Beatiful or wise? Seems that in this days, to be beatiful is more important?

@icesmile (7160)
July 18, 2009 12:17pm CST
Why does beauty seen more important then wisdom? Are not people so much wise to choice wisdom? They continue to choice beauty. I know i am right, every day we can see this. If a man must to choice a woman, will choice beauty, for sure, they don t wait to see if that woman is wise or not.
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8 responses
• India
18 Jul 09
i agree with you icesmile,it is natural to get inclined towards beauty. but, in most cases when you meet a person, it is difficult to judge in a short period how wise they are. so, it is natural that the attribute people look for is beauty. otherwise, there are other relationships when people whom you have known for some time become long term partners as there is ample opportunity to know the wisdom or maturity of the other person.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
18 Jul 09
Hi, of course that in time people will learn toghether, will help each other, will try to change something in theirs self...
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• India
18 Jul 09
me totally agree. but before choosing i must see if my mentality is matching or not and then beauty. female is always good at bonding this is a quality and if same is absent then beauty cant maintain relation as we know physical beauty is for few days. and mental beauty is for ever.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
18 Jul 09
And if your mind don t work any more, if you see a great beauty? where is your wisedom than?
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• Canada
20 Jul 09
I agree with you. Wisdom, or inner beauty, should be more important than how a person looks on the outside. People who put outter beauty above inner beauty are shallow, and superficial. If I were to meet someone who I thought prized outter beauty more than the kind of person i really am, I would move on, not including that person in my life.
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
18 Jul 09
Hi there ice smile. I know this is a general discussion but if we are to make it more personal, or more personalized better said we get all sorts of variables. For example, you can fall in love with a person that is not particularly good looking for the others, but in your eyes, she / he is the most beautiful person on Earth. I think that both many men and women are superficial nowadays and do look for beauty before wisdom, especially in the younger years, but there still are some that know to look for wisdom and realize that beauty comes from the interior as well.
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• India
18 Jul 09
hello buddy! what5 your are thinking is partly correct. A man always goes for beauty. But it is only at the first sight. But once they get along, his options changes. He understands her completely and obviously goes for knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. cheers
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@Rootmere (133)
• United States
18 Jul 09
I must agree. People do not look at the integrity of something before fulling judging it based off appearence. Everybody wants both, but peeps definately can't go on everyday if they weren't beautiful. lol.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
18 Jul 09
Yes, this is a big problem, all will answer that they prefear wisedom, but if now will come a beautiful woman they forgot about to be wise
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@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
27 Sep 09
Hey, Yea that is really quite true, many people actually like to have a beautiful women instead of a wise one. But it is a real hard choice, since if you aren't beautiful these days, you might not be as succept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;omes down to marriage. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
• India
23 Oct 09
My priority goes for wisdom. A woman who is wise is also beautiful. I feel that beauty is not something related to physical look. It is something related to character, personality, intelligence and wisdom. Note that the last two qualities can be developed once you have the first two qualities.