Is there any movie about blogging and making it big?

July 18, 2009 6:26am CST
I was thinking is there any movie about blogging and making it big? So far other than hackers ,You've Got Mail! and etc there is not much movies about bloggers I guess.
1 response
18 Jul 09
The only movie which I can think comes anywhere close to this is "Pirates of Silican Valley". It was a tv movie made in 1999 and is based on the history of Microsoft and Apple. It does have a couple of semi big names in it like Noah Wyle(ER) and Anthony Michael Hall "Weird Science". But this genre does seem to be a little sparse and most movies which revolve around the world of computing tend to be more thrillers rather than being inspired by true life. I suppose "blogging" is still quite a new thing and so no one has come up with a sustainable blog. Although I would find a movie based on the life of a successful blogger quite interesting.
• Malaysia
18 Jul 09
Oh Cool.I will lookup for the Pirates of Silican Valley. Ya, i agree with you a movie based on a blogger would be very interesting.