do you smoke?

July 19, 2009 9:55am CST
Hello my fellow mylotters! Well i just wanna survey you guys about your smoking habbits. First, how often do you smoke? How young did you start smoking? Can you consume a pack of smock a day? Can you last a day without smoking? Do you consider your self addicted to smoking? Is it true that with smoking while at toilet makes you poop easier? =) happy mylotting!
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68 responses
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I don't smoke. I have never smoked. I tried it once when I was younger but I never ended up starting to smoke. I just didn't get the thrill of it. My sister smokes probably a pack a day. My husband used to smoke when we met. He spent a few years trying to quit. He finally was able to kick the habit a little over a year ago. I'm very proud of him.
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• Philippines
19 Jul 09
Hi ravinskye! It was sweet to know that your husband quits smocking! Maybe that's the way to quit it. They must gradually quit it. Give your sister sometime, she might be quit the habbit. Thank you and happy mylotting!
1 person likes this
• China
20 Jul 09
I do not smoke ,smoking is harmful to the human body,but more often I think the right time can still draw.
@yogambal_64 (1014)
• India
19 Jul 09
Sorry, I do not smoke at all. Smoking is injurious to health.
1 person likes this
• Mexico
20 Jul 09
Yes I agree with you
• United States
20 Jul 09
I smoke but try to ration and do things to avoid it such at I do not smoke in my car i go to parks and go around places you can not smoke at.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
21 Jul 09
How funny. I am in the process of quitting. I am on step two of the patches. And even though the majority of the program I have not smoked on the patch I have for the first few days of each's very hard to quit. But I can say it is doiable. I went from a pack and half a day to maybe four cigs/day now (that;s on the days where I don't wear my patch or I am switching to the next level). But even when I am having a cig I know I really don't want it. I started smoking in college. I did it when I went out to parties/bars and now twelve thriteen years later....uh. So I am quitting this year for sure. ANd yes odd but true when I quit smoking I got really constipated. Never had that problem before, but I did then. So if you are a true, dedicated smoker and decide to quit take metamucil daily when you first stop smoking or a stool softener. Odd and gross but true.
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
Hello! thank you for that great insight for us. I hope you'll have success in quitting. Thank you and happy mylotting!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
23 Jul 09
No, I don't smoke anymore. I started smoking when I was eight, I thought it was the cool thing to do. Later, when I was twenty, I stopped, and haven't smoked in almost forty years, except for second-hand smoke from time to time. I would recommend that you don't smoke. There is no value in doing so. It's a waste of time, money, and health. It pollutes the world.
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@shimanaja (493)
• Indonesia
22 Jul 09
No..sorry i hate smoke..may be i dont like smoke..cause i think its not good for me too..
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
hello, patricia based on your reply, im glad you have quit smoking. And yeah its a dumb idea. But a hard habbit to break for some. Hope you guys can quit smoking too. Thank you and happy mylotting!
• Indonesia
23 Jul 09
Thanks Patricia...being the main of this life.. Happy mylotting..:)
• Romania
21 Jul 09
Hey. I don't really know how often I smoke because I'm not keeping track. Just whenever I feel like it I light up. I started at 14 and I usually smoke a pack or a bit over a pack a day. From the attempts I've made at quitting, I know I can last a day if I want to, or have to, but it's kind of uncomfortable. I have no doubt I'm addicted to it by now. About the toilet, yes :D. I don't drink coffee, but I know that smoking and coffee will force you to the toilet when you least expect it. The combination is dangerous.
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
hello allnicks! nice name. Really smoking and coffee will force you to the toilet? That is a great info. I really i appreciate that. Maybe when im constipated i will do that. Thank you and happy mylotting!
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I do'nt smoke and I quit 30 years ago, and I am so glad that I did. I feel a lot better, but I gained all that weight, the thing about quitting is you gain a lot of weight when you quit.
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
21 Jul 09
I don't smoke, nor would I allow anyone else to smoke near me. I would go out of my way to stop people from smoking. You haven't mentioned whether you smoke?
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
hello trixyteddy and defcon. No i don't smoke to. I use to try it back in my teenage years. But i just feel that i'm like a trying hard to be cool. LOL! I can take the smell of the smoke that leaves in my body or breath after smoking. Thank you and Happy mylottting!
• India
20 Jul 09
Get A Life .. Don't Smoke .. Live A Healthy Life .. Smoking is Injurious To Health .. Mind It .. These Words Are with Me Now .. I Was Good at smoking Years Ago .. LoL .. I Quit a Couple Of years Back .. Smoking Really Drains You Physically, Mentally .. Now Am A Happy Man .. Lot More On mYloT ..
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
hello, thank you for that lovely advice. Don't worry i'm not a moker. But yes i have tried it several times. And i don't think smoking is for me. Thank you and happy mylotting!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I started smoking when I was 10. I am now 53. Yes..I can easily smoke a pack a day but I am trying desparatly not to. Can I last a day without cigs? Yes but it is a real struggle. I've quit several times and for long periods of time and always gone back. It is a real powerful habit to break. Yes I am an addict. As for smoking on the toilet...don't know ...don't do it. I don't smoke in my home. So...Are you a smoker? What prompted you to take this survey? What are you going to use it for? just curious.
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
hello sid! well my cousin who is studying actually the reason why i typed in this post. She asked me to hand out survey to my officemates. But i didn't, lol! Instead i have type in this question to mylot. But the smoking on toilet part, i just remembered my brother who always practice this habbit. And i hate it. I hate the smell of our toilet after he use it. Happy mylotting!
• United States
20 Jul 09
Hmmm.. I've been wanting to smoke since High School, but I'm just scared, I might get addicted to it. hehe! Cause both my parents are smokers, and I saw before how hard it is for them not to smoke at least 1 stick a day. My mother actually stopped smoking for a year, but just like any addictive things, she went back to smoking after that. But thankfully, it mellowed down, although they still smoke once in a while. Are u a smoker?
• Jamaica
20 Jul 09
From what I've read and been taught in my Biology Class, smoking is a habit that if you have not started, pat yourself on the back, because not only is it ridiculously self-degenerative and addicting - but stupid. I have not smoked from the day I was born - something I actually pride myself in being able to say, because it says a lot about someone's self-discipline and their ability to deal with social pressures. Good topic and happy myLotting!
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
hello trizzle! Wow you must be really proud. Yes it is hard to be discipline enough to strung out social pressure. I hope you can continue this for a lot more years to come or forever! Thank you and happy mylotting!
21 Jul 09
I've never smoked and never wanted to - once I tried and hated it - hot toxic smoke going into my body - no thanks! My husband started smoking aged nine. I tried to get him to stop since I met him 42 years first he wouldn't, then he tried and couldn't...then he finally did...but alas it was too late. He was diagnosed with lung cancer about a month ago, aged 67. They say it is inoperable and we don't know how long he has left. He's okay at the moment but it is progressive and we don't know how it will affect him. The saddest thing is, he probably won't see his grandchildren grow up. (I say probably because nothing is certain, but the odds are not good.) All the family is upset and it's so unnecessary and could have been avoided. Sorry, I don't want to depress you, but the answer is clear. Do not smoke.
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
Hi hisbiscus, im sorry to hear what happen to your husband. Reality really bites. But thank you for sharing. Hope your husband overcome this. Thank you!
• India
20 Jul 09
yeah i do smoke..... and to tell you the truth am a medical student.... so the question arises.... you are a medical student you know very well what smoke does.then why the hell do you smoke.... the answer is .......just like that.... its time to enjoy and like many of us beleieve smoking is a part of rugged danderous thrilling life... and like everyone else why shud i not smoke...[b][/b]
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
hello sanal! those are good questions. Its really up to the person to smoke or not to smoke. I guess what most of the replies is pointing out that smoking is dangerous to ones health. Yes it is not bad to enjoy eveything while you can. Just don't abuse it. Thank you and happy mylotting!
• Indonesia
20 Jul 09
i don't smoke =D but i did try once or twice when i was very young, maybe at age 12 or so. just one or two smokes not much lol..nooooo i can't imagine if i consume a pack of it a day nooooo.. yeah of course i can last a day even a month even a year lol coz i'm not a smoker. nope i'm not addicted to it nor want to be an addict..lmaoooo your last question hahaha...uhhuh lots of my friends said that and my bro in law too lol
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
hello shalli, ah you have many friends who do smoke while making a poop. lol! Now im starting thinking that maybe the theory of 'smoking makes poop easily glide through' is true! I never imagine that! Well thank you and happy mylotting!
@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
19 Jul 09
I don't smoke since then. I am now 32 and still don't love to smoke.
@Archie0 (5652)
20 Jul 09
I drink and smoke and I love doing both I will not quit I enjoy both and decided I will not deny myself anti-smokers drive me insane.
• United States
19 Jul 09
I smoke I smoke a pack sometimes a pack n half a day. I wish i wouldn't of never started smoking. Because its one of the worse habbits to start.
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Hi smartone! I agree to you that it is a bad habbit to start. First because it will endanger your health. Second, it will cost you. And third, you might be a threat in someone elses health. But it is still your decission to smoke or not to. Thank you and happy mylotting!
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
I don't smoke. I haven't tried one. My dad was a smoker before and I succeeded in convincing him to quit that unhealthy activity. I am always a pro health person since I'm into a health allied profession. Next week,I will be hosting a seminar in our place about smoking. I think the people need that because there are many people who are addicted with it here especially the young ones about aged 12-14. Too bad they weren't aware about how it could damaged their health. I hope it'll be successful and many people will flee from smoking.
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
hello babyfiona, i like that you are doing a good cause to your neighborhood. Keep it up! Save the kids, and our air. I hope i have the courage to do the same too. Thank you and Happy mylotting!
@VisuUnome (208)
• India
19 Jul 09
ya i like smoking, for the past two years i am a smoker but now i partially quit it because i considered myself that i was addicted to i'm trying to quit it completely
• Philippines
19 Jul 09
Hello visu! It is nice to know that you are now trying to quit smoking. Hope you can really surpass it. And not damage your health more. Happy mylotting!
@cabz360 (41)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I no longer smoke...and I learned to quit the hard kidding! I started smoking when I was in college age 17, and started with only about 3 sticks a day...after a year, my friends were mostly smokers so i started smoking for about a pack of cigies a day of either Marlboro or Black Bat...and till just 2 months ago i started having this nagging cough that would just not go away. I thought that I was just having a regular cough but then it kept getting worst after 2 i decided to pay my doctor a visit...she just gave me antibiotics...didnt even tell me what caused my cough,,,i did feel better but not completely healed...what happend was that just 2 weeks ago my cough worsened again...and so i decided to look for a second opinion since i was starting to get paranoid...I quit smoking! and the doctor told me i was having bronchitis...and adviced me to never smoke again and once again made me take these expensive antibiotics...I was really traumatized since i really did suffer with the coughing and the money i had to spend for the meds and I've decided to never ever smoke again!
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Hi cabz, this was an early eyeopening to everyone. It's a good thing that you consulted quickly to the doctors. And thank God! for the medicines. Hope that anyone who read this can learn from it. happy mylotting!