Cruelty to Animal
By jwiz512
@jwiz512 (78)
United States
July 19, 2009 11:13am CST
I have a niece who has a 14 yr old daughter. My niece is not an animal lover yet she has bought her daughter several very expensive dogs only to turn around and give them, along with cage and food to people because she dislikes them and her daughter wasn't taken care of the animal. Now after doing this so many times she turns around 2 years ago and purchases a very fragile dog which is a dacshund. The dog is so sweet and nervous. Anyway the dog was house broken but the daughter would not let her out to go potty so she started having accidents all throughout the house. She also has a nervous pee when excited or scared. The dog shakes and is so afraid but I believe it's because of my niece being so mean to her. She is always calling her "That F N DOG !!!" This hurts me when she does this because I am an animal lover. I relate well to animals and how they feel inside. I really need your opinion on the things I am about to tell you. The reason is because my niece and I no longer talk after what recently happened. I have been listening and watching how she treats this dog and it is breaking my heart so bad.
Her daughter came down my home to visit for supposedly a week. My niece asked me "Can you take that FN dog with you??" I told her sure I wouldn't mind taking her also as I have done so before. I did this for reasons because of how my niece is. My niece works 12-14 hr days. The dog gets penned up in a cage that is partioned off to about a 1/3 of the size of the cage. The dog has just enough space to turn around inside the cage. There is no blanket or anything in the metal cage that this poor thing has to stay in for all those hours. Also when my niece comes home from her days work the dog is allowed out long enough to eat and go potty and then most times right back in this cage. I think it's very mean and cruel. The dog has a short time to get a drink and eat her food and if she doesn't consume it all quickly it is taken away. My niece then goes to bed to get up for work in the morning. Knowing this I took the dog so she wouldn't be stuck in the cage all day and all night. Well her daughter decided after I spent several hundred dollars entertaining her and I had to drive 700 miles within 3 days) that she was going to go to a vacation spot with her friends family. SHe was supposed to stay with me for a week because of my health I can't drive 150 miles back and forth every other day. When the daughter decided to go with her friends family which is 32 miles from my home she never consulted with me about taking care of the dog. She didn't even think about the dog at all. While standing in the store I had her friend with me also in line and I asked her if she thought about what she was going to do with the dog when she left here. She said no and then went back into the clothing department and began making her calls. She came back and told me that everyone had agreed to her plan and that it was the best way and she would explain it when we got in the car. Upon getting in the car she told me that I was to drive her 150 miles back home the next morning and take the dog back and her laundry so her mother could wash it. I was very upset because she was supposed to stay with me for a week and knew I couldn't make that drive 2 days after she got here. I then told her it was not a good idea for me and that I should have been asked before assuming that I would do this. It was either I keep the dog for two weeks while she was at her friends house or I take her back home which would make my drive of 700 miles in a matter of 3 days. I have a very bad heart and other medical conditions that limit me. I told her NO, I am not doing it because it will hurt my body too bad and that I would keep the dog while she was with her friend so the dog wouldn't have to stay in the cage while her mother worked. Well her mother had already said that she didn't want to hear any complaints like she did when she came the year before. Anyway her daughter got on the phone with her and told her that I said about the dog staying in the cage all those hours. My niece then asked to speak to me and I was in my room and had no idea what had been going down as I thought the problem was settled. My niece gets on the phone and starts telling me that she has the dog trained to stay in the small portion of the cage for those many hours and basically in her round about rude way was telling me it was none of my business. I asked her if she knew about this plan everyone had determinbed was so great and she said NO. She then told me that "NO, you will not drive her all the way home.You will wash her clothes and her friends clothes and keep the dog until I can make it down to get it. By now I was really upset because I just had a 14 yr old tell me what I was going to do and then her mother is telling me I am going to do it her way. When her daughter got off the phone with her I told her she had once again started problems as she did when my husband was alive and that I was going to take her home and I didn't want to hear another word. The next morning I told her get her things, along with her friend and give the dog a flea bath they were going home. I took them all the way back up the highway and dropped them off in front of their house, gave her the key I had for their home and then drove away. Her daughter is used to staying home alone for several years now because my nieces excuse for everything is "I am a single working parent!" Well I was the same way with more than one child but I never left my kids until they were 16 and I had 5 of them. I broke down crying so bad because I knew this was the end of the mother/ daughter like relationship that my niece and I had. However I dont feel it's right to do this to the dog and then tell me what I am going to do. Not ask me but to out right tell me this is what I am going to do. I am sorry this is so long but I am very upset as it's now been a month since we spoke and we spoke several times a day. What would you have done if someone did this to you. You would have to know my niece to understand why I felt the way I did. She has no consideration for anyone elses feelings and everything you give her means nothing at all to her. She will all of a sudden through everything in her life out if she wakes up and feels like doing it that day. I have been sitting there for years just listening to her and letting her be bossy and cussing everyone out. I was the last connection of family that she had since she shut everyone out of her life many years ago. Please tell me do you think it's wrong to do this to a poor animal? Do you also think because a dog is used to sleeping with a kid and you suddenly decide it's no longer allowed to do so and the dog keeps barking that you throw it outside in 30 degree winter tempature to spend the night. The dog is so thin because it barely gets chance to eat. Do you also feel that it's wrong of her to tell me what I ams supposed to do and not ask me?
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6 responses
@jsmith12 (438)
• Canada
19 Jul 09
Sorry but the lack of spacing makes it impossible for me to read it all.
But a couple of things:
1) If the dog has food/water and shelter, generally the Humain society in US/Canada will do nothing, unless there is obvious abuse. (Hitting, neglect, unattended injuries etc) If the dog is not vaccinated you MIGHT get lucky with that angle, but being crated all day isn't considered a problem.
2) Stealing the dog is risky, because it's always inside. Since legally nothing is wrong with the way the dog is kept then if your niece pushes the issue YOU could be charged with theft.

@jsmith12 (438)
• Canada
20 Jul 09
I'm not saying I agree with it. But it's the law. Without anything illegal going on, there's little to be done.
As I said, if she doesn't keep her dog vaccinated, then you could report that as it's normally illegal. But crating all day, I don't believe is. I'm only trying to tell you that there is little you can do, given the way the law is. To the law, animals are property, not living breathing things. I'm afraid until that changes, there isn't going to be change about how animals have to be kept by law.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I'm not upset with you but I do believe our laws here protect animals more than most people think. I know in New York they really protect them. I would not steal the dog but I do think in time she is going to loose it. It's just breaking my heart and everyone says the same thing I say about how she treats it. You have no idea how many people in a nice way asked to take that dog off her hands but they don't want her to get mad at them so they just ask. However the reason they ask is because of how she treats it and they feel she is cruel and hatefull.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I am sorry about the spacing issue. I wasn't intending to write so much but once I got started I just couldn't stop. I know what your saying about proving cruelty but how about a dog who is nothing but skin on her bones?? I would think that crating a dog for more than a certain amount of hrs in the small tiny space is against the law. I dog must have food and water especially in the summer. How would you like to not have food or water except for a few minutes each day? Furthermore I don't think anyone would like to be locked up in a crate that has plenty of room but they are only allowed as much as a carrier for transporting them to places. Thank you

@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I believe there are many things that are wrong, first it is wrong to get a dog for a girl who obviously does not even like them that much, to send you two girls for a long period when you are so sick.
I feel that at 14 a girl should know how to use a washing machine and wash her clothes, and well, they should have consulted you, it is bad enough that you had to drive them all the way home, but they were not nice to you.
I believe they are being cruel with the dog.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I thank you also for your response. All of you have made me feel a little better and knowing that I am not crazy here. I hope I get a lot of messages from this because I don't want them for the money, I want them so I can send them to her someday and let her know how ignorant and hateful her and her daughter are. I will not disclose anyones information but I will get them to her and she can hear how other people feel about her ignorance. She needs to go to jail. This story is so very long and so much has been going on that I can't even begin to tell all the details. You all have just had a speckle of what has happened. She says the VET told her the dog is only allowed so much water and food a day. The VET told her that it is fine to keep the dog in the cage. I know her VET and I bet her VET has no clue of actually what is happening. Any VET that would tell someone to do this should go down with that person. I will find a picture of this poor dog. When she see's me she gets on my lap and looks in my face like a poor starving child for food and affection and then my niece says "GET THAT F N DOG OFF MY SOFA!" This is after the dog has been allowed on the sofa for 2 years now all of a sudden because the kid didn't get off her butt and put it out to pee, the dog is being punished for the kids neglect. The dog gets thrown out in freezing weather because of the kids neglect. The dog always gets punished because she can't speak up and tell that it wasn't her fault.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Well what a shock. Almost like she knows I am writing about her. My niece has not spoken to me in over a month. She usually texts me several times a day. All of a sudden when I was typing the response to you she sent me a text message on my phone. Boy is that freaky...LOL. Maybe she is regreting what she has done or maybe God is just working on her mind and concious do you think ?
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Well I believe your niece does not deserve a dog. I am not sure if jail can a reality, I believe maybe a talk to the vet could be a good idea.
There are people who love the kind of dog your niece wants and can't afford it but will love it and provide well for it, so maybe he can do something to make that happen.
I hope your niece has a chance of heart but do not count on it till you see smome real chances.
Good luck.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
9 Aug 09
I think it is extremely wrong how she treats her dog. Dogs are innocent and each one deserves a loving home. I know that you are an animal lover and would treat her dog with great kindness. To call her dog such a nasty name is horrible. I hate to think of her dog shaking because she is so scared. Sitting in cage would be miserable for any dog. I have two miniature poodle dogs which I adore. I am a vegan and I wouldn't ever be cruel to an animal.
@AndrewBoi (369)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Wow. What a stroy. I am against animal cruelty. Imagine, what if we had a next life and we would become animals treated cruelly, what would we feel? We should live together with animals with harmony.
However, I also thought that animals are also cruel to humans. Sharks eating humans. Humans eating sharks. Waah. I don't know.
@FFFrocks (306)
• Canada
19 Jul 09
Stay strong jwiz, stay strong. Sounds like your on the right track here. Venting is a good step to feeling better and you are letting it out here. You've been hurt so bad! Don't let her try to manipulate you by controlling communications, you know she's just lying when she said she didn't read your email, right? That's all she's trying to do, control you. You don't need that. I kinda want to beat this niece of yours up!
I am so very sorry that you lost your husband, and other family members. My heart goes out to you.
Suggestion...? Go by a blow up doll, blow it up, then beat the hell out of it! Get that anger out girl.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
19 Jul 09
That sounds like a great Idea to get the doll and beat it up. Fortunately I did a memorial garden for my husband that's about 5 x 40 ft. When I get really upset or mad I go out there and pull weeds. That helps me feel that I have used my anger to the good of something.It was a lot of work making that garden with 68 rose bushes for how many years he was alive. I think of her too when I do that. The reason is that one day I was upset because UPS had lost one of the most important boxes of roses. Well I texted her that day and told her I was so upset because those roses had been lost. They had proof they never delivered them but I had to go through a bunch of stuff to get them replaced and was concerned if they would be able to plant them. She in turn texted me back by saying "F those roses!" I save all my text messages on my computer and I was shocked when she said that. I told her that they were for her Uncle/Father figure. She typed by OH and that was it. No sorry or anything just OH. I knew the minute she typed that message about the email that she was lying. No she didn't read it right away but she did read it. She can't hold back on something like that because she needed to see what it said so she could tell all her neighbors, friends and future in laws about it. Like the morning her future Mother in law said that. It was 6am and she called me saying "I need to vent so just listen and don't say anything!" How selfish and self centered can someone be. She is going up to his state every weekend and leaving her daughter behind with people. Why doesn't she take her daughter? Is it because she don't want them to see how rude her kid is? Is it because she's afraid if they get a good wiff of what the kid is like they will talk their son out of the wedding. Well I am going to stay strong. She said she had some of my belongings there and I could get them when I want. I texted her back and said I wasn't worried about them she could trash them. That's what she does with everything else including those who love her so much. Thank you again. I will admit this has had me very depressed just when I was starting to get back on my feet and feel a little better from the deaths in the family. Now the past month I've been in my room wondering why do my kids (and she was considered one of them) always use me and hurt me so bad. I give and give and do anything in the world for them and when they get it then they either say something ignorant or just plain out forget I'm alive and have feelings too. I feel like that poor dog all the time. Thanks again
@FFFrocks (306)
• Canada
19 Jul 09
OMG! Call animal control, now! I don't think at this point you care if she knows it was you, do you? I have called animal control on people before. I believe it is our responsibility to speak up for animals who are abused, they can't speak for themselves.
I don't think there is any excuse for treating an animal that way. Absolutely no justification. I also don't think there is any excuse to treat you that way!
I believe you will be better off with out your niece in your life. Really. If you are suffering health problems the added stress that her selfish arrogance is adding to your everyday life is only going to make things worse for you. She has no respect for you and that just isn't right, trying to turn others against you because you won't be a push over and follow her orders? Disgusting. You have obviously been more than patient with her for years on end. No more. Now it's time to put yourself first. If you are going to have a relationship with her it should be on your terms at this point. Take care of you self sweetie, please.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I thank you. I have been considering calling that VET and telling them what I think of them also for even putting these thoughts in her head.She see's everyone else as being stupid and have to follow her orders or she will shut them out of her life. For many many years the only time my family would contact me was to get in touch with her. I shut that resource down because she didn't want anything to do with our family and frankly neither did I. We come from a family who are very mean and spitefull. Always out to hurt someone else. I didn't need them because they abused me all my childhood so I kept to myself. If I called her and told her I had a problem she would shut me down and tell me she didn't need any stress or drama in her life. Yet, almost every day she was slamming me with text messages about her problems. I never once did that to her. I finally reached my breaking point when it came to the dog. She is engaged now and going to marry into a big family however they are a close family. She is one who can't stand her name to be mentioned by any one other than herself. This young Soldier has no clue what he is about to get into. She also has no clue that she is going to loose him because of her ways. She doesn't recognize that she too suffers from the same mental illness her mother has. The same reasons she hates her mother's gutts for are the same things she is doing her own self. Now her daughter is getting just like her. The daughter wants to disown the father simply because he doesn't have tons of money to entertain her every time he gets her. The daughter demands a dress for more than $100 and dad don't have it so she stomps out of the store, rolls her eyes and then texts mom and tells her dad is doing wrong and she is bored with him. No I don't need this in my life. I have gone through one of the worse years of my entire life loosing 6 family members and the worse being my husband. I have lost so much and hurt so very bad and I didn't need this. She stressed me to the point I was ready to go back up there just to choke her. However, I am one who thinks about things before I say and do them. She wants everyone to follow her just like getting 5 different cars in a year because she was not satisfied. She thinks she knows it all and everyone needs to hear her but she doesn't want to hear others. The only thing I feel really bad about here is the fact that I took the dog back home and for 2 weeks she was penned up and that small cage with a bare metal bottom. She got out long enough to go pee and get something to eat and drink real quick. You have no idea how many people have begged her to let them take this dog and she keeps saying no because her daughter will be upset. Yet she threatens her daughter every day she is getting rid of the dog. I don't think the dog even knows it's real name because of the name she calls it all the time. The daughter always asks why does the dog go to other people and not come to me when I call her. I told her because the dog doesn't like the way you treat her and the only time she is going to come to you is when she has no one else. I am an animal lover you have no idea the many animals I have taken off the streets around my home. Gotten them cleaned up from ticks and fleas. Took them to the vets and got them shots then I found them homes. I don't let anyone talk mean to my dogs. If anyone raises their voice to my dogs they are not welcomed in my home. If you mistreat a child, elderly person or an animal you should go to jail. My poor husband suffered severly from the mistreating in the nursing homes and neglect on Doctors part which caused him to die. I fought for his life for 5 months and drove over 11,000 miles to save him. He was almost all cured when he was neglected and mistreated in these places and it ended in him having to pass on. I just told my niece in an email that I was not answering her calls that day when she called because if she was calling to "F me up one side down another!" as she always says she does to people, then I didn't want to hear it. I told her in the email that love works both ways and if I loved her enough I would be honest and tell her the truth about what she was doing. If I couldn't be honest and tell her the truth, then I must be feeling her love is not as strong as mine and therefore she doesn't need me in her life. She wrote back and told me she deleted my email without reading it and if I wanted to speak to her then "I may call her". I was determined not to give her the chance to cuss me out. I told her I didn't want to talk to her if she was going to do that because I didn't do things the way she demanded me to do them. Honestly speaking if someone goes behind your back when you tried to get them out of a bad city and sitting around the house all day doing nothing in the summer, wouldn't you be mad? Wouldn't you then have not wanted to be with that person that just went behind your back and stabbed you after you spent 3 days running her around with her friend and spending several hunderd on her? I couldn't take another moment with her daughter and if I hadn't been crying and so upset she would have been taken home that night.
@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I'd like to add that for years she has begged me to come live with her. Knowing that nothing has any meaning to her and she will throw it away the first time it doesn't do what she wants, I kept saying NO thanks. However she is getting married in June of 2010. She invited me to come live with her, her husband, his family and her daughter. She told me to leave my children behind and move to another state because she wants me with her. Also to leave my grandson and the one on the way. I asked her if she bumped her head...LOL. I said " U got to b kidding me, Me, His family and U??? That spells divorce. What is she going to do when this man is so close to his mom and dad and they are a military family. He pays for his moms house and she thinks she is going to step into a family and start demanding them. Right now she is acting like a prima donna and running up to his home town every weekend and leaving the daughter along with the dog with other people including my best friend of 27 yrs. I have not told my friends or family not to talk to her. I don't play school girl games. I don't believe because I don't speak to you that everyone who is a part of my life needs to do the same. Her future mother in law asked her in text one day about her daughter. She said you don't get much time to spend with your daughter do you? Oh My God, my niece was flipping out all day and night. She texted the soldier in IRAQ fighting a WAR and started saying "Your FN mother had no right to get in my business. She slammed him hard and all he could do was just agree with her. I'm thinking to myself "are you out of your damn mind!!" I told her you shouldn't do that to him he has enough worry about his life each day. If you have a problem with his MOM talk to her. No his mom should not have said it. But NO you don't start slamming a soldier about what she calls his FN mom. Then he has to text his mom and make her say sorry. OMG what is going to happen because she is 34 yrs old and he is 36. SHe is going to have another baby when she gets married. SHe only had one child and now she is ready for another? What is she going to do every time he goes to war? Is she going to demand he get his A** home and help with taking care of the baby??? Wow, she is in for one big rude awakening. This is his career and he has no intentions of leaving it. She will demand he get on a plane and get home or else his "S**t with be out on the street. I think this is when she is going to come back crying. But I will have to look her in the face and say "You did it yourself and I can't help you!"