This is Perfect!
By Riptide
@Riptide (2756)
United States
July 19, 2009 11:57am CST
What is perfect you ask? The summer this year is perfect!
This has got to be the most perfect summer I have ever experienced in NY. It hasn't been getting too hot and the nights are nice and cool.
We have been getting a few humid days lately and all that rain caused the skeeters to breed like crazy, but that's what they make skeeter repellent for lol.
Just to give a little background. I was born and grew up in Germany, where when it's 80 degree in the shade, it's considered a heatwave and they even let the kids out of school early lol.
So needless to say, these hot and humid summers here in NY have been doing a number on me and my electric bill. Last year we had the air conditioners in the windows by May. This year we didn't even put them in and I doubt we will.
Except for the humidity lately, this summer reminds me of back home, where I used to be able to enjoy the summers outdoors without getting a heatstroke after 5 minutes LOL.
My flowers and tomatoes are thriving and I barely ever have to water them. Samson, my cat, is enjoying the outdoors, chasing butterflies and watching birds.
Spring is usually my favorite season, with fall being the second favorite, but if summers are going to be like this from now on then summer will be my favorite season!
So I came to the conclusion, that this has got to be the perfect summer and I just wish all summers could be like this.
So to make this a valid discussion. What is your favorite season and why? What does your favorite summer look like?
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10 responses
@sugarplum9084 (1771)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I live in Pennyslvania and have been experiencing the same weather, since I am only two hours away from you. I am used to very hot summers and this has probably been the worst summer for me and my family. It really gets too cold in the night and yes, it is true, we don't need he air conditioners and haven't used them once this summer, it is just not right. We never get weather like this in the summer. Farmers are actually having a hard time, so this weather doesn't really help plants. If you only do tomatoes maybe you are in luck, but with my family the corn has been stunted and I doubt will do much, the melons and strawberries lack taste because there was too much water this summer. This weather is a farmer's nightmare. None of our fruit trees bloomed this year in the orchard and not even any the flowering trees we have. We usually have great pies and fresh fruit all summer, but not this year, it is horrible. I hope that I never experience another summer like this again.
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I'm very sorry to hear that. I never knew that this kind of weather is so bad for plants. In Germany we had fruit trees in our garden and the farmers grew corn and they grew great in this kind of weather, so I was under the impression that this is the ideal weather for those.
I hope that things will look better for you next year. 

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@sugarplum9084 (1771)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Yeah, fruit trees are adapted to the weather that is around for their first few years of being in the ground, so when this weather comes along and is so different from past weather, the trees kind of go into survival mode and do not reproduce, which means no fruit for us. So that is why they do well in germany. Now for corn, corn needs a lot of sun and a moderate amount of rain. In Pennsylvania we produce a lot of corn, and this year is it shorter and the product is not as yellow and appears more white, in Germany that might be the standard of corn and what German farmers are used to, but here we get massive corn stalks that produce really big corn husks (length from the tip of your longest finger to you elbow), now they are half the size. I am sure next year we will bounce back to the usual, I hope! At least the peppers are doing well haha.
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Now that I think of it, it's true, corn in Germany is more white than yellow and they are not quite as big as here. They might have just looked big when I was a child lol. We used to go sneak corn from the farmers field and eat them raw, which we ended up with a belly ache from.
I didn't know that about fruit trees, thank you for clearing that up. 

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Jul 09
LOL--you obviously are a summer person which is my worse season to endure...hate it, hate it, hate it..uh, did I mention I hate it?
I don't even have air-conditioning and never have to save money. Yes, I do agree the summer so far in NY hasn't been too bad and thank goodness we haven't had the triple digit temps they are having in Arizona or Texas, but that darn humidity is creeping up now.
So as far as my favorite season(s)...fall and winter..yup--bring on the cold weather since I at least feel more energetic instead of a slug like I do now

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Jul 09
sorry Riptide...didn't mean to sound so negative..LOL. It's just summer has always been an endurance test for me, and start "feeling" it once it gets past 75-degrees. Fall definitely is one of my the gorgeous colors of the trees, the crisp air signaling winter's signals the holidays approaching and all the yummy foods one eats around birthday fall in the fall months (Nov) far as winter...I act like a kid when it snows and love walking in it

@Riptide (2756)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I love summer, as long as it's like this LOL. Anything above 80 is too much for me too. Regular summers here in NY are like hell to me, the humidity does a number on me. But this year it's heaven! LOL
Fall is awesome, with the foliage and the abundance of fresh apples. I love snow as well and am like a kid in the candystore when it snows.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Bah Humbug! This summer sucks! It hasn't been hot enough to go swimming not once, my tan is nonexistent, my hair is constantly frizzy because of the humidity and my grass needs cut once a week thanks to all the rain but you can't cut grass in the rain. Our forecast for the next 7 days is 78 to 81 degrees and thunder storms EVERY again I say....BAH HUMBUG!!!
My favorite season is autumn because I love the autumn leaves, the crisp clean smell of the air, and the fact that school is back in session :)
My favorite summer would be 78-82 degrees with ZERO HUMIDITY, and an intermittent light cool breeze from about 11am-6pm then it can drop down to 70-74 degrees until the sun goes down around 9 then bottom out at around 60 degrees for the rest of the night.
This way I only need a box fan, if I am even in the house, which would be unlikely because with high temperatures and ZERO chance of rain I have the kids out at an amusement park or swimming somewhere. It is always comfortable enough to eat outside if we want to cook out but not too uncomfortable if I want to put the oven on and make lasagna or one of my familys other favorites and at night I only need a thin sheet on the bed to sleep.
That would be MY perfect summer. I guess my garden would require it to it can rain every Monday and Thursday from 3 AM to 7 AM give or take an hour or two. Just as long as it is all gone by the time we are done with breakfast. 

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
19 Jul 09
I love the summer but this summer so far in New Mexico is just too hot for the past two weeks. Its been in the upper 90's no humidity thank god. It looks like it going to continue with these temps too for the next week. Its just to hot to sit outside. I tried the other day and my skin was actually burning within 10 minutes. My granddaughter can't even play outside because its just to hot. My ideal summer is 75 to 80 degrees with a little breeze. Where we could sit outside and eat and enjoy nature.
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I guess you guys have been getting all the heat we have been lacking up here. I lived in the Mojave Desert for a year, when hubby got stationed there, so I know all about that killer heat. We used to get temperatures of a 120 and I would burn just walking to the mailbox.
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@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
20 Jul 09
There are only two seasons in my part of California (and I say my part, just because there are 4 seasons in other parts of Cali). There's the rainy season and the not-rainy season. The rainy season usually last for 4 days. Hahahaha - I'm exaggerating. It doesn't rain that much - heck, it's not even rain sometimes (it's just drizzle) yet we call it rain!
Though typically, around this time of year, it doesn't get any hotter than 75. However, lately (this past couple of days) it's been around the 80s. I know that's not hot for other people - but for my part of Cali it is because it doesn't get THAT hot around here.
My favorite season? Hmmmmm. I have two choices - I like 'em both. I guess I don't have a favorite.
Though I do wanna live in a place with 4 seasons - just with minimal snow though. I'm not much of a cold person. Nor am I a hot-weather person either. *shrugs* I don't know. I'm starting to confuse myself.
@maverick_tarun (52)
• India
20 Jul 09
My fav season is rainy n summer.Rainy coz i like playin foot ball in rain n love 2 have smokes in rainy seasons...summer coz it is the season for mangoes n i love eating them...
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I agree, I am in NY and wish it would stay like this all summer! I am on Long
Island as besides the AC what we do to escape the heat is drive doen to the beach and walk on the boardwalk.
My son and his first wife were stationed in Germany, Oberersal to be exact.We went there the summer of 92, and they had a heat wave the whole time we were there.
It was about 98 degrees, and as you know not alot of AC over there. We took a boat trip dpwn the Rhine thinking it would cool us off ( and to see the scenery) but it was like blowing hot air at us. We did cool off up in the mountains when we went to see the castles of Ludwig.
@celebratelifeh (1142)
• China
20 Jul 09
to me this summer can't be called perfect i'm afraid. there are lots skeeter on the night since we moved the house to the foot of this mountain. the weather is hot and we only had one swimming still. my online earning did not increase as good as i expected to and i wish i can earn more on the coming days.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
20 Jul 09
It's nice to hear that people in other parts of the country are having a good summer LOL.....Up here in Maine we have had nothing but rain! I think they said on the news that out of the thirty days in the month of June, 23 of them were rainy! July didn't start out much better either. This past week has really been the first week we have had all season with decent weather, because we have only been gtting rain at night! It has really put a damper on all the wonderufl outdoor activities that maine has to offer in the summer.
As for the other part, Fall is my favorite season. I like the nice, comfortable tmperatures during the day..the beauty of the leaves as they change colors, and the cooler nights.
@rakeshsaha82 (27)
• India
20 Jul 09
yes friend vacation is the most relaible things for the person who want to go to take a perfect relaxation apart from thier busy shedules..
In my favorite season is winter season,