Should I choose the rich guy or the poor guy??

Just good friends - yes thats me and my good mate...
July 19, 2009 3:29pm CST
Ok another one of my life stories that I thought will interest you.. if it doesn't ah well no worries.. Anyway for the last couple of months I have got to know to very dear guys who are just adorable, wonderful gentlemen with great sense of humor, active, passionate and well all the good stuff. Trouble is they have both fallen for me and they have both proposed to me and now I don't know what to tell them or who to choose. The first guy is in a financial crisis whose just been made redundant at his job. The second guy is a very wealthy chap who owns several business and is also a financial broker. I met the poor guy first and I've known him for over two years and we've shared a wonderful friendship. The rich guy I've known now for about 7 months and we are also good friends. They are both respectable gentlemen who are very sweet and have good hearts. Oh they are both attractive blokes physically, the poor guy is older than the rich guy. I like both these guys and i have fun whenever i'm with them. I'm not dating them at the minute as we are just friends but now both of them want a relationship with me and I've declined both of them but both of them have left the option open for me in case I change my mind. So I'm thinking if I did change my mind which one would I choose? Which one would you choose if it were you?
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26 responses
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
19 Jul 09
There is a saying that it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is poor man. Obviously the "poor" guy is going through some tough times. So, I would wonder if this is going to affect the relationship. It's definitely going to put stress and pressure on him. Is that something you want to enter your life. The other thing you have to consider, is, if you leave the money thing out of it, is there one guy that you prefer over the other. But, you should make a decision and not leave these men hanging. If you put this off for too long, you might find that they have both moved on.
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@urbandekay (18278)
20 Jul 09
The poor guy is going through tough times and is still likeable and a gentleman. Ask yourself how will the rich guy be in such tough times? all the best urban
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@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
20 Jul 09
I really can't say which one you should choose because I know nothing about these guys. I haven't met or talked to either of them. All I can say is that your decision shouldn't be based on which is poor or which is rich. By phrasing your question in that way, you seem to imply that the amount of money they have is a big factor in making the decision. It shouldn't be.
@rlaknar (616)
• India
20 Jul 09
I choose the one who i think suit for me.I will be really in a great confusion when i am in your position. But certainly i will not choose the one based on richness.I choose based on match with me if i am in your position.Good Luck!!
• Australia
1 Aug 09
What a question! Short answer: If you have to ask, you already know the answer. Long answer: What do you offer them? You only seem to be able to see the superficialities and the things that they offer YOU, such as money, age, attractiveness, and fun. Do you really know either of them? Do they really know you? You've already made the decision intuitively anyway by turning them both down.
• Australia
1 Aug 09
What a question! Short Answer: If you have to ask, you already know the answer. Long Answer: What do you offer them? You only seem to be able to see the superficialities and the things that they offer you, such as money, age, attractiveness, and fun. Do you really know either of them? Do they really know you? You've already made the decision intuitively anyway by turning them both down.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
20 Jul 09
The choice should have nothing to do with the money either of them have. It should have to do with love. If you dont love either of them maybe you should tell them both you are open to dating (letting both know that you are dating the other too) and go from there. I dont think that as of now you are in love with either and to rush into anything would be a downfall for all of you. Move slow, date and get to know them. In my opinion you dont know them enough if there is nothing that distinguishes the one from the other. I do have to say thou, the poor one is still a gentleman and is used to not having things his way and still is a gentleman .. question is how would the rich one treat you or act if he was to lose it all tomorrow?
• India
20 Jul 09
Oh .. I Should Have Met you 8 years Back .. That Guy would Have Been Me .. Oh No .. If you were in front Of Me I Could Have Got the answer Out .. But We are so Far Away .. Let Me Try .. Does The Rich guy gift you a Lot of Stuff .. Does The Poor Guy Care For you More .. Sit .. Think .. Relax Lying Down In a Comfortable Position And Visualize If You Can Be Happy With Both of Them .. Weigh Their Plus Points and Minus Points .. See Who is More Suitable For You .. You Are the Best Person To Choose .. Wish You all The Best .. Don't think too Much, Come to A Decision .. It will Be the Best Decision .. I Guarantee ..
• Malaysia
20 Jul 09
Well, jellymonty.. I would say, date both first.. but let them know you are openly dating, it's nothing serious yet.. Slowly get to know them.. and have fun... Then whomever you develop further feelings for, you can consider in getting more serious with.. If both of them are not working out for you.. It's time to move on.. find someone else, that is, if you're looking for a relationship.. To me, money, looks, does not matter in a relationship. It's the character, how the person makes you feel, how you feel about the person.. that matters, the qualities of that person that shine and how you feel about them is the one that would last at the end of the day.. money can be lost, and looks will fade.. the one that doesn't fade away, is the character.. :)
• Malaysia
20 Jul 09
This is a really difficult choice. There are some unexpectations in the future. My advice to you is that make sure you know the guy's personality and background very well before you choose. This will affect your entire life's happiness. All the best to you! Hope you get a Mr.Right.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Who do you think is the most sincere, the one who truly loves you, who would be patient enough, who would be a responsible family man and who gets along well with your family and who has faith in God.
@candy2306 (576)
• India
20 Jul 09
Do you haev a stable job? Are you earning well or own a house? Moneyis also important in life so you got to be stable before you make any decision. Then, I think you should go out with the guy who reminds you more about happy times! Just count who you're thinking alot then compare the number!
• United States
20 Jul 09
I think 1 if it comes down to money as an issue then neither is right for you. When the right person for you is in the picture money, looks, all of that really doesn't matter and you will know he is the right one with out second guessing yourself at all.
@suchi60 (912)
• India
20 Jul 09
Lets face it! The guy with the money has other options to fall back on if he loses you, but the poor guy is the real prince charming, if you ask me. The reason is that despite his financial difficulties, he shows an inclination to lift your spirit and through this, forget his worries too. This shows very clearly that he is a man of ethics and values your association very much. He may be poor today, but who knows, he could, with your association, become a wealthy man tomorrow. Also the fact that he does his best to keep you happy truly shows his intentions to look after you well. Go for him. I think it will be a wise decision.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Jul 09
don't even think about the money part of it ...that can change in a day. The rich guy could be poor tomorrow the way things are these don't base your choice on that. Base it on who you are the most comfortable with and who you have the most in common with. or date them both and see who you feel the most drawn to.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
20 Jul 09
Follow your heart.. Which one do you feel comfortable hanging out with and the one that makes you laugh the most. Try going out on a romantic date or just hanging out at the beach, going to the mall and try doing normal stuffs. See with whom you can really get along with on a personal and deeper level. That is the person that you should choose. Remember, no matter what people say, only you have the answer to your heart.. Choose wisely.. PS: By the way, the picture you have here is the 'poor' or the 'rich' guy..?
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Let you heart decides first then finally decides with your mind. i think in any relationship to be stable both partner should be emotional and financially stable. To secure your future and your children, for being practical, you should choose the second guy. But, as you mention you barely know much about him. he may change his mind asides from that having a lot of money can buy anything including women. if you marry him decides to accept your destiny you can never be his priority. If you like as a second peddler. However, older men are less womanizer and into serious relationship than younger guys. However he is financially down. If he change his life now and take an effort to find a decent job to rely on for financial support. Your love if is their chances will survive as successful partnership. Both have positive and negative factors. Finally, you should test between two guy if you are compatible with and know deeply each other. If you fail with another man and the other man is still loyal and waiting. Then, it is up for you to decides who will be your partner. Who you want to awake beside you till older days and still be happy with no regrets?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Are you sure that deep down you don't know the answer?? Both really equal???? OK! date both but tell both the entire story. True love will not like it but really can't let you go. If both stay, true love will outlast the other. If you let money determine the answer, you will not be happy in the end. True love really has nothing to do with money!!
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
20 Jul 09
DOnt choose either of them on the basis of their financial standings. Ask ur heart and it will provide u the right answer.Dont b ruled by ur brain. No two persons can be identical in every respects.
@phesaru (300)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
choose the one who loves you and can give you happiness in the future =D best luck with you girl =)