2012 A hoax? Then Why.....

July 19, 2009 3:37pm CST
I have a question for all of Mylotters, Some believe in the 2012 prophecies, others do not. My question is for those who do not believe. If the 2012 prophecy is a hoax, then why has EVRY ancient culture and every religion focused on this date so much? It is NOT just a Mayan prophecy, the Incas, aztecs, Egyptians, Hebrews, Sumerians, Indians, and even christian prophecies hing on this date. So if it is a hoax, why so many people separated by thousands of miles, oceans and time all agree on this time? Give reasons for why you do not believe. Thanks
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21 responses
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
20 Jul 09
freethinkingagent, so you are saying it would be pointless to buy Christmas presents that year? Since millions of Christians across the globe are wrong, and you are "right". Tell me, will santa come in 2012? I mean I am on a strict budget. I need to plan ahead!
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Me? Nasty? Ha! That's a new one! Believe what you want. Doesn't matter to me, but like many people do with the bible is pervert it and twist the scriptures around to fit their lifestyle and how they want to see it. The bible also warns Christians about astrology. Christians are not going to determine the end of the world by looking at the BIG DIPPER at night. That is put in to the hands of God. We are not here to figure out when the world will end. God knows and only he. You can twist the words of the bible to fit your ideas all you want to. The bible warns Christians of people like that too. Why don't you look that up!
21 Jul 09
I figured I would get that responce. Closed minded people always have a typical responce like that. Pervert the scriptures? No the church did that for me already.
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• Philippines
20 Jul 09
@benny128 (3615)
19 Jul 09
ok think to yourself when is 2012 its different in all countries just like the 2000 scares if 2012 is going to happen forget about cutting your emmissions and lets all really enjoy ourselves lol,
19 Jul 09
2012 is different in a few ways. Mainly because it will cause some serious events to happen when we cross the galactic equator. It will be like moving through a shooting gallery. So this is why I ask the question about 2012, despite the religious significance given by all the ancient religions, their is a scientific fact that this date corresponds to the galactic passing.
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19 Jul 09
At one time religion and science were one. Here is what I believe, We have people that lived over 8 thousand years ago warning us about this time. The fact is that the earth has passed through this plane many times. I do not think it is a religious prophecy more than it is a warning about what we will experience going through it. They can say this because it has happened before. In Fact if you closely examine any religion you will discover they all were based on astronomical movements, even Christianity. All prophecies have to do with astronomical events that are told as allegorical myths. The reason this is done is to remember the stories. Even the four horsemen of the apocalypse are again astrological in nature. These prophecies are what is going to happen, we only need to strip the religious context of them to see them for what they are, an astronomical almanac.
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@benny128 (3615)
19 Jul 09
ok so why do some religions go againist science ie evolution we all know evolution is here we still have the tail for when we were apes, we have an appendix for when we used to eat leaves and plants. Yet some religions believe we were made in the shape of god (not in the shape of an ape) and dispute the theory of evolution or even of the big bang. There is alot of unanswered questions, but one thing that is fact is that there is a lot of things happening in the universe we are insignificant my life your life in insignificant in the scale of the universe. So we will all die at one point the earth will die at some point but whether its in 2012 I think not. As we were all supposed to die in the year 2000 and even before then they were predicting astronomical events that were planet killers and we were all going the way of the dinosaurs. To my mind we are still here, though for how long that is unclear but just because somebody or religion says its 2012 then personally I would rather worry about getting on with my life than worrying about what may or may not happen.
• Germany
19 Jul 09
Whatever happens in 2012 .... for all of us should be the best to be prepared deep inside the hearts for the Lord's second coming every day. Effects of density in space and polarisation of the earth's magnetic field are simply beyond mankind's reach of influence. In the ancient prophecies I don't believe so much because there are many errors included by translation from those old languages. Who can say, that he read and understood Aztec, old Egyptian, Hebrew, Sumerian and Indian languages? How many mistakes came out already from translating Bible's Hebrew texts into Greek and Latin and later in modern languages? For me it is too much interpretation in those old texts to conclude on the same year from all of them.
• Germany
20 Jul 09
As you said, to have faith in others is the problem: Many of the ancient languages' words have several meanings. We as the readers depend on the translater's interpretation. I have seen this from Greek and Latin only when the Bible was translated. And it cause lots of discussions between theologists an in fact protestantism stems out of this root.
19 Jul 09
True, but Some of us can read Sumerian and the older Hebrew. As for Egyptian, well I can trust those translations, but I do have to have faith in those who decipher the north American languages as they were beyond my field of study. Of all of these the Sumerian of course is the oldest, and it was the original that all others adapted from.
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20 Jul 09
Yes in Sumerian some words can have up to 6 different meaning depending on the context of the sentence.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
20 Jul 09
There is nothing significant about 2012, than 3452 or 1956. The only thing significant about that date, is that people think there's something significant about that date. Not to seem condescending, but there have been dozens on dozens of supposed significant, or end-of-the-world dates in the past as far back as the 1940s. Each time nothing happens. As far back as 1844, the Seventh-Day Adventist believed Jesus was coming back, and on October 22nd, the entire congregation sit on a hill all night in the cold waiting for him. Nothing happened, and the church split up with many leaving the faith. As far as all these other faiths that supposedly point to 2012, it's not true. When people get it in there head that there is something magical about 2012, they tend to start looking for that number "hidden" in other texts. When you look hard enough, your mind starts seeing things that are not there. In short, they determined the answer and found evidence supporting what they already believed, the same as all the other magical dates in history. Specifically to Christianity, the Bible says very pointedly that "no one knows the date of my return". In other words the Bible specifically says there is no possible way to know when Jesus is coming back. As in none, natta, zero chance of having a clue when it will happen. So I don't know what "christian" group thinks they know what G-d specifically said they couldn't know, but it's bogus garbage. I am not saying there are no signs happening today that point to the second coming. There are some very clear signs that we are getting close to the end times. But there is still no possible way to even guess at a date.
20 Jul 09
Who mentioned the end of the world? But you are wrong that it is not a significant date. You need to read more about this, check out some sciantific articles and sites describing what SCIANCE says about this event.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I assume you mean Science. If you meant something else, please clarify. Ok... having looked up everything Science has to say about 2012, it will be right after 2011, and will be followed by 2013. It will be a Leap year. It will have no more significance than that. Crazy theories about some shift in the magnetic polls has been happening for as long as we have been able to detect the shift with scientific equipment. Further, the shift could continue for 5 year, 20 years, 100 year or 1,000 years. In short it will have nothing to do with the year 2012. Other theories the it means Earth will be lined up with some mystical magical plane of existence within the universe, are simply scams. There is no evidence the Earth will lined up with anything except nutty people who think 2012 is an important date. As for who mentioned end of the world, most religions have some theory that the world will come to an end at some point in time. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and any number of cults. In the case of Mayan belief, they really didn't have any beliefs except that something "spiritual" would happen when their Calendar ran out. Of course people having been saying something "spiritual" will happen for years.
@kaykaygee (117)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I was just wondering something like this. There's a movie coming out about the end of the world called 2012 now. Haha. But I think the reason I don't believe it will actually happen is because I don't want it to. I'm still very young, and even by then, I'll only be 22. I have a lot to accomplish in my life still, a lot of goals I've made for myself. I don't want to think it's all pointless.
20 Jul 09
Well I never said it was the end of the world. But there is scientific papers on the crossing of the galactic equator.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Interesting. Since life is short, and eternity is forever, wouldn't you be concerned that what you do matters for eternity, regardless of when the end comes? Whether the world has one more year, or 20 more years, or 100 more years, none of us knows how many days we have left. I could die tomorrow in a car crash. So should not our goals be for eternity anyway?
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@phildozer (284)
• United States
25 Jul 09
The ancient peoples have often surprised us with what they can do, the pyramids Stonehenge, and every day we find that they werent just a bunch of neanderthals huddled around a fire, they were in fact great civilizations. Sure, they seemed to have gotten quite a few astronomical events right, but where exactly do you see the any of them predicting the end of time being 2012? no where. they stopped predicting cosmic events at 2012, after they predicted us passing the center of the galaxy. They have no more ability to forsee the future more than you or I, they couldn't even predict the downfall or their own civilization. They were, for all intensive purposes, just good astrologers. Once you show me clear evidence of some mayan tablet that says, "omg world ends in 2012" or when Jesus says "dudes, 2012 you guys are toast". The fact is that our scientists know soooo much more that these guys ever could, our scientists would know if some sort of cosmic event could destroy our world, because scientists have empirical proof, not just hearsay and speculation
25 Jul 09
first of all nobody is saying end of the world. And secondly science just now in this century finding out that many of what the ancients said is true. And the ancients did it without telescopes. As for science saying anything about the "end of the world" no but they have said PLENTY about the crossing of the galactic plain. There are many books and white papers written by scientist and astrophysicist on this mater. and for Jesus again, he never said the end of the world, he said end of the age. He couldn't have said "HEY DUDE! " any clearer than that, and the fact is that are age ends sometime around or beginning in 2012. As for the Mayans, they were not into prophecies. They were astronomers, they were about keeping records of our trek around the galaxy, 2012 to them was not an end though many of their codex warned of many catastrophes happening when we complete the cycle of a great year. And it is not guessing or prophecy to them it is merely recording for the future what has happened before in the past 26,000 years ago, and lastly it wouldn't be the neanderthals, it would be the cro magnon man before the neolithic period. And the reason why nothing is mentioned afterwards is because the cycle will repeat itself, it is the end and a new beginning.
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• United States
25 Jul 09
well then were in agreement. nothing of significance will happen in 2012.
• Thailand
20 Jul 09
When and if you can show any prophecies that were not based on the obvious outcome of existing events or were not claimed to have come true by a twisting of facts, the you can start to make a case. The 2012 thing is one more case of internet hysteria.
21 Jul 09
Internet hysteria? I thought you were well more read than that. The Sumerians wrote about this over 6000 years ago as did the Egyptians, Hebrews, Babylonians, Greeks Romans, not to mention all the south American indians. I am not talking about the end of the world here, but some very bad things that will happen when we cross the galactic equator. there are many sciantific papers by very well know astronomers that warn about this. Take this into account of possibly meeting up with our suns companion and the scenario worsens. This has happened before, it is about to happen again. The ancient writings (prophecies) are only a warning of an astronomical event that the ancients were able to with extraordinary ability able to predict the crossing of our solar system through the densest part of our galaxy, aligning direct center. the gravitational pulls will be greater and a real GLOBAL WARMING will happen. I am not talking hocus pocus mubo jumbo Nostradamus here. It is scientific fact that on this date we align direct center.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Jul 09
As with most ancient calendars (or even ours) they were based off of astronomical alignments. Its not the end its just tilting the hour glass over. A reset of the clock. Does the end of the world come when midnight strikes? No. Whats truly amazing is how these ancient cultures so clearly understood the solar system and the Galaxy. It makes you wonder if they were influenced by outsiders or if humanity wasn't more advanced in the distant past than we previously thought.
20 Jul 09
True, I never said it was the end, but it will be a time of "great clensing", I believe.
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@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
20 Jul 09
13th zodiac sign, sunspots, changing polar fields, drastic changes in the environment and so forth. It happened in the past and it will happen again when we go through the alignment. The earth will not be destroyed just given a massive facelift and man with either survive or go the way of the dinosaurs. The planet has been giving us signs for sometime now that something is happening but we are like ostriches and stick our heads in the sand and pretend that the environment is not changing all around us. Even the bible and other cultures warn of the coming tribulations of the seas turning to blood (red algea), drought, starvation, crop failure, disease, ect. It warns of poisoned waters, food shortages, drought, insects, diseases, intense heat and scarce shelter.
20 Jul 09
Exactly my point. I do not say it is the end, but a time of many catastrophes. It has happened before as you have said, it will happen again. Thanks.
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• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Nobody can truly predict when it's all going to end. It's been done before and we're still here. Life just goes on and on and on.
20 Jul 09
First of all, its not going to end. And yes many have tried to predict, they have however over looked the time table the bible has given along with the same time table that has been in existence for some 8000 years.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Jul 09
The entire world agreed it was the end when Y2K would get here. I'm still waiting for the end of the world. People have been preaching end of the world since the beginning of time. Scientists have not come up with anything other than global warming. If things got really bad, we all would be scared enough to walk to where we want to go instead of drive.
• Philippines
21 Jul 09
We should be doing terraforming on other planets by now. We should already have a new planet to inhabit. Space will be our new frontier. Otherwise, it's the end for the human race.
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
this 2012 really freaks the hell out of me...but for me i wont believe it unless nibiru is visible...hehehehe...this really scary...no one ever know if this is going to happen or not...even those who work on nasa dont really know what will happen they are all depending on their observations...we'll just see what will happen...
20 Jul 09
Funny you bring up Nibiru, "The Planet of the passing", Let me make my Hypnotises on this one. Stitching has it completely WRONG!. But not to far off. The fact is that the earth does bob up and down through the galactic plain on a regular cycle. The passing is not the planet crossing our system to speak, but the passing is when our solar system passes though the galactic plain, so this planet of the passing may in fact be a planet we encounter in the galactic plain that is on a similar plain as ours that is captured between our sun and Orion which would explain its 3600 year appearance.
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• Philippines
20 Jul 09
First, 2000 where technology would be gone after that year. a lot of people had investment so much on technology protection, and when they realize that it was nothing but a junk, then they stop believing in it.a lot of old civilizations explain the 2012 scenario. one that i used to believe is that a 10th planet named Nibiru is going re enter the Solar System and it's radiative cataclysmic thunder with our sun could destroy us. but you know, why bother with these. if there's one race that would destroy earth is us. Look at pollution,overpopulation and Global Warming. weather is changing rapidly because of our relentless use of resources. I don't believe it, but i believe that if earth's nature is going to be destroyed, it will because we didn't care much on mother nature.
21 Jul 09
As for Nibiru, that is for another post. But as for 2012, there are many sciantific papers about this even when our solar system crosses the galactic equator, the densest part of the galaxy and what scientist believe what will happen. I don't say it will be the end of the world, but the scientist say we will have higher oceans, global warming a possible polar shift and then the dangers of rouge asteroids and comets when we enter this area. The ancients wrote about these things simply because it happened before, and it would happen again. They calculated these time with great accuracy. the problem is, we always try to make some other sense of them but they were written as allegory using the starts, so we must decipher them using the stars.
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@levanueb (132)
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
As a Christian I hold on to my beliefs and that all prophecies written in the Bible is true...
23 Jul 09
Then you (if you understood the biblical prophecies) would also be looking at 2012.
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• India
26 Jul 09
Only yesterday, a Muslim friend of mine was asking me about this prophecies. Till that time I have not heard about this, and today just as I was browsing, I came across this discussion. I do not believe in such prophecies, and I think it is a eloborate hoax done by all religions to keep their flock together and to increase their presence in Churches, Mosques or Tempels. As far as I am concerned, I am ready to die even today, but there are people, who love to have a long life, and stay for more than hundred years, these people will be the first to go to place of worship and pray that they do not die in 2012. Evem in 2013, we will be having these kind of discussions.
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Hoax, no, I don't think its a hoax, but I won't believe its real until it happens. That's just the way I am. Never really was good at that kind of thing and after being told for about 3 years that our office was going to move, I have gotten even more disbelieving - or as I tell people, I don't believe it until they bring the boxes.
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I belive that in 2012 there will be a big change, but it will not be the end of the world. earth started changing it's frequency (every object in this world produces a sertain vibraton) in 1987 and it is belived that by 2012 the frequency will be done changing and earth will remain releasing fequency of 15hz. this frequency effects all those who want to benefit from others, so once earth is done changing all those who are trying to make their living of of good people will not be able to do it anymore. it is belived that this is earth's responce to protect itself from being destroyed. this will in fact end the world as we know it, but it will not be the end of the world because those who are good will not be effected in any way other then positive. this is at least the information that i found and since vibrations of earth did change over the past 12 years it is very likely to be true, but who knows?
• Brunei Darussalam
20 Jul 09
I strongly against to believe the 2012 prophecies. Anything may happen in this world but its DATELESS. No one can have exact date, day, place,event to be. Its GOD will to choose without opting the human, nature, animals. Like Tsunami 2004, no one even the scientist, expertise has a glimpse idea of it.
@jb78000 (15139)
19 Jul 09
have a good look at this and then come back, free thinker. jb
19 Jul 09
Are you trying to send me to a website? the link is not good.
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• India
20 Jul 09
i m believe the world will become an end in 2012