You Suck, how do you feel

@megaplaza (1441)
July 19, 2009 3:59pm CST
Someone said to me that he feels better when a superior tells him that he sucks. Personally, i get motivation from that, when you tell me that i suck i will want to prove that i don't but in a positive way. Besides, what makes you think that someone sucks?
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4 responses
• United States
19 Jul 09
I guess people think other people suck when they know they can do better or that they want the person to try to do better. I mean I dont think I would use the word suck to tell someone that they did suck at something. I would use a word that is less hurtful and make it seem like Im giving constructive criticism not like Im attacking the person. I like it when people point out my faults so I can fix them or get better. I appreciate peoples honesty so I wont get mad when someone tells me this.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I agree.. Saying someone sucks is mean not a good remark. I wouldn't like someone saying I suck at something. When I know I'm not good at something I just say this isn't my thing. lol.. However doesn't mean I can't be good at it. =] If someone isn't good at something doesn't mean they suck they just need practice and I'm sure everyone has heard of Practice makes perfect. =]
@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
19 Jul 09
I might feel bad if some tells me that i suck or points out my fault in a public gathering, but i will take corrections. I do tell people that they suck, but only those that are really close to me. I do it jokingly.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Yeah it's funny and okay when you do with your friends and joking around with them I do that now and then but we just laugh about it haha..
@kafrosGR (138)
• Greece
20 Jul 09
Well the way he is thinkin. what he is trying to get out of this, is not to encourage him self that he is superior or anything. keeping your self down believeing that you are just nothing is a great thing so you wont feel awesome. it just matters if it just doesn't take you down
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@payout (3794)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Well I was told this haha.. thats 99% of life is what you make of it so if life sucks then that means you suck. If life is boring then that means you are boring. Life is what you make and if a person thinks they suck then maybe there life sucks as well. Hey if someone else says they suck then you can't let them make that judgment for you. It's not even good to judge yourself so what gives anyone the right to judge someone and say they suck. Because of there actions or there past. =] take care =]
@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
19 Jul 09
Well sad, but we have at one time or another judge people. It's just that shameful part of humans.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
19 Jul 09
Yeah thats just how people are nothing we can do.. =[
@payout (3794)
• United States
25 Jul 09
=] Thanks for the Best response.. =]
@abenitez (501)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I agree with you. It is not a nice thing to say to people, but I use negative remarks as motivation. I love when people hate, and when they doubt me. It makes me want to prove them wrong even more.
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