How much money i get if deceided to divide all wealth in world in equal amount?

July 19, 2009 5:07am CST
Hi all, In this world with so many billionaire and millionaire people. if we try to add up everyone's bank account, minus credit card debt and car payments and count number of people and divide this amount all the people i just can't dream how much i will be able to get as my share or you will get for you. can anyone guess the exact amount we will get?
1 response
• United States
20 Jul 09
Unless you have taken a course in economics this may be a bit confusing to you. If by wealth, you mean actual money, currency, then there is not nearly as much as you might think. The speed of money in this country is 20x the amount of currency that actually exists. This means that since the US GDP is only 13.84 trillion, there is only about 692 billion dollars of actually hard currency. The rest is all credit, numbers in a computer that are completely worthless. Scary thought but hope it answers your question. If you're talking about wealth as how much people are worth and stuff like that just remember that people can't be divided, and certain people are worth a lot less to others so that is really just opinion in that case.