in life mean the most to them. Yes, they change the world! Are you such an Angel???? Do you touch the lives around you with Love, Kindness, and Positive influence????? Perhaps, the most important quality of Angels is that they are selfless. NOT A SELFISH PERSON IN THE BUNCH!!! Maybe we should learn from their example. Deep down, we DO all have the stuff Angels are made of. THE CHOICE TO BE AN ANGEL IS OURS!!! Are you or will you be an Angel????
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6 responses
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
19 Jul 09
If you want to get technical about what Angels really are..they are heavenly creations of God. They are NOT of this Earth. They have no gender and they are messengers of God. That was their purpose. Therefore, humans cannot and will not ever be an angel. Angels were never human.
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• Germany
20 Jul 09
Hi BethTN81, this is exactly what Jesus told in his New Revelation to Jakob Lorber in the beginning of the 19th century. The messengers are kind of expression of the Lord's will and it is similar as the photons of light are electro-magnetic waves as well as they are particles. In a way theology and physics come closer and closer these days.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Interesting. Define human. We are all created by God. We are all spiritual beings in our true natures. Gender is a parameter of this physical world. If you were not in your physical body, gender would not be important. Angels might not always be in a physical form but I'm willing to bet they were at one time or another. One can not gain wisdom without the struggle to gain knowledge. Perhaps it takes causality of a physical world to do this. Of course, I can't rely on man's technical definition of Angels for there is so much left for man to learn. As for me, I have to label some of these wonderful souls, Angels, for when you see them and their actions, that is what comes to mind. Thanks for your really good comments!!
19 Jul 09
Angels are created beings. the name angels is from the Hebrew word malakim, meaning messengers of God. so yes we are made of the same thing as Angels, and the same things the stars in heaven are also made from.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Wow. This is great!! You have the root source of Angels. Since we are all teaching as well as learning in life, I would like to think we are all bringing a message from God. When one gives the world unconditional love along with knowledge and truth, perhaps more of God's message is getting out. Great comments. Thanks!!
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• Germany
18 Jul 09
The best answers about the nature and behaviour of angels I have found in Jesus' explanations of Bible in the New Revelation. Angels are kind of thoughts of the Lord in dispatch and progress.Therefore they have divine strenght and can do miracles in accordance with the Lord's will. The good persons you are mentioning are those 1% of souls from outside this earth, and yes, sometimes they are angel souls. They can carry bigger burdens of suffering than our native earthly souls. You can find these divine explanations in English on whereas I was lucky to read the texts in my German language in Jesus' own words given as a dictation through the inner word to the Austrian musician Jakob Lorber (1800-1864).
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Jul 09
Well now, there are Angels doing miracles on Earth today. Children of God who see that unconditional love can heal the hurt souls of this world. I have seen others go through great suffering for the sake of truth and knowledge for all of mankind. I have seen ordinary people who never seek fame and glory, go about their lives guiding the troubled souls of this world. We truly all have the stuff Angels are made of. We all can touch lives!!Thanks for your comments!!
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@jb78000 (15139)
18 Jul 09
i'm not going to discount the possibility of angels (demons yes, that's just silly) or people apparently touched by them. however i think it's usually a personal spiritual moment and no more.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
19 Jul 09
according to Islamic point of view, it was mentioned in the Holy Quran and prophetic Hadiths that, the angels were created from light, the jinn were created from smokeless fire and Adam was created from clay. The Devil is not one of the angels, but the devil is from the Jinn, the angels never disobey the God, but the devil did. details about the Jinn are available at: and details about the angels are available at: Best regards
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Jul 09
It makes me very sad to think you really believe from those links. You think like men. You have your God act like men. If you are ever going to really understand God, you are going to have to raise your level of thinking. God is very very smart. If you believe all in those links, you clearly underestimate God or maybe simply do not understand. God is beyond the petty needs of man. There is no need for God to demand worship. So God created a few wayward kids. Don't you think God is smart enough to handle a few wayward kids without burning them in hell? Really think now!! Isn't there more than reward and punishment or pleasure and pain? God is so much more than you can find in any one book!!!!!! Especially a book like most religious books that are deep with man's influence. Everybody wants to rule the world and control others. IS THERE SOMETHING THEY ARE MISSING BY THIS ACTION??????? God does exist and can be found. You will have to leave the comfort of your beliefs to get there. As far as Angels are concerned, Angels are just children of God who see a bit better than most. All God's children have the free will to do miracles. This is what this discussion was speaking to. We can do miracles. But no matter how evil or how misguided and wayward His children are, God loves us all unconditionally. WE WILL ALL SEE IN THE END!! When one is truly wise, one does not destroy or discard the problem, one FIXES THE PROBLEM!! GOD WILL FIX!!! Thanks for your comments!! The links you provided made it easier to get your side. Thanks!!
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Attacked???? I have no hate for anyone. Everyone is welcome to comment!!! I do my best to give the truth which some do not like but I am open and welcome for any response. After all, this is a discussion. If my place was just to make everyone hear what they want to hear, how can anyone learn?? We are all children of God. I love you all!!!
@amat_dos (17)
• Malaysia
21 Jul 09
Praise be to God Who created The heavens and the earth Who made the angels Messengers with wings - Two, or three, or four (Pairs) He adds to Creation As He pleases; for God Has Power over all things 35:1
• Malaysia
22 Jul 09
It is not hard because;God Has Power over all things. If i could add;For each (such person) there are angels in succession before and behind him: They guard him by command of God. Verily, never will God change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). 13:11
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Jul 09
Hmmm??? Interesting!! Two three or four pairs of wings. Tell me about the pairs. I haven't heard this. Can an Angel have too many wings or feathers? Wouldn't it be mighty hard to fly with four pairs of wings???
@jb78000 (15139)
18 Jul 09
i give way more than i take and don't think about it, beasties always focus on me. i'm definitely an angel as described:)
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Jul 09
You must touch a lot of lives. How many Angels will you help to create through your example? Directly and indirectly we may never know. Thanks for your comments!
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@jb78000 (15139)
18 Jul 09
of course. but add to that the fact i whinge sometimes, i get annoyed with some of the people in the politics bit (and in real life), and i get furious about religious intolerance. oh and i also can't stand cruelty to animals. goodbye macdonalds.... not an angel i;m afraid
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Jul 09
Well now, we all have things we need to work on. For those in your life you can't stand, make them your best friend. Give them unconditional love. Everyone will be open to learning then. Don't let a little drama bother you. Often, that is when the learning starts. Thanks for your honest comments!!
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